Saturday, February 17, 2018


Mark Ramsey and many others assert, "Comedy tells the truth." But that is often wrong. Comedy thrives on the fallacious (and unexpected)--puns, exaggerations, small samples, bad definitions, false analogies, straw person attacks, false cause claims, and irrelevant ad hominem points, not to mention various other false or irrelevant or otherwise worthless claims.

Jaded by hedonism, some audiences demand ever more shock value.

A good sign of ethical growth is an ability to see most political comedy as banal or destructive, consisting of glorified talking points. In strident believers, the banal becomes humorous. Cliches become group identification symbols. In previous decades, saying "thanks Obama" hundreds of times would be considered a sign of a hackneyed, tiresome sense of humor.

The problem is not limited to multiculturalists. Many memes on Voat and other sites are terrible.

The talking point hammers increase while clever, subtle, and sophisticated humor declines.

Not laughing at political humor is seldom a sign of lacking a sense of humor, but a sign of seeing through the BS. Especially irksome is when comics pretend their pathetic attempts at humor are over your head.

Emo Phillips once had a damn poignant joke:
Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"
He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"
He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"
Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.
(Monty Python had a similar joke. I don't know which came first.)

Now we're stuck in a country where Republican Neoconservatives for John Kasich and Jeb Bush act as if Republican Neoconservatives for Donald Trump are heretics, deserving of death via multiculturalism or World War III, along with most of us, despite the fact that Trump keeps kowtowing to their policy demands.

Truthful dissent from multiculturalism results in expulsion or other punishments.

It's hardly a laughing matter.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Ivy League Home Cramming

Many noticed when Ron Unz wrote his article noticing that people of African, Hispanic, and recent Southwest Asian ancestry and cultures were over represented at Ivy League schools, that Whites and Northeast Asians were underrepresented, based on academic performance. To the extent that the mass media noticed, they ignored the White part and emphasized how Northeast Asians were wronged (the mass media almost never notice anti-White wrongs).

Lots of noticing.

The strongest counterargument: Peoples of recent Southwest Asian descent live disproportionately in the Northeast and therefore should be expected to be a disproportionate number of Ivy League students. Also, Andrew Gelman claims Unz overestimated using nontransparent methodology. But Gelman's methodology is also nontransparent. For all we know, Unz, Gelman, and Gelman's allies are all making up numbers.

Whether Unz or Gelman is closer to the truth, that's still a weak counterargument. Ivy League schools demand affirmative action. Peoples of recent Southwest Asian descent rank among the most IQ and economically gifted peoples in post-America. They also benefit from massive ethnoracial networking. Given their gifts, affirmative action would require that Southwest Asians be close to zero percent of Ivy League students, not many times their proportion of the general population.

Another counterargument: Ivy League schools are private. They should admit those they want. Despite being allegedly private, Ivy League schools receive massive infusions from student aid and tax entitlements. We're paying for our own tyranny. Universities are increasingly "hedge funds" with indoctrination centers attached. Harvard had an endowment of roughly $38 billion in 2016. And the individuals managing those funds make fortunes from allegedly non-profit institutions.

Difficult to get into but also difficult to flunk out of, decent educations seldom happen at Ivy League schools. Many community colleges have more difficult classes. They are instead places where unjust elites make connections with each other and reaffirm their fallacious, groupthink worldviews--finishing schools for  totalitarianism.

To the extent that the Ivy League looks like post-America, it looks like psychological and evolutionary egoism, especially from parasitic sectors of the economy: finance, insurance, multiculturalism, and real estate. Future ruling classes shouldn't come from among those already devoted to bribery and tyranny.

In addition to antitrust actions against tech and other oligopolies, we need antitrust actions against the Ivy League.

If a Jewish individual genuinely has a goal of winning a Nobel Prize in chemistry, she can do it elsewhere.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Self-Control: Let Them Smash Cakes?

Here's a what the hell thread: young children enter a store and start smashing expensive cakes on the floor. Guess how the threadsters explain it? MrNogi's parental "ripple effect" gets over 1,000 upvotes.

Well, it just so happens a new study suggests that 64 to 75 percent of variance in self-control among seven to 12-year-olds has genetic origins, with the rest caused by non-shared environments, but the study relies on self-reports, so that's a caveat.

Of course, the study stats don't tell us about the smasher's specific situation, so we shouldn't rush to causal conclusions about them, although I know what I would do if they were my kids, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Scandals of the Century or Nanosecond

Dozens of new scandals arose this week involving somebody or others.


Scandals turn into bashathons while the media ignore or downplay bigger wrongs.

