Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Paul Krugman claims, "You may dislike Hillary Clinton [irrelevant], you may disagree sharply with her policies [irrelevant], but she and the people around her do know their facts [false]."

Here is Clinton's platform. Most of it is unsupported by evidence, that is, not facts.

This year's federal election, like every federal election for over half a century, will be a battle of wrong versus wronger.

Donald Trump is fooling us. He is already backtracking. His presidency would be a mixture of egoism, neoconservatism, and destructive unpredictability.

If you want to know your real values, look at your receipts. If you want to know what politicians think, follow the money and look at who they meet with in private. Any politician who meets in private with Sheldon Adelson should be avoided.

These people have track records, and the track records are despicable.

The alternative right is taking a huge risk in supporting Trump. Trump will produce terrible results. And the establishments will gleefully bash the alternative right for Trump's failings. At best, Trump is beneficial as a candidate for shifting the Overton Window. As an actual politician, Trump will shift the Overton Window in the wrong direction.

Considering the disastrous bait-and-switch, divide-and-rule records of desperate solution rulers over the past century, you'd think the alternative right would be more careful about picking politicians, not falling for an egoism promising relief from establishment totalitarianism.

The time is not ripe in America. Let the establishments screw up some more. Let's form our own alternative villages. Maybe the American Freedom Party or some other party will find some decent candidates in the future. If not, the alternative villages can attract others by setting shining examples, growing into shining cities.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Genetic and Environmental Determinism Seldom Exist

Despite the straw person attacks, few strict followers of genetic or environmental determinism exist. Ethnoracial fact facers mostly care both about genes and the malign environmental influences of cultural Marxism.

Multiculturalists care about genetic issues related to health and trivial traits. Anti-genetic fanaticism pours out of multiculturalists mainly when someone starts making well-reasoned arguments about behavioral genetics.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Third Wayism Versus Contemporary Progressivism: a Guide for the Suplexed

When comparing the similarities and differences among Third Wayisms (Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, Steve Israel, John Kerry, Robert Rubin, Angela Merkel, Haim Saban, David Axelrod) and Contemporary Progressivisms (Bernie Sanders, Cornel West, Tim Wise, Raúl Grijalva, Al Sharpton, Keith Ellison) I will rely on the record of past behaviors, not the falsehoods in platforms.

Third Wayism: tolerates or stealthily supports neoconservatism.
Contemporary Progressivism: opposes neoconservatism, except the cultural Marxism in neoconservatism.

Third Wayism: tolerates almost no dissent on cultural and ethnoracial issues, immune to well-reasoned ethnoracial arguments.
Contemporary Progressivism: same.

Third Wayism: supports Wall Street.
Contemporary Progressivism: opposes Wall Street but sometimes in hamfisted ways.

Third Wayism: supports legalized bribery.
Contemporary Progressivism: opposes legalized bribery, except when good for the cause.

Third Wayism: supports militarism against Infidels, Northern Eurasians, and opponents of Sunni Gulf States.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports militarism against Infidels and Northern Eurasians.

Third Wayism: supports cash-for-clunkers, cap-and-trade, and other pro-rich schemes on environmental issues.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports bans, personal responsibility, government investments, or rarely, Pigouvian taxes on environmental issues.

Third Wayism: supports rule by an unaccountable, global ruling class.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports rule by a different unaccountable, global ruling class.

Third Wayism: pretends to support democracy.
Contemporary Progressivism: same.

Third Wayism: supports dysgenic mass destruction.
Contemporary Progressivism: same.

Third Wayism: supports small increases in the minimum wage during election years, which if passed, are eroded by inflation.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports $15 per hour minimum wage, welfare for any applicant, universal childcare funding, paid family leave, and paid vacations.

Third Wayism: supports small increases in taxes.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports large tax increases on the wealthy.

Third Wayism: pro-austerity and pro-quantitative easing.
Contemporary Progressivism: anti-austerity.

Third Wayism: ridicules straw person opponents to promote own thoughts of superiority.
Contemporary Progressivism: same.

Third Wayism: encourages individuals to attend colleges and acquire debts while being indoctrinated.
Contemporary Progressivism: free public college indoctrination, plus tuition debt jubilee.

Third Wayism: uses trade agreements to support global rule and redistribution to the top.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports fair trade.

Third Wayism: supports stealth affirmative action quotas more than explicit quotas.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports explicit and de facto affirmative actions quotas.

Third Wayism: supports genocide of whites.
Contemporary Progressivism: same.

Third Wayism: supports tokenistic infrastructure projects.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports large increases in infrastructure spending, often misspending.

Third Wayism: supports public sector unions.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports most unions.

Third Wayism: supports the Affordable Care Act.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports Medicare for all or a Canadian style health system.

Third Wayism: supports freedom of association, except for whites and any other perceived enemies.
Contemporary Progressivism: same.

Third Wayism: supports stealth opening of borders in white majority countries.
Contemporary Progressivism: supports explicit open borders in white majority countries.

How do you pay for the above with billions of aggressive, low productivity welfare and affirmative action seeking migrants and their descendants?

Genocidal Contradictions

Multiculturalists claim to oppose cultural and genetic genocide. Yet the peoples most at risk of cultural or genetic genocides or are the peoples multiculturalists and their allies actively try to genocide--whites, Copts, Mandeans, Tibetans, Yezidis, etc.

The peoples least at risk of genocide--Jews, Africans, Hispanics, Muslim Arabs, and many Asians--are the protected peoples and the peoples working hardest to genocide whites.

As on most ethnoracial other issues, multiculturalists' beliefs about genocide are riddled with despicable self-contradictions. And I doubt most multiculturalists have the genetic and cultural wherewithal to notice or fix their wrongs. Their causes matter more to them than noticing or fixing contradictions.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Missing Truths

Most multiculturalists tell the truth most of the time. The problem is that their truths are irrelevant or otherwise fallacious, including straw person attacks, especially errors of omission. Other irrelevancies include appeals to origins, novelty, popularity, momentum, and most ad hominem attacks.

Some reasoning errors result from historical causal factors. A causal factor is a factor that changes the probability of thing(s) occurring. The legacy of slavery is a causal factor. It increased probabilities of various African-American behaviors, mainly because without slavery most African-Americans would not be in America. But the legacy of slavery is seldom an ethically important causal factor today. Nearly all of it cannot be undone. A big current legacy of slavery is unethical white guilt, not the sort of legacy multiculturalists mention.

On another side, manorial feudalism was a causal factor. But manorial feudalism cannot be undone and manorial feudalism is not coming back. Manorial feudalism is ethically unimportant now.

Multitudes of currently unimportant factors changed history. Everything from super volcanos to the acts of powerful individuals. In general, historical causal factors are seldom ethically important today, except when used in studies to make prescriptions, explain current actions, and predict future actions.

Other historical factors, the MAOA gene variants, for example, are with us today and their frequencies can and should be changed. They are very, very important.

In addition to irrelevancies, the other major category of "true fallacy," is the small sample fallacy. Mass media and cultural Marxian wars against whites sometimes rely on small sample fallacies, often cases of police attacks on African-Americans. But nonmulticulturalists know the reality that African-Americans are dozens of times more likely to commit stranger-on-stranger, interracial assaults. And those assaults will rise exponentially as whites become weaker and less numerous, with massive support from Muslims, Asians, and Hispanics.

In mass media and cultural Marxism:
1. It's true that small sample fallacy X happened.
2. Therefore white guilt and holy war against whites.
3. Mass destruction and anti-white genocide.
4. Profit.

Every establishment political ideology is cover for rent seeking.

Other types of true fallacies include circular claims, misleading stats, and unrepresentative sampling.

Sometimes multiculturalists make good points, but then try to use the good points to support atrocious conclusions, often because they know almost nothing about alternative prescriptions. No matter the situation, they see more establishmentism and cultural Marxism as solutions. The fixation on prescribing more wrongs as solutions is a feature of all types of totalitarianism. Their straw person attacks also often result from the fact they know almost nothing about the alternative right and other political alternatives.

When multiculturalists make outright false claims, multiculturalists still think they are telling the truth, primarily because humans tend to believe the truth is what they hear first and most often. And multiculturalists dominate nearly all the mass media. Groupthink, avoidance of ostracization, and absence of cognitive dissonance add to the likelihoods of telling falsehoods.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gene Genie: Don't Let Yourself Go

Let's imagine person X with the world's best genes for ethical character. Person X shares 99.5 percent of her genes with person Y and 99 percent of her genes with person Z. But X shares nearly all her best character genes with Z while Y has two mutations that have a high probability of causing major evils.

