Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Minipedia of Multicultural Contradictions, Part III

  1. Multiculturalists believe never let a crisis go to waste, meaning when multiculturalists create disasters, they regularly repeat that others deserve blame and pretend their disasters are evidence for their agendas, as is happening right now as they blame others for Afghanistan and demand more disastrous interventions and power for themselves.
  2. Multicultural rulers demand ever greater sacrifices from non-wealthy whites while sacrificing almost nothing themselves. In fact, they benefit from the bait-and-switch, divide-and-screw multiculturalism.
  3. From George Will to Thomas Friedman and Leonard Pitts, zero percent of Pulitzer Prize winning multiculturalist opinion writers deserved the award. Same for MacArthur genius grants.
  4. Non-white countries receive almost no criticism from multiculturalists for having ethnoracial based citizenship laws.
  5. Taleb.
  6. Oligarchic, anti-white, neoconservative New Democrats tell pollsters they have no respect for oligarchic, anti-white, neoconservative Republicans.
  7. Multiculturalists claim they will move to Canada because of political acts they oppose. Shouldn't they move to Haiti, Africa or Southwest Asia to get more to the vibrant diversity they use totalitarian coercion to force on non-wealthy whites?
  8. The subhumanization of whites: European Parliament President Martin Schulz: “For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.”
  9. Multiculturalists alternate between bragging about eliminating whites and calling white elimination a "conspiracy theory."

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Minipedia of Multicultural Contradictions, Part II

  1. Multiculturalists excoriate US imperialism. But the United States is more like a colony than imperial power. Wealthy individuals who have nearly all the power over the United States are citizens in a legalistic sense, not a moral sense. Many are not citizens in a legalistic sense. The kings and princes of Saudi Arabia have more influence over US policies than millions of United States working class citizens. Billionaires living in the United States pay few taxes as a percentage of their ill gotten incomes. Those that renounce their legalistic citizenship face few punishments. Imperialism is rule by an emperor or a country controlling other countries or peoples. The United States does not legally control other countries. Nor does it indirectly control countries. Puerto Rico and other territories would be granted Independence if they demanded it. Contemporary Trade practices are rigged against the United States. The most imperialistic part of the United States is refusing to grant self-determination to natives. But multiculturalists oppose that.
  2. Feign woke or go broke at the short term individual level. Be woke and go broke at the long term societal level.
  3. Judges overturn laws, claiming the motives of white lawmakers were bad, regardless of the laws' merits. Does that mean most laws made by multiculturalists should be overturned because their motives are atrocious?
  4. Racial egalitarians support equality in practice only when it coincides with their perceived self-interests.
  5. Western ruling groups support both oligarchal sharia and oligarchal neoconservatism, wasting lives and trillions of dollars when the two conflict and when the two agree.
  6. When they have the money to do so, white multiculturalists move far from the low functioning diversity they use totalitarian government coercion to force on non-wealthy whites.
  7. Multiculturalists oppose ethically accurate stereotyping while promoting their false, unethical stereotypes.
  8. Multiculturalists disparage Western values while promoting worse afro-semitic values.
  9. Multiculturalists excoriate colonialism by whites but support or whitewash  worse colonialism by people of color.
  10. Multicultural economists believe their iron law of supply and demand somehow doesn't apply when migrants reduce working class wages.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Minipedia of Multicultural Contradictions, Part I

Having ethical contradictions matters big time--in a terrible way. Multiculturalism, like all other evil ideologies, is riddled with them. My new project: providing a resource of multicultural contradictions.

  1. Multiculturalists deny self-determination to whites, copts, tibetans, and some other groups, while extolling self-determination for others, despite the fact that those others have worse ethical track records.
  2. Multiculturalists claim open borders will unleash massive untapped, beneficial creativity and brain power. Roughly: if a country has a mean IQ of about 80 and a standard deviation of about 12.5, a mere one in 30,000 citizens will have an IQ at or above a somewhat smart 130, four standard deviations above the country's mean. Most countries with mean IQs below 90 have zero citizens with IQs above 160. A large percentage of the higher IQ fraction in poor countries consists of totalitarian free riders, not the sort of people who should come to the West to prey on cuckish, altruistic, xenocentric whites. The remainder do important work in productive fields such as medicine and engineering, an ill affordable brain drain. Migrants and their descendents from higher mean IQ China specialize in espionage and anti-white activities, a creative but terrible brain power.
  3. "National conversations" about ethnoracial issues include only anti-white Marxists, anti-white New Democrats, anti-white Libertarians, and anti-white neoconservatives.
  4. The alleged protectors of Western Civilization protections against multiculturalism are harmful bait-and-switch dog whistles.
  5. Whites who deny jobs to other whites, to increase opportunities for less qualified non-whites, almost never donate their own jobs to people of color.
  6. Multiculturalists condemn non-multiculturalists for judging non-whites by their skin colors. Since Frank Salter, the Dalai Lama, and few others are the only prominent or semi-prominent non-whites to not be anti-white, judging non-whites by skin color is darn accurate. Non-multiculturalists are willing to make exceptions for the few non-whites who aren't anti-white, as they do for Frank Salter and the Dalai Lama.
  7. The worse the multiculturalists, the greater their total fertility rates.
  8. By falsely claiming to have been called racial slurs, non-whites increasingly get away with numerous crimes. In other cases, they treat being offended as a right to fine, assault, imprison, and murder whites. Being offended by a thing is irrelevant to whether the thing is good or bad.
  9. "To be white is to be racist, period."
  10. Ethnic studies lionize non-whites while whiteness studies demonizes whites.
  11. Exactly zero percent of our highly paid multicultural thought leaders is a knowledgeable policy expert.