Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The No Super Slur Challenge.

As soon as you see a super slur in an article, stop reading. Go someplace else. The rest of the article is probably not well-reasoned anyway. The opportunity costs of reading that article might prevent you from reading something better.

For the unfamiliar, examples of super slurs include c*nt, co*n, go*k, r*cist, p*nko, b*got, n*zi, femin*zi, cow*rd, n*gger, cr*cker, redn*ck, sh*tlord, Stal*nist, nat*vist, w*t back, Islam*phobe, far l*ft, far r*ght, wh*te supremecist, black nation*list, and white nation*list.

You will be glad you did. And it will be good for your character, the most important part of your being.

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