By ethical character, I do not mean individuals prone to misplaced altruism and establishment respectable egoism. I do not mean those the mass media worship. I mean someone who reasons well and acts on well-reasoned ethical conclusions.

Person X would be right to help Z reproduce, before helping Y reproduce, though she shares more genes with Y, all else being equal. Genes for earlobes and other non-moral traits should not matter to us, except when they affect health. In short, we should care most about health and character related genes when making reproductive decisions, not overall genetic similarity of junk genes and other unimportant genes.

If high IQs make individuals more ethical, then we should support IQ eugenics for ethical reasons. If it is someday proven that genotypic IQs above 150 cause sufficient harms or insufficient benefits, then we should reduce the birth rates of above 150 IQ individuals.

Some individuals might select for genes related to beauty and other traits, but there is no moral imperative for doing so. In many cases, selection for non-moral traits could lead to mutually destructive status competitions, for example, producing millions of extra tall athletes, having health problems, competing for a handful of professional sports jobs.

We would be more right to help some peaceful cetaceans than nonwhites waging demographic and other unconventional wars against whites, though we share more genes with nonwhites than cetaceans.

The above is not an argument for whites to breed with nonwhites. Why? Biracial children have more health and behavior problems. Mixed race children adopt the dominant culture of anti-white bigotry. Mixed race children cause massive harms to their white parents and whites in general. They often make a white parent's life living hell. They're not bundles of joy when they become teenagers. Biracial children do not respect the difficult task of improving Western Civilization. Every land dominated by biracial individuals is or was a divide-and-rule disaster. Parents are more cruel to mixed race children once the warm, fuzzy multicultural superiority feelings wear off. Parents care about children in proportion to how closely related the children are to the parents. Mixed race children, having black fathers, are born out of wedlock and abandoned by their fathers overwhelmingly often.

And it is no argument for nonwhite immigration, since almost all conscious, nonwhite adults support anti-white totalitarianism, plus multiracial states are almost always long-term disasters.

White women can almost always find a healthy, higher character white man or sperm sample to breed with if they make an honest effort to do so. White men without decent white women should not breed in Western countries or should do so by sperm donation. In most cases, the problem is lack of effort. Most whites who make an good effort to interact with thousands of other whites, and ask many whites on dates, will find decent to excellent spouses.

What about rights? A legal right to miscegenation exists in many countries. That does not make it a moral right. No moral right to cause self and others undeserved harms exists. A key point about well-reasoned moral claims is that they override other claims. For example, saving a good life overrides the right to make a good painting.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Status and Cultural Marxism

More than the political system is threatened by inconvenient facts. Most respected individuals in contemporary societies have been exposed for engaging in evils and unmitigated buffoonery. How do we not laugh at every establishment celebrity?

In the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, humans gained status by hundreds of methods, including:
  1. having expensive consumer junk.
  2. being athletic in team sports or at least cheering for the same teams as peers.
  3. being nonwhite.
  4. being cool.
  5. being famous.
  6. having a white collar job.
  7. having a degree from a prestigious university.
  8. practicing popular pedantry.
  9. practicing egoism mixed with xenocentrism if white ("virtue" signaling).
Alternative righters and other nonmulticulturalists threaten all nine on that list, status emperors with no moral clothes.

Alternative righters prefer prepping over consumer junk. Arbitrary sports teams don't matter much when your country is being conquered and subjugated by unconventional warfare. Nonmulticulturalists aren't fooled by assertions of noble savagery. Coolness is little more than banal shtick. Most white collar jobs are drudgery. Prestigious universities charge students massive sums to be indoctrinated. Establishment writings deserve derision. Xenocentrism is increasingly and correctly seen as vice, not virtue.

Almost any white adult tainted by unrepented cultural Marxism gets the low status treatment from the alternative right.

Establishmentism relies on the folk psychology of special people, cultivating the impression that establishment individuals are wiser and better than other humans. Unfortunately, for the establishments, nonmulticulturalists know quite a bit about psychology and philosophy, often more than psychologists, philosophers, and establishment writers, at least on the important issues.

In the 1960s and 1970s, baby boomers mocked traditional sources of status, but were co-opted for various reasons, including the fact that the fashionable utopian attempts were worse than establishment utopianism.

Nonmulticulturalists must channel rising skepticism about establishments into something better. We must not fall for those who sell out or pursue their own evils.

In part, opposition to cultural Marxism represents a partial return to acquiring status for moral actions. In some prior societies, you gained status by being a dedicated mother or father to several children. You gained status when each hand washed the other. You gained status for telling a larger portion of the truth. Even if you knew little about logic, you weren't easily distracted or intimidated by demonization from outgroups.

This is likely to return.

Multiculturalists are already apoplectic about the fact that their demonization tactics aren't working as well as they once did.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Marc Mezvinsky, Wall Street, and the Clintons

The hedge fund of Chelsea Clinton's husband, Marc Mezvinsky, collapsed after making a preposterous bet that Greece's economy would rebound in the face of grinding austerity.

The above suggests one of the following is likely:
  1. Bill or Hillary (or both) had information that Greece would get an adequate rescue, which reached Chelsea's husband, but the rescue fell apart. 
  2. Mezvinsky believes in the cleansing powers of austerity for reasons that have nothing to do with the Clintons. 
  3. Bill or Hillary (or both) believe in the cleansing powers of austerity, which they imparted to Chelsea's husband.
The Clintons are partners with Wall Street, the Peterson Institute, and other austerity supporting groups. Bill supported reckless budget surpluses and trade deficits in the 1990s, both increased private sector debts and bubbles via accounting identity, both are commonly supported by pro-bubble and pro-austerity forces. Bill also supported financial deregulation. In Kentucky, Hillary informed us: "My husband, who I’m going to put in charge of revitalising the economy, because you know he knows how to do it."

Now Hillary is even more psychologically in debt to Wall Street after seeing her Wall Street partners lose with her son-in-law. "I gave your son-in-law my money, and I didn't even get a t-shirt." Lloyd Blankfein doesn't invest money with a neophyte hedge fund for fun and games. The Clintons have a history of rewarding donors.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Introducing Alternatives to a Smart Individual

Let's imagine you know a bookish person starting to show doubts about her beloved cultural Marxism. Like most bookish individuals, she thinks she's open minded. She regards intellectual outgroups with kneejerk contempt while viewing herself as tolerant. She thinks she has most of the moral universe figured out.

But you and I know better than that. We know she believes based on manipulation. She is far from being who she thinks she is.

How should you go about introducing her to nonmulticulturalism? You don't want to scare her away with poorly reasoned rants. 

If she wants books, I would suggest The Nurture Assumption by Judith Rich Harris first, then Race, Evolution, and Behavior by JP Rushton, then Future Human Evolution by John Glad.

If her fanaticism hasn't yet overpowered her, and sent her fleeing, then I would introduce her to some edgier stuff: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald and Gregory Hood's upcoming book.

Maybe she prefers internet articles. I would start with the Judith Rich Harris homepage, then Cousin Marriage Conundrum by Steve Sailer. Most Americans despise the Iraq War by now, so she won't need to move her soul far. I'd continue with this book review, then some stuff by JP Rushton, plus Thomas Jackson's archives, then Gregory Hood's archives here and here, then Amren print archives, then some resources on secessions.

At some point, she might realize she has been told too many political lies via the mass media.

Let's hope that this realization motivates her. Let's hope she doesn't get bogged down in genetic infotainment. Let's hope she continues to move toward supporting ethnoracial self-determination.

It's time for her to grow.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Public Intellectuals

Greg Cochran devoted a post to naming "ideal" public intellectuals. Note that Cochran doesn't name anyone in his original post, which hints at what Cochran thinks of other public intellectuals. Many commenters nominated intellectuals having mediocre to atrocious writings. Only a few commenters named Cochran while others named intellectuals with inferior track records to Cochran.

I doubt Cochran was fishing for compliments, but the results should irk him.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Future We Make

The short, charitable version of the multicultural manifesto: all should be ethically judged on the content of their characters, nothing else.

We live a planet with more than three billion nonwhite adults. How many nonwhite adults oppose anti-white bigotry: Frank Salter, Jewamongyou, and some others, probably totalling fewer than 1,000. Even Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams act more multicultural than not.

Nearly all the remainder, no matter how kind they act on the surface, believe in freedom of association for nonwhites but not whites, migrant invasions of white nations but not nonwhite nations, blood guilt for whites but not nonwhites, and multitudes of other contradictory ideas, not to mention the piles of other fallacious rhetoric spouting from cultural Marxism.

So, apparently, nearly all nonwhites find it nearly impossible to treat whites as full humans. How can we have multiracial societies based on individuals being judged by the content of their characters when nearly all nonwhites refuse to do so? Why try to create said societies when nearly all nonwhites are genetically and culturally predisposed to poor character on ethnoracial issues?

Future genetic engineering might not help matters among nonwhites. Nonwhite parents will likely engineer their children for higher IQs, increased familism, and increased egoism. They don't want their children acting white.

The love and tolerance rhetoric has made almost no dent among nonwhites. Such rhetoric mostly makes whites more gullible and easier to exploit.

Nonwhites have made their own dysgenic and totalitarian choices. Let them suffer the consequences of their own choices. They will not reform themselves when whites keep rewarding them for evil actions. And whites will not reform themselves when they keep supporting multicultural, divide-and-screw rulers.

Millions of white children and future generations depend on the decisions we make now.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Two for Tea and Eugenics for Thee

All large societies have no fertility alternatives but to practice eugenics or dysgenics (or both), whether the societies realize it.

Some examples of hidden eugenics or dysgenics:
Pensions: a method for childfree, farsighted individuals to obtain care from others in old age while avoiding the costs of childrearing themselves. In the past, adult children provided for their elderly parents.

Seniority based pay: makes children more expensive for young individuals. Harmful mutations increase with age. Older parents pass on more harmful mutations. Female fertility plummets past age 28, affecting the total fertility rate of women postponing childbirth.

Welfare: rewards low IQ, low character individuals for having more children.

Migration: low IQ or low character (or both) nonwhites migrate to the West.

Reckless Wars: altruists often die on behalf of those genetically predisposed to egoism. The eugenic or dysgenic effects vary widely depending on who volunteers or gets drafted or makes the decisions.

Austerity: uncertainty, lower incomes, and postponement of childbirth.

Cultural Marxism: pressures whites to mate with low IQ, low character nonwhites, causes many other whites to see their own fertility as an impediment to a better world rather than as a solution for creating a better world.

Religion: contemporary religions spread dysgenic Sharia and cultural Marxian ideas.

Computers at prisons: online dating sites make it easier for prisoners to set up relationships that produce children after release or during conjugal visits.

Environmentalism: now dominated by cultural Marxism. Encourages whites to avoid childbirth while acting too feckless to oppose migration and population explosions by nonwhites.

Miseducation: status symbol college degrees create immense direct and opportunity costs, making families unaffordable, often creating debt peonage.

Finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE): huge direct and opportunity costs to society while making childbearing families less affordable.

Wrecked public schools: dysgenic breeding forces good parents to homeschool or send children to private schools, leaving parents having good genes with less money for additional children. Forces parents to labor and compete fiercely for spots in decent schools and neighborhoods having fewer neighbors of poor breeding. A vicious spiral.

Helicopter parenting: parents have fewer children while investing in destructive, economically expensive childrearing activities and status competitions.

Nurture assumptions: low IQ, low character, high self-esteem individuals think they can have and mold great offspring when a look at themselves and their relatives indicates bad news. Nurture assumptions cause children to blame their parents parenting instead of taking control of their own lives and their fertility.

Other: Randism, abortion, pathogens, hedonism, consumerism, birth control, health care, mass media, cultural fads, and so on.

"Idiocracy" results from anti-reason Marxian, liberal, libertarian, and neoconservative policies. Followers of such ideologies should blame themselves and their allies for the atrocious results they created.

Societies should avoid mass destruction by having dozens of explicitly eugenic policies, including:
  1. Federally funded sperm banks with sperm obtained from high IQ, high character teen boys and young men. 
  2. Payments for fertile, former special education students to obtain surgical sterilization.
  3. Mandatory surgical sterilization of fertile felons.
  4. Comprehensive, government funded sex, family, and eugenics education, including advertising warning potential parents that if they mate with bad individuals, they'll have bad children, who make their lives living hell.
  5. Inducements to marry young but after a six month waiting period.
  6. Dismantling cultural Marxism, stopping the spread of ghetto and Sharia values.
  7. Immigration bans.
  8. Legalized secessions.
  9. Laws encouraging and enforcing surrogate contracts. 
  10. More research funds for embryo selection and human genetic engineering.
  11. Laws enshrining freedom of association.
  12. Welfare and affirmative action bans.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Differing Nation

A couple generations ago, roughly 45 percent of U.S. white adults were Democrats and 30 percent were Republicans. By the 1960s, multiculturalists dominated both parties. Democrats claim whites should not have been fooled by the Republican Southern Strategy, the dog whistling from Republican politicians, combined with anti-white policies while pretending to be pro-white or racially neutral.

Both parties practiced the Cultural Marxism Strategy: rent seeking combined with anti-white practices. Whites voted against good interests with every major Western political party.

Let's imagine a world where that 45 to 30 voting pattern continued. Democrats would have a political monopoly. Not good. Political monopolies are even worse than duopolies. The power of cultural Marxism would be even greater, causing increasing multisclerosis. Political monopolies based on ethnoracial differences are much harder to overthrow.

Open borders would have arrived much sooner.

Nonwhites would vote overwhelmingly for Democrats for tribalistic reasons, the same as now.

The pattern of welfare recipients being better off than the working poor would have continued from the 1970s onward. There would be no welfare reforms. Welfare might be indexed to inflation. Incentives to work would be even less.

Schools, including colleges, would have even more social promotion. As in poor countries, tens of millions would have degrees in fields the graduates are incompetent in. Millions more would have unethical degrees in various anti-white studies. Public schools would be even greater indoctrination centers.

Martin Luther King's explicit quota systems would have been enacted. King believed the nonwhite percentage of employees in a business or government entity should equal or exceed the nonwhite percentage of the population. Groups with r strategies have more children, so their proportion of the total population would be greater than their proportion of the working age population. For example, a fast breeding group with eight percent of the total population, but six percent of the working age population, would demand eight percent of good jobs.

Nonwhites would be even more difficult to fire than they are today. Many would collect paychecks for doing little or nothing. Businesses would be forced to engage in bidding wars for incompetent nonwhite employees.

Filled with inept and lazy employees, manufacturing would be eliminated faster. The only major U.S. export industries would be agriculture and intellectual property. Trade deficits would be larger, leading to worse private sector debt bubbles or greater government deficits, which would be owned by explicit foreigners and the top one percent, who are de facto foreigners, seeking tax havens and other global rent seeking solutions.

Section 8 style programs would be near universal for nonwhites. There would be few white majority neighborhoods, even among the top one percent. Every public school would be ruined. Schools would be concentration day camps for white children. Few whites would be able to afford children. Those few whites would be forced to homeschool or send children to private schools. There would be even more social and political pressure on white females to breed with low IQ, low character nonwhites, who abandon white women and their mixed race children. But at least the mixed race children would have the advantage of fitting in with anti-white culture.


There would be more government and private sector commissarism, using coercion to get nonwealthy whites to labor on behalf of free riding others. The system would suck. Frustrated by the suckitude, multiculturalists would do what they normally do: demand more of the disease as a cure, blaming the mysterious powers of hidden white racism.

Practical freedom of speech might be nearly gone. Thousands, if not millions more, whites would be fired, fined, assaulted, imprisoned or ostracized for thought crimes. The one-sided dominance of multicultural mass media and other institutions makes matters worse than any explicit government bans on speech. At least, if free speech were banned, more whites might be willing to see the totalitarian face of cultural Marxism.

The situation would be worse than Puerto Rico, where the majority of adults rely on welfare, black markets, affirmative action, family remittances, and government make work.

Humans respond to incentives. Multiculturalism wrecks decent incentives.

Nonwhites seldom experience cognitive dissonance, including nonwhites of Southwest Asian descent, as millions of whites in Eastern Europe found out the hard, hard way. The anti-reason culture of cultural Marxism makes cognitive dissonance even less likely. Every conscious multiculturalist on the planet has thousands of contradictions rattling around in his or her head, contradictions they are unaware of or that they dismiss from their minds.

Nonwhites keep demanding more, regardless of the consequences.

In short, once you have a Western country dominated by political monopolies or oligopolies, mixed with anti-white totalitarianism, the result will be a long-term disaster or a short-term disaster either way. Ethical policy and genetic fixes go against the genetic and cultural preferences of powerful individuals.

A coalition of billionaires could have saved the U.S. by buying mass media and out bribing wealthy multiculturalists. That did not happen and seems unlikely now. Nearly all wealthy individuals are devoted to egoism, multiculturalism, and dark triad activities.

The Southern Strategy and the Cultural Marxism Strategy were both disastrous for whites and many nonwhites, with cultural Marxism being far worse. The Southern Strategy was simply one aspect of cultural Marxism.

The main way to hold formerly white multiracial states together or keep them from collapsing is by increasing totalitarianism. But no Lee Kuan Yew lesser totalitarianism is likely because whites are much easier to guilt trip than Chinese. Whites act more pusillanimous and are more prone to misplaced altruism.

Some might say that whites get what they deserve for cowardice. But fact facing whites don't deserve totalitarianism simply because anti-white whites support anti-white totalitarianism.

Much self-criticism has been directed within nonmulticultural circles about why nothing seems to work, no matter how totalitarian multiculturalists behave. If a nonmulticultural party starts to rise, all other parties coalesce against fact facers. If a nonmulticultural party threatens to become a majority, they will be banned, as happened in Belgium. After terror attacks, the main backlash is against critics of the system.

One problem is that humans are so easy to indoctrinate with schools and mass media that working within the system seems pointless, unless several billionaires decide to spend their fortunes on ethnoracial fact facing. Even if Jared Taylor or someone else writes the most perfect argument in human history, it will be unseen and unheard by most of the population. And even if multiculturalists read it, prior indoctrination will cause multiculturalists to reject the argument

No matter whether a white country has multiracial Randism, multiracial socialism, multiracial Neoconservatism or multiracial third wayism, the result will be totalitarianism and rent reeking. The greatest flaw of the New Deal was not welfare. The New Deal provided workfare far more than welfare. The greatest flaw of the New Deal was cultural Marxian infiltration.

Without help from the rich, whites must form alternative communities, especially living communities, not mere Internet communities. The communities will need religions or pretend to have religions, to prevent nonwhites from making specious housing discrimination claims. The religions would need boot camps, first, to weed out infiltrators and the lukewarm, second, because humans become more attached to groups after going through tough initiations. The boot camps should emphasize both schooling and physical activities. Even the racially aware have adopted bad habits from establishments. The boot camps should not be military style. They should not degenerate into mindless marching and indoctrination.

Whites should work for white homelands, whether the homelands include explicit or de facto secessions. Groups of eugenic, monoracial, reciprocal altruists will outcompete groups devoted to dysgenic, multicultural rent seeking as long as they don't allow psychological egoists (Hitler!) to take over and engage in aggression and other harmful activities.

The communities should be in rural areas, where the likelihood of surviving establishment caused nuclear wars and other establishment disasters are greater.

Friday, May 6, 2016

To Hell with Political Spectrums

Here is a google image search of various political spectrums.

The main thing they have in common is affinity for bullcrap. They distort and oversimplify. They use euphemisms for establishment totalitarianisms. They use dysphemisms for outsider beliefs. They omit beliefs based on accurate reasoning, limiting the range of thought. Some spectrums emphasize psychological categories rather than policy beliefs. They assist establishments in getting individuals in to join establishment teams rather than getting individuals to weigh the evidence on specific issues, leading individuals to think the are morally superior based on team faith, as if politics should be a ruthless sports contest.

To hell with them all.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Establishment Behavior

Predictable establishment behavior around the planet:

  1. If it serves perceived short-term selfishness, do it.
  2. If it is anti-white or anti-Infidel and does not contradict the above, do it.

De facto affirmative action seems to violate the above, but CEOs support affirmative action to avoid costly boycotts, lawsuits, and negative publicity. Plus, multicultural CEOs are inept, thinking human races interchangeable. And contemporary governments don't care whether their employees serve the public interest.

Most humans like to think themselves ethically superior, but establishments are very, very evil. To assert superiority, establishments grandstand on issues requiring almost no sacrifice by themselves. Or they blame victims of establishment evils. As an added bonus for establishments, these issues distract populations from the evils done by the establishments.

So now we live on a planet where every nuclear weapon is controlled by militaristic anti-white factions, mostly using nonconventional warfare. Even Putin and Chinese leaders are dedicated multiculturalists. The white fraction of the planet is under ten percent and falling. And establishments try to tell us that whites are at no risk for genocide.

Yeah, okay.

Jews fret about a new Holocaust, though Jews have an nuclear armed Israel and massive political power protecting them.

If a super war occurs, the mass media and the likes of Tim Wise will be front and center blaming "whiteness" and "nationalism," though the factions are anti-white and anti-nationalistic.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Why We Should Help Whites

We shouldn't help whites because of origins fallacy reasons (because they are our race or we share some genes). The origins fallacy is a type of irrelevancy.

Here are six examples of the origins fallacy: X is artificial. X is unnatural. Y is natural. Americans have not believed X for years. Y is the American way. X comes from the word for W.

We should help whites because:
  1. Whites suffer astronomical harms from nonwhites and cultural Marxism. Whites, like other conscious beings, have value in themselves, no matter whether we have Nobel Prizes or minimum wage jobs.
  2. Whites, despite their misplaced altruism and other serious flaws, are the most beneficial people on earth. Whites invented or spread nearly all of modern medicine, agriculture, and environmentalism. Billions of nonwhites owe their well-being to whites. Whites saved China from Japanese tyranny and from economic Marxism, yet the cultural Marxians running China deluge whites with anti-white bile. Yes, whites spread some rotten ideologies, but the track record of nonwhite ideologies is worse. Whites are important for continuing beneficial developments in science and technology. Nonwhites are more likely to produce junk science and other harmful results.
  3. The only way to protect the legitimate claims of white individuals is with white groups. Thanks to cultural Marxism, billions of nonwhites support the harm and destruction of white individuals and cultures. Whites acting solely as individuals have almost no chance against billions devoted to the destruction of whites.
  4. Love-and-compassion white multiculturalists have done little to fight anti-white bigotry, and it is almost certain they will not in the future. Instead, they blame the victims of their biocultural engineering schemes. 
  5. Harms from Muslims and nonwhites rise exponentially as their numbers increase. White ancestors made heroic sacrifices to make better lives for their descendents against a universe that doesn't care. The past several generations of whites benefited from those sacrifices while refusing to sacrifice for future generations, a failure to reciprocate forward. The harms today's white children will suffer in the future will dwarf what we see today. 
  6. Whites are not well-adapted to current situations, situations dominated by technology and despicable isms. Whites need eugenics and new environmental situations to rescue themselves from the horrors created by these isms and technologies. We will not get the eugenics and environments we should by having our lives dominated by global, colonial, multicultural, rent seeking rule. The same goes for many nonwhite groups.
  7. Humans are incredibly easy to indoctrinate with fallacious rhetoric, especially when the rhetoric is incessantly repeated using modern media. The media merely need say "white supremacist" and readers close their minds to reason. Establishments get away with massive evils merely by tossing slurs and other fallacious rhetoric around. Such indoctrination provides cover for causing massive harms.
  8. Freedom of political speech is under siege. Whites support speech freedoms. Without whites, we can kiss freedom of speech goodbye for millennia or forever. Other legitimate freedoms for nonwealthy individuals are similarly under siege.
  9. Humans need purpose. We can find purpose climbing mountains and in other consumeristic activities. But if we are ethical, a nagging voice will tell us we didn't accomplish anything worthwhile in those consumeristic activities. Ethical white advocacy is the most important moral mission of our time. It is the great cause, nevermind the alienating, anti-white propaganda coming from establishments.
  10. It is important to direct refugees from modernity and establishment totalitarianisms toward ethical activities. Many individuals flee to the hive activities of Islam, Hitlerism, third wayism, cultural Marxism, neoconservative Christianity, and other horrific ideologies. We must help whites create and find a better missions. Whites currently seek relief from modernity by fanatically attaching themselves to the very ideologies causing ruin. 
  11. Whites are the only major group fighting cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism opposes accurate ethical reasoning. It is no accident that multiculturalists tend to be terrible at policy prescriptions on most other issues. You put multiculturalists in charge and most other things go to hell, too.
  12. For many other reasons I don't have the time to write. 
If tomorrow, many white babies were genetically engineered for genes that caused massive evils, then we should not help those whites reproduce. We should actively work to prevent those whites from reproducing, no matter our race. And any existing white with genes likely to cause evils should be incentivized to not reproduce.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Mask Slips

The above statement gives insight into the character of Bernie Sanders.

Multiculturalists attend Donald Trump rallies to deny freedom of assembly and freedom of association--to push, chase, block, punch, heckle, and otherwise incite violence, then assert victim status if any Trump supporter retaliates.

Few Trump supporters would do the same at a Democratic Party rally. And if Trump supporters did so, multiculturalists would claim the Trump supporters got what they deserved.

Sanders' quotes give tacit approval to the behavior of multiculturalists, to encourage mild red guarding.

None of this reality appears in Sanders' statement.

Instead, Sanders pretends to be above the fray while practicing demagoguery, by engaging in irrelevant ad hominem attacks.

Sanders acts as if he doesn't live in a land where whites have been constantly demonized for decades. Instead, the totalitarianism of cultural Marxism is the eternal victim. Atrocious behavior by multiculturalists, caused primarily by their genes and cultures, gets ignored or excused.

While Bernie Sanders is a comparatively civil guy for a contemporary politician, a Sanders presidency would see the federal government hire thousands of progressive multiculturalists devoted to totalitarianism and rent seeking. As in every Marxian nation, they would cause dystopian results while fellow believers, including Sanders, would make excuses and blame victims. Sanders' statement indicates he believes the cultural Marxian worldview, where whiteness is alleged to cause most of the world's ills while ignoring or dismissing overwhelming counter evidence that other factors cause nearly all the world's ills.

In Sanders' administration, mass destruction would be deemed necessary for the cause. And major red guarding would almost certainly result.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fighting for Contemporary Empires?

What would we be fighting for?

If Mexico or Saudi Arabia sent us letters, saying they were drafting us into their army, would we go? Then why fight self-destructive wars for the former United States? The rulers of the former United States are committed to replacing white Americans with Mexicans and other nonwhites. We would be fighting a war for nonwhites, who hate us, and their descendants--plus egoism and war profiteering, of course.

In war and peace, one goal should be to get yourself, your allies, and potential enemies to pursue ethical goals. Yet we keep rewarding unethical enemies while harming ourselves

In some just wars, another goal should be to maximize the ratio of destruction to the enemy's ability to fight over destruction of your own when alternatives are gone. We must seek to maximize benefits and minimize harms to ourselves. We must have thurough knowledge of self, allies, and enemies, avoiding glib and overconfident conclusions. We must explore worse case scenarios and potential countermoves by enemies. We must not assume enemies will fight the way we want them to fight. No one should be promoted based on bribery or halo effects. None of this matters to those devoted to parasitism, that is, almost everyone with power in the West. Self-interest and ethical interest are assumed to be the same by establishments.

Situations where you should fight on behalf of peoples seeking to destroy you are historically almost nonexistent, yet we keep fighting on behalf of those working to destroy us.

Almost every war Western establishments entered during the last several generations produced worse long-term consequences than the establishments expected, in part, because the people being ruled don't matter to the people doing the ruling.

If establishments bumble into a nuclear war with China or Russia or both, surviving whites would likely find themselves in a civil war with the nonwhites the multicultural establishments rashly imported. The dead and wounded would be killed or wounded by technologies multicultural establishments permitted China and Russia to steal because establishments didn't want ethnoracial profiling.

We should seldom ally with contemporary establishments, no matter how tear-jerking their propaganda.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Frontiers in Cultural Marxism

Now that cultural Marxism is on the verge of spreading open female bathrooms for crossdressing men through most of the West, what will be the next fronts for the unconventional war? Churches deemed discriminatory for refusing to hire Muslim pastors? More Fergusons? More aggression at Trump gatherings by multiculturalists? Car insurers deemed discriminatory for car insurance rates for reckless nonwhite drivers? Rural zip codes, having high percentages of whites, ordered to pay, to make make zip codes more inviting to migrants and nonwhites?

The Muslims for pastors thing sounds like crazy talk. But think about where we are now. We have, against overwhelming ethical evidence, establishment demonization of eugenics and immigration patriotism. We have schools spending six figure lifetime sums to educate lower IQ individuals, the main thing these students learn is to hate whites. We have foreign billionaires with more political influence than millions of nonwealthy citizens. Muslims for pastors is comparatively mild compared to the anti-white aspects of cultural Marxism.

Gradual mass destruction is part of the new normalcy.

The establishments are wrong about almost every important issue. More wrongness doesn't matter to them when they can profit from it.

Minor wedge issues distract and divide populations from taking on the militarism, robber baronism, and cultural Marxism of establishments. And major wedge issues indoctrinate nonwealthy white multiculturalists to assist in mass destruction.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Some Thoughts

Every cultism looks creepy as hell to outsiders, yet normal to insiders. Too bad campaign contributors seem oblivious to the cultisms of various establishments.


To tell whether a multiculturalist believes race exists, you merely look at the situation and time of day. Multiculturalists act as if race exists when it helps their causes, not when it hurts their causes.


America would have turned out better if sixty years ago all ethnoracial realists migrated to the Democratic Party and all multiculturalists migrated to the Republican Party. In the Republican Party, realists had little leverage, giving Republican politicians votes and money but getting little in return, except destruction. In the old Democratic Party, Dixiecrats and other realists might have have been able to take over unions, using that power to supply or leverage Democratic politicians. Doing so would have required some effort and backbone. Republicans would have been out of power and forced to make strange bedfellow offerings to African-Americans.

But practitioners of divide-and-rule wouldn't stand for that, so now we have a political oligopoly devoted to smiley faced militarism, cultural Marxism, and robber baronism.

Or better yet: broke America up into smaller nations and implemented proportional representation years ago.


Hundreds of multicultural, tough on crime rulers existed throughout history, their methods often brutal. But once greater tribalisms gained dominance, it was over. The tough guys kept the peace for themselves and others devoted to short term self-interest, but their descendants inherited horrors. Multicultural tough guys (Rudy Giuliani) are short term thinkers devoted to helping wealthy, living adults maintain their lifestyles, with little concern for posterity.


We pay taxes so people who work to destroy us and keep us from spreading the truth can have nice things we can't afford.


Marxism in practice historically emphasized three things:
1. redistribution of power and money to insiders.
2. anti-white supremacism.
3. class rhetoric as a pretext to support the first two.

Stalinism, Mugabeism, and other Marxian systems vary from each other and from Marx on economic issues, caring little about fidelity to Marx. Western supporters of Stalinism and other economic heresies excused them as a necessary stages on the way to communes.

So the economic malleability of neo-Marxism should be no surprise.

Everyone from Bill Keller to Grover Norquist to Al Sharpton can join the club for cultural Marxism. And if you do not join, you face assaults, firings, boycotts, lawsuits, ostracism, demonization, and speech crime charges. Control of the mass media and major institutions is enough to get Northern Eurasian peoples to believe ideas contradicted by massive counter evidence.


Just speculating, but there might be an evolutionary reason why some people notice and really, really dislike slight disturbances to nature settings. Historically, what often existed where nature is slightly disturbed? Ambushes. People who didn't notice potential ambushes often didn't survive to spread their genes.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Alleged Superiority of Establishments

Establishments seem to believe they're automatically ethically superior, therefore the things they do to harm others or escalate conflicts don't matter because they're the superior ones, as if to say, "When establishments do something, that makes it ethical."

In their view, if outgroup X legitimately deserves part of the blame, then that outgroup deserves all the blame, including when harms or conflicts could have easily been avoided. If millions or billions of people die or suffer, that's little price to pay compared to sacrificing "humanitarian" establishment principles, or more accurately, establishment status, power, and profiteering.

"Multiculturalism is an unmitigated disaster? Too bad. We have the KKK boogie man to worry about."

"We expanded NATO and overthrew the government of Ukraine? So what. Putin didn't have to be paranoid and escalate that civil war."

"Working class incomes declining? Whatever. We'll just invent some quality improvement stats and blame them for taking meth."

"Saudi Arabia has been getting away with mass evil for decades? Big deal. Look at Iran."

"Tens of thousands die in car accidents every year? Come on. Don't we have another Trayvon to excoriate whites about."

"We constantly call our critics super slurs and control the direction of civilization with slurs? We're just calling them what they are. You better watch what you say or I'll have you fined, fired or arrested for offending me."

"Bioweapons and rapidly evolving pathogens? Too abstract. Let's shove some more antibiotics into cattle."

"Those islands are nearly worthless? Get a grip. We can't let China engage in land grabs. What about demographic conquest of the West? It doesn't matter. We are all the same inside. Forget the behavioral stats. We have an anecdote to tell you about evil whites. China has nukes? We have more. China has high IQ individuals? We have Dreamers."

"Oligopolies, tax havens, and Wall Street? That sounds antisemitic to me. We should focus on glass ceilings."

As for a beneficial posterity, that's utterly alien to contemporary establishments.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

On Slight Politically Incorrectness

Individuals often try to be a little bit politically incorrect, as if a tiny bit of contrarian grandstanding makes them brave fact facers.

Some counter-jihadists, for example, criticize Islam, figuring Islam is chosen, which Islam is, therefore fair game. These counter-jihadists demand the mythical moderate Islam while continuing to support most of cultural Marxism. They urge mullahs to publicly condemn terrorism, as if that will make much difference.

Counter-jihadists should know by now that mullahs say one thing for infidel consumption and something else for Muslim consumption. Public ecumenical statements by Muslims have little effect on Muslim behavior. These statements primarily make white multiculturalists even more gullible.

Ideology matters, but genes matter, too, especially when individuals are genetically inclined to fanatically cling to evil ideologies.

Many counter-jihadists consider race off limits since race is unchosen, but crushing flaws with this view exist.

Cultural Marxism is wrong about thousands of issues, not just Islam. As we see in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and almost everywhere else nonwhites live with whites, nonwhites cause massive harms to whites--and whites cause harms to nonwhites and each other. Multiculturalism makes most individuals worse than they would have been, especially white rulers practicing bait-and-switch, divide-and-screw strategies.

Nonwhites from outside Northeast Asia practice inbreeding and polygamy. They politically support mass dysgenic breeding, plus demographic conquest and annihilation.

Many nonwhites have lower levels of empathy for outgroups. They more frequently have the lower activity variants of the MAOA gene, and they have lower IQs--all of which increase destruction for whites. Multitudes of other behavioral genetic differences exist, but have yet to be discovered because almost all social scientists support cultural Marxism.

The destruction rises exponentially as nonwhite numbers increase. The solitary nonwhite surrounded by whites behaves fairly well. White minorities in nonwhite countries face mass destruction.

All nonwhite groups seek to dominate, not assimilate.

Multiculturalists emphasize the allegedly humble Japanese in America during World War II. They don't mention the millions of Japanese fifth columning in Asia and the Pacific during the the same period. The Japanese in America were acting humble out of self-interest and their comparative weakness, not moral goodness.

Already, numerous Chinese have been caught spying in the West. Those caught probably represent a fraction of those spying.

We have ethical duties to face all important ethical facts, no matter whether the facts are a tiny bit politically incorrect or colossally politically incorrect.

Followers of Bill Maher and the late Christopher Hitchens seem to revel in their contrarianism and political incorrectness, but their dissent is mostly trivial, doing little to save Westerners from mass destruction.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Christian Neoconservatism Versus Secular Neoconservatism

The mass media tell us that Christian neoconservatism--the Elmer Gantry menace--is a great threat, yet the mass media also tell us Jeb Bush, David Brooks, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton, and other secular neoconservatives are moderate and responsible.

What's the difference?

Both groups have few qualms about supporting kleptocracy, promoting cultural Marxism, and bumbling into world wars. Both groups are largely immune to ethical evidence. The big media difference: Christian neoconservatives believe in creationism, which is more a scientific issue than an important moral issue. Other differences revolve around school prayer and other minor issues. Clinton opposes many tax cuts for the wealthy but also lets personal enmity with Putin and others drive foreign policies.

Paul Krugman seems to relish commiserating with David Brooks, yet regularly refers to Christian neoconservatives as "crazies."

My head be scratched.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Labor in Union

Once upon a time some nations figured out a semi-solution to the fact that oligarchism caused mass destruction. Other nations were not so fortunate. They tried to fight oligarchism with paleo-Marxism, causing worse destruction, replacing one oligarchism with another.

The lucky nations fought oligarchism with labor unions, but the labor unions became corrupt. Some were co-opted by ruling groups, some taken over by rent seeking from within. Others were wrecked by the divide-and-rule practices of militarism and multiculturalism. A few become homes for organized crime. Workers needing unions the most didn't get them. Workers needing unions the least--public sector workers--did get them.

Unions helped nonunion workers by creating tighter labor markets, via the politicians unions supported. But now that private sector unions are rarer and less powerful, unions have less influence on the labor market. Witness the incredible political tolerance for loose labor markets for the past eight years, which seeks ever cheaper labor, no matter the ethical costs.

Many unions fought only for their current members, losing sight of their role in checking oligarchism.

Many became soft with hedonism.

Unions had comparatively little influence over the mass media. Most intellectuals and media celebrities, in their bubbles of unreality, favored variants of Marxism and establishmentism. The rare intellectual contradicts his institutions, especially when those institutions put money in his wallet. The mass media fought hard for oligarchism and cultural Marxism, known by such variants as globalism, third wayism or, even worse, neoconservatism. The techniques and technologies of propaganda kept developing. The media became dominated by the wealthy and individuals predisposed to idealistic sounding fanaticism.

Some tried to fight oligarchism with protests. But the ruling groups only budged when the protests agreed with the cultural Marxism of the ruling groups. Thus, Occupy Wall Street and similar protests accomplished almost nothing, but the University of Missouri protesters and related protests extracted concessions. The ruling groups probably laugh in secret at most contemporary non-ethnoracial protest movements.

Marxism adapted. It decided economics didn't matter as much, except when it comes to supporting the parasitism of multicultural leaders.

What mattered most for Marxism was being anti-white. Almost anything anti-white was tacitly or explicitly supported. White laborers went from being treated as subhumans by the likes of Andrew Carnegie to being treated as subhumans by wealthy multiculturalists and their allies.

Diversity lectures hectored whites with fallacious rhetoric and resembled paleo-Marxian struggle sessions.

Attempts to revive unions floundered due to ethnoracial conflicts and the past several decades of indoctrination in neoclassical economics.

In the establishment view, the rise of the American middle class had almost nothing to do with labor unions or pro-worker policies or anti-rent seeking movements or centuries of eugenic breeding in Europe or the fact that the United States was nearly 90 percent white. Establishments emphasized imaginary free markets, sainted figures, formal education, Southwest Asian religions, and, even more preposterously, the alleged benefits of ethnoracial diversity.

Bernie Sanders tries to market himself as a supporter of Scandinavian style mixed economies, yet refers to himself as socialist. Sanders' past behaviors, especially his Eugene Debs documentary, indicate Sanders has more in common with Marx than FDR. Sanders seems unaware that Scandinavian style economies work only with racially homogenous populations, practicing reciprocal altruism and eugenic breeding. Unfortunately, dysgenic immigration plus dysgenic breeding caused by the welfare state and the lack of explicitly eugenic policies, spells big trouble for Scandinavia. Even without outgroup invasions, egoism caused by dysgenic breeding would slowly ruin Scandinavia.

Even if he wins the presidency, Sanders faces courts and legislatures stacked against him, in some cases, rightfully so. The mass media will magnify every flaw, to bring back a neoconservative or third way president.

Though Donald Trump is mostly pro-establishment, Trump also faces a juggernaut arrayed against him for not being pro-establishment enough.

No matter who wins the presidency, working class workers will continue to suffer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

An Immodest Affirmative Action Proposal

White supporters of affirmative action almost never volunteer to give up their own jobs to nonwhites. Perhaps they think, "There is no contradiction. I support affirmative action in general, not affirmative action for my job. I have unique skills that cannot be replaced by a nonwhite."

Or some don't notice a potential contradiction at all. Multiculturalism requires that believers ignore multitudes of self-contradictions, and white multiculturalists aren't people who notice self-contradictions. Browbeaten into evil beliefs by establishments, careful thinking is anathema to them.

True, some white multiculturalists are irreplaceable by nonwhites, but millions of other white, affirmative action supporters are not, especially white, multicultural social scientists. We don't benefit from junk science. And let's not forget the rubbish taught in the so-called humanities.

Thousands of white social scientists and humanities professors should resign tomorrow.

The sight of upper middle class white professors hectoring working class white students about multiculturalism is more than a little despicable, especially when working class whites have grown up in diverse schools that are worse for white children than the camps the Japanese were sent to by FDR.

Affirmative action costs over $1.1 trillion per year. Its supporters should pay the costs.

Some libertarian multiculturalists don't directly support affirmative action, but they support invasions by millions of affirmative action demanding nonwhites, overriding their direct opposition.

Many older white multiculturalists have considerable assets. High asset, low skill older white multiculturalists could afford to give up their high paying jobs for low wage jobs, so nonwhites can have their old jobs.

White multiculturalists act as if nonwhites are better than whites, yet see themselves as superior. They mix anti-white supremacism with their own personal supremacism.

Multiculturalists ignore mountains of ethnoracial evidence and believe in neoconservatism, third wayism or full bore Marxism, indicating general inclinations to ignore evidence. They think the totalitarianisms of Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Jill Stein, John Kerry, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton or Gary Johnson are "centrist." Remember when Jon Stewart had that "moderate" Rally to Restore Sanity, inviting the Sharia supporting Yusuf Islam? Apparently, no one working at the Daily Show knew who Mr. Islam really was. People who ignore moral evidence make worse employees. No one should trust those who think Jeb Bush is a good guy.

Almost everything on television is garbage. Let's replace all the whites. Heighten the contradictions. Let nonwhites make worse garbage. Maybe whites would watch less television.

And Wall Street. Wall Street is roughly 31 percent white despite the mass media rhetoric that blames whites for Wall Street. Get rid of the remaining whites. Let's replace white Wall Streeters with Down Syndrome nonwhites. Making Wall Street less clever at rent seeking and destroying economies will be splendid.

In general, any white multiculturalist employed in rent seeking should either give their job to a nonwhite, or better yet, eliminate their job. The more rent seeking is competent, the more rent seeking costs most of us.

Many white multiculturalists who refuse to give up their own jobs have no business supporting affirmative action in general, especially when they use totalitarian methods on affirmative action opposing whites. That includes the de facto affirmative action corporations practice to avoid boycotts, lawsuits, and other activism.

Selfishness and loss aversion be damned.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weighing Globalism

If wealthy individuals in country Y gain X dollars per year from globalism and nonwealthy workers in country Y lose less than X, that's not a net moral benefit.

That's a moral catastrophe.

Poorer workers lose money they desperately need. Wealthy individuals gain more money for environmental destruction, legalized bribery, and status competitions. Increased money for the wealthy deserves negative moral weight.

Globalism is primarily a moral issue. The moral consequences of migration, rent seeking, cultural Marxism, military spying, industrial spying, legalized bribery, status competitions, environmental destruction, ethical cultures destroyed, institutions corrupted by hostile foreigners, and trade caused military conflicts are greater than the moral value of the money involved.

Spot the Fallacies Hunt

This photo contains at least three fallacies.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Meth, Kevin Williamson, and Working Class Whites

In his paywalled, evidence free broadside against nonwealthy whites, Kevin Williamson mentions meth. Meth is made with pseudoephedrine and other products of globalization. Pseudoephedrine is worth little as a medicine and nearly impossible for most home chemists to produce.

A few decades ago, the burgeoning quaalude epidemic was crushed because its components required sophisticated chemical factories for production. Chemical companies agreed to stop producing that substance.

Now, destruction profiteering is so entrenched that corporations and politicians refuse to stop producing the crap medicine named pseudoephedrine and refuse to close the Mexican border, where much illegal pseudoephedrine crosses.

(Other stuff: Most of the National Review is an evidence free zone, a magazine that exists to provide rhetorical cover for ruthlessness. Williamson doesn't mention the massive amount of brain drain and dysgenic breeding that played a role in creating downscale communities. Meth is also a massive problem for Hispanics and other ethnoracial groups.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ethnoracial Fact Facing and Free Will

Free will, if it exists, occurs when we have thoughts that contradict all the genetic and environmental forces acting on us. Some free will spark in our consciousness says, "I will otherwise."

With all the evidence supporting genetic and environmental causes, if free will does exist, it exists only during a small percentage of our activities. We wake up and conduct most banal activities without engaging in acts of free will.

Psychologists conduct studies purporting free will does not exist, but since free will might exist a fraction of the time, free will's existence might be beyond the measurement errors of those studies. These studies employ faulty measures of free will. We cannot accurately measure something using the wrong tests for it.

The participants in those studies are likely college students, many of whom are victims of wantoness, no matter how large their IQs. College students become enthralled with favorite professors. They idolize Neil deGrasse Tyson and other celebrity intellectuals. They are easy prey for academic fads, mass media indoctrination, and other forces, including students who act with know-it-all behaviors. Free will might require high levels of mental and philosophical development.

Emergent properties often arise from objects not possessing those properties. Consciousness arises from brain meat. Consciousness is no illusion. It is through consciousness that we provide evidence for all arguments. There is no physical law that proves free will can not emerge from brain meat.

Research suggests that beliefs in free will are important for creating beneficial ethical consequences, whether free will exists or not. Individuals who do not believe in free will are more likely to be selfish or apathetic, more tolerant of evils by perceived ingroups since they view their perceived allies as not being able to act otherwise. Contradicting themselves, they treat their political opponents as if they do have free will. The history of Marxism is riddled with apathy or support toward ingroup evils, and demonization of non-Marxists. Marxian evils are almost always viewed as necessary for the cause. Opponents are viewed as disposable biological machines with no dignity and other human characteristics.

Contemporary multiculturalists seem oblivious to the fact that multiculturalism is anti-equality. Equalities that treat whites as full members of the human race are discarded. Orwell's maxim that some animals are more equal than other animals, meaning some are far less human, applies to both economic and cultural Marxism.

Nearly all whites live in environments where almost every political force pressures whites to support cultural Marxism. The punishments for not supporting cultural Marxism are severe, the rewards for opposition tiny. The indoctrination campaigns are carefully crafted.

Free will sparks might be involved in opposition to cultural Marxism.

Some might argue that Western patriots are simply rare individuals whose genetic and environmental influences force them go where the evidence leads, at least on multicultural issues, rather than where propaganda and other forces lead. No actions by Western patriots need free will as a cause.

I have no good counter to this counter argument and proof that free will exists.

But thank goodness for ethnoracial fact facing. The ethical greatness of properly opposing cultural Marxism is far more important than the fact of whether free will exists or not.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Quota Systems

Jews and Asian Indians don't say, "Oh, we earn much more than whites. We don't need our tribalism, ethnic networking, and anti-white quotas any more."

Muslims don't say, "We get trillions in welfare and unearned oil money. We should start doing our share."

Black college educated women don't say, "Hey, we earn more than white college educated women, even though we have lower IQs, worse credentials, and worse behavior. We can stop with the affirmative action."

Non-white millionaires and billionaires don't say, "I've got it made. Maybe I should cut back on playing my personal victim card about so many trivial things."

Black athletes don't say, "We're overrepresented in professional sports. We need some whites, Asians, and Hispanics in proportion to their populations."

Wealthy college coaches don't say, "I'm making out like a bandit by exploiting poor students at public universities." Coach Dale Brown once referred to college coaches as "whoremasters," but that was long ago when cognitive dissonance was slightly more common.

Wealthy white multiculturalists don't say, "I've benefited massively from other whites. Maybe I shouldn't try to destroy the West and White peoples."

Hell no.

And almost none of them ever will. They keep fighting like hell for poorly reasoned narratives. They will only get worse, especially as dysgenic breeding keeps increasing and the technologies of propaganda keep improving.

Few contradictions are so great that they can not be ignored or rationalized. They understand the word more better than they understand justice and cognitive dissonance.

Few nonwhites believe in giving away power for ethical or pseudo-ethical reasons. They excoriate dead and living whites while white washing the far worse behavior of themselves and their ancestors. And neither do whites devoted to egoism and cultural Marxism. They put that knife in deeper and twist harder.

And it's not just in Western countries. Malaysia has Bumiputera policies, giving racial Malays massive affirmative action benefits over minority Indians and Chinese.

Affirmative action cost $1.1 trillion per year many years ago. The costs will continue to escalate far more than most people realize.

Some whites act uninterested in the consequences of cultural Marxism, but cultural Marxism is interested in them--and their progeny.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Innocence Lost

Many experiences in life produce eerie sensations, including the sensation of deja vu and the sensation of walking after stepping off a high speed elevator.

The realization of innocence lost also seems to cause an eerieness, among other thoughts.

Each of the following, as well as many other events, can cause an innocence lost eeriness or experience:

  1. Being victimized by crimes when young.
  2. Marching off to war for allegedly noble reasons, then realizing we are nothing but a pieces of meat to individuals seeking wealth, glory or power.
  3. Observing our parent's feet of clay, that parents serve our short term happiness or their own short-term happiness or other base motives more often than they do the long term good.
  4. Realizing that all contemporary establishment gurus and politicians seldom tell the truth, that their willful ignorance is astronomical despite their overweening demeanors, that they are willing to believe almost anything to help their causes.
  5. Discovering that the goals or careers or institutions we had devoted so much to have little moral value.
  6. Finding out that the ideas that feel noble are often evil.

"For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The World War

The most important world war has been ongoing for millennia: call it The World War, a battle within and between individuals practicing psychological egoism or misplaced altruism or both versus ethical individuals. The World War will likely exist as long as morality capable beings exist. The conscious and unconscious temptations to give in to an atrocious side are frequent.

All other wars are part of The World War.

Pastoralists sweep into agrarian and cosmopolitan areas to enslave and destroy. Cosmopolitans use Machiavellian methods against outsiders and each other. (Crowd aversion is not the only reason ethical individuals dislike big cities. Big cities attract those on the take and on the make, though many ethical individuals move to big cities simply to find a decent job.) Many agrarians aggressively steal lands. Hunter-gatherer-gardeners murder their distant and not so distant cousins.

Yet these groups pretend to be the holy ones, demanding tolerance for their evils while refusing basic respect to others.

Psychological egoism, also known as selfishness or excessive self-interest, creates the biggest harms, but misplaced altruism plays a major, underrated role. The man who donates his life savings to contemporary establishment institutions deserves no praise. Universities have no business giving honorary degrees to Mike Tyson and Mike Bloomberg. Other examples of misplaced altruism include self-sacrifice for unjust war mongering, or more recently, status signaling and "virtue" signaling. Excessive self-interest and misplaced altruism are always unethical.

This world war is partly, but not entirely, genetic. It involves gene-culture coevolution, gene-geography coevolution, and other environmental causes.

(Almost no one practices unmitigated genetic or environmental determinism. Multiculturalists open themselves to genetic explanations about dementia and some other diseases, reserving their fanaticism for when someone mentions an ethnoracial moral fact. HBD thinkers regularly excoriate the media and other environmental causes. Evolutionary egoism can be ethical or unethical. Evolutionary egoism refers to behaviors that spread copies of the same genes an individual has. Ethical parents have a legitimate claim to feed and shelter their children. Evolutionary egoism is unethical when unethical individuals breed with other unethical individuals, then try to get others to provide for their offspring. They, and their offspring, cause massive harms.)

Most of all, the war involves conscious thoughts and actions.

Every form of Marxism and every contemporary establishment ideology seeks to trick individuals into helping unethical chosen ones.

Character sometimes changes. An individual may switch from naively supporting misplaced altruism to excessive self-interest, then to ethical actions.

Alec Baldwin, Sheldon Adelson, Mitt Romney, and others mix a morass of misplaced altruism, excessive self-interest, and genetic egoism.

Some individuals, having inclinations toward selfishness, pick religious sects to match their genetic and cultural inclinations. Others pick secular quasi-religions. In both cases, misplaced hatred and misplaced compassion provide motivation.

The ethical individual directs hatred, compassion, and other thoughts toward better targets.

Technology escalates the consequences of The World War, most importantly, by weapons of mass destruction. Mass media cause differing sorts of mass destruction. There are some ideas so preposterous that few individuals other than those bombarded with them by mass media would otherwise believe them. Technology desensitizes and demoralizes some, yet often invigorates those with excessive self-interest. Some who commit suicide might have been good citizens in more logical societies. Consumers of establishment dogmas think they rank among the most informed individuals of all time, yet remain massively uninformed. When an individual is a success, the temptation to believe an establishment world is a just world becomes almost irresistible.

Combinations of genes, technology, fanaticism, and other factors cause individuals to become method actors. Establishment "thought leaders" put on a genial face while engaging in ruthless egoism. Ethical dissenters often bite their tongues to avoid being fired, fined, jailed, assaulted or ostracized. Deception dominates.

Some individuals are too lazy or low IQ to notice their roles in the war. They often retreat to direct hedonism and feel good fanaticism.

But in the long run, the war intrudes. No cruise ships or glitzy casinos exist in Somalia. The more present generations try to escape facts, the more future generations will pay.

Present establishments try to manage and profit from the decline, but there will be no soft landing for future generations and many living today. Those engaged in free riding are powerful and have minds closed to ethical reasons and ethical improvements. Many seeking to overthrow them have their own rent seeking agendas. In the long run, globalism and cultural Marxism will disappear, destroyed by their Islamic pseudo allies or other isms or other forces. Religion, secularism, and nationalism sometimes go wrong when they rally behind a stealth tyranny to replace a present tyranny. The desire to replace a present tyranny deserves moral legitimacy. The desperation to rally behind almost any powerful alternative tyranny does not.

Wise men and women do neither desperate nor present establishment things.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Easter Walk in the Park

I took a walk in a large park filled with thousands yesterday, so many vehicles that many drivers risked tickets by parking on the grass.

Whites tried to self-separate, most of them likely multiculturalists. The white part of the park was about a quarter nonwhite. The rest of the park was almost all nonwhite.

Multitudes of white multiculturalists couldn't handle being in a nonwhite part of a park in broad daylight, on Easter Sunday, yet they voted for politicians who fight for the destruction of the West. They supported the destruction of white, working class jobs, lives, schools, cultures, families, and neighborhoods by cultural Marxism. They supported immigration policies of the more hostile to whites, the better.

Yet a little Easter Sunday multiculturalism was too much for them.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Reduction in Crime: Not So Great

Recorded crime rates dropped because Western youth bulges declined, lead poisoning decreased, police rigged statistics, crack wars declined, citizens stopped reporting many crimes, police became more efficient at policing non-school violence (putting more cops in high crime areas), medicine became better at saving individuals who would have died from murder in the past, and legalized abortion prevented the births of many individuals predisposed to commit crimes.

Millions of assaults on whites in schools and prisons are ignored. Schools don't bother to keep interracial crime stats for obvious reasons.

Crime by the wealthy is mostly ignored, especially crime in the financial industry.

Friday, March 25, 2016

No Reason to Get Disillusioned, the Thief, He Kindly Spoke

Whatever happens to Donald Trump--assassination, sell out, general election defeat, semi-closed border presidency--he is a beginning, a massively flawed candidate, a man devoted to psychological egoism above ethical considerations. Trumps main ethical purpose is shifting Overton windows.

Followers of Marx, thankfully, become disillusioned when their candidates sell out, or worse, enact Marxian mass destruction.

But we should never become disillusioned. We have better beliefs. We have each other. We have future generations to think of.

The fact that Trump, despite his wealth and establishment surroundings, was able to slightly escape them is heartening. Sooner or later more wealthy individuals will revolt against the establishments.

Some billionaires will stumble upon some ethnoracial fact facing websites, and instead of responding with indoctrinated revulsion, they will consider the fact that they have been wrong all along.

And the Overton window will shift again despite the slur campaigns of the establishments.

If you are a wealthy individual reading this, and think you are getting a great deal with migrant maids and gardeners, how much are your property taxes? What is your total tax bill? What other costs are you paying? Your children and grandchildren will pay much more massive costs.

You might save a few thousands dollars per year with cheaper labor, but you pay many times more per year to warehouse the children of low IQ migrants in prisons, public schools, the military industry, affirmative action jobs, and elsewhere.

Noticing the cheap cost of a maid, while being unaware of other costs, is an availability bias.

Research by George Boras hints that the wealthy gain $437 billion per year from the invasions. But individuals who own slaughterhouses and other sweatshops gain a disproportionate share of that money. Many wealthy individuals employ few, if any, migrant laborers.

Affirmative action and other costs will continue to escalate. South Africa still has affirmative action despite whites falling to less than ten percent of the population. Affirmative action in Zimbabwe consists of white farmers being murdered, the land taken, and the equipment sold for scrap, since the low IQ friends of Mugabe are inept at farming. South Africa has its own murder epidemic.

Many wealthy whites fled Zimbabwe and South Africa, but there will be no place to flee to if all white countries are majority nonwhite.

Today's wealthy multiculturalists will be remembered as among the worst in history. Their ashes and graves will be destroyed, either by nonwhites or white ethnoracial realists. Their descendants will despise them.

More wealthy whites will realize they want no part of that legacy, even if it means being ostracized by their fake friends at country clubs.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rhetorical Dirty Tricks

Writings on persuasion often include assertions that the fallacies involved should be used to trick individuals into more cultural Marxism.

For example, an author of this study on gay marriage "hopes to eventually test whether a similar approach could shift people's attitudes toward undocumented immigrants."

And the study was fraudulent.

The fact that non-Western migration to Western countries causes astronomical harms to nonwealthy whites, and will cause greater harms to future generations, is considered irrelevant to multiculturalists.

Social scientists and other use our labor and tax money to find tricks to destroy us. It has become a moral evil to continue paying taxes to these individuals.

(Note that something being persuasive does not make it well-reasoned. Often intellectuals and others will dismiss a well-reasoned argument by saying they are not persuaded. Persuasiveness is irrelevant to whether a claim is well-reasoned.)

Multiculturalists are constantly on the lookout for indoctrination tricks. It is not enough that the multiculturalists already control all major Western institutions.

We are in a race, the evidence versus the science, technologies, and ideologies of indoctrination, especially militarism, cultural Marxism, and robber baronism. Establishments ramp up their indoctrination efforts but resistance remains.

In the Soviet Union, millions knew state propaganda was baloney, but Soviet citizens had little idea about how they should govern, because they had little exposure to alternative ideas. Then they were exposed to globalism, Yeltsinism, Putinism, and robber baronism. Revolts often replace one totalitarianism with another.

Uninformed, overconfident mass media then demonize well-reasoned dissent even more as "dangerous," failing to distinguish among well-reasoned and poorly reasoned dissent.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Staying Where I Should

If someone offered me a job in a nonwhite country, I would not take it.

That's their country, not mine.

Taking that job would have harmful consequences to others that I have little control over. Doing so would increase resentment among natives. It would increase pollution in their country. It would affect fairness in their country. Whoever offered me the job likely pursues many corrupting practices, with my labor inadvertently helping, even if the specifics of my job were beneficial.

All peoples have self-determination rights. And consent of the ruled is more important than the consent of globalists and ruling groups.