To wit:

  1. trillions wasted for decades on overpriced OPEC oil because it almost never occurs to politicians and media types that we could create a buyer's cartel to counter OPEC. (Most opinion creators have probably not even heard of the phrase buyer's cartel.)
  2. trillions lost because we tax productive work far more than harmful finance and negative externalities.
  3. global warming treated as more important than deforestation, other pollution, ocean overharvesting, and dysgenic overpopulation. Several million dead each year from non carbon dioxide air pollution alone. 
  4. mass invasions by nonwhites devoted to free riding and anti-white tyranny.
  5. trillions wasted defending Asian and African states pursuing our destruction. Post-America's military: doing the jobs that no one else is wrong enough to do, including trillions wasted on no win counterinsurgency wars.
  6. hidden in plain sight: ordinary Muslims and other multiculturalists have beliefs worse than individuals the media pretend are neo-Nazis.
  7. financial tumors (bubbles) treated as legitimate measures of economic performance, trillions wasted on housing bubbles created by individuals fleeing the neighborhood diversity they shove down our throats.
  8. few restrictions on modifying bird flu to murder billions. Freedom of political speech of gets damned by colonial occupiers of the West, but don't interfere with 'muh scientific freedom.
  9. antagonizing Putin and risking a world war because he does rotten acts while billions of others devoted to rotten acts get praised. Great idea. Let's antagonize the one person who can cause us the most harm. What could go right?
  10. trillions wasted on health care systems that serve profits better than health.
  11. education systems increasingly devoted to indoctrination. In Soviet Post-America, students and tax payers pay fortunes for indoctrination. What a country. No two kopek struggle sessions for you.
Decades of scandal mongering have not been enough to reform the Green, Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian Parties. Perchance a new approach in this divide-and-screw near sleep of near death? Nah.

No doubt the winners of the scandal wars will turn their attention to doing the right policy things just as soon as they finish up the winning (sarcasm).

Remember the scandal involving Kimba Wood? Me neither.

The industries of media and legalized bribery lack senses of proportion, but they do have a sense of opportunism.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ethnoracial Diversity Thought Experiments

Let's suppose we did some survey research of whites, asking which they would prefer:

  1. being a convenience store cashier, living in an apartment in the most diverse neighborhood in Baltimore or being homeless in a 99 percent white, middle class neighborhood, assuming the police don't remove you.
  2. owning a 5,000 acre farm in Zimbabwe or having a similar homeless situation as above.
  3. attending 1970s Detroit Cooley High School or living in 1970s Poland, assuming you speak fluent Polish.
  4. earning $100 thousand per year as a contractor in a Pashtun Afghan province or earning five dollars per hour in the white, middle class neighborhood.
  5. living at frigid, isolated South Georgia Island or living in the US if diversity inspired Putin, Xi Jinping, neoconservatives, and Democratic Party interventionists incite World War III.
  6. being an eighth grade teacher at a random middle school named after MLK or being unemployed.

It would be difficult to get honest answers, but I bet a majority of whites would select the second options.

Most whites would consider high levels of diversity to be worse than being homeless in brutal heat and cold, worse than living under 1970s Polish communism, and so on.

There's worse. End stage multiculturalism would be probably something like Somalia, without the foreign aid. Bad trends keep getting worse unless good individuals deliberately stop them. And multiculturalists almost always prefer ever more diversity over less.

(By the way, credible estimates suggest nearly half of Pushtun men sodomize young boys, so the next time a multiculturalist points at a middle aged white man and tells you he looks like a pedophile, tell her about our pashtun "allies.")

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Book Observations: Invading Mexico: America's Continental Dream and the Mexican War, 1846-1848 by Joseph Wheelan

Not surprisingly, Invading Mexico contains much cultural Marxism, but some thought crime facts sneak through that don't fit the mere "land grab" story lines of today.
  1. Mexico had no right to the lands that became part of the American Southwest, a claim more preposterous than a dementia patient claiming ownership of the moon. Most individuals living in those lands were non-Mexican. Mexico's claims violated inhabitants' rights to self-determination. (A major reason so few Mexicans lived in the Southwest was they were terrified of the Apache, Comanche and other hostile Amerindians.)
  2. It was not a war between a slave holding nation and an anti-slavery nation. In Mexico, the slaves were females, often treated worse than farm animals while Mexican men drank, gambled, lounged, acted macho, and watched bull fights.
  3. Mexico did not have the genetic and cultural abilities to effectively govern the lands south of the Rio Grande, let alone the lands north of it. Mexico's required retirement payments to its veterans alone were over two times its government revenues.
  4. When Mexicans started losing battles, they would demand a truce--to regroup and continue the fight on better terms for themselves. When Mexicans surrendered during a battle and promised not to take up arms again, they lied. Like agreements with most humans, agreements with Mexicans were worthless. Mexicans lied whenever they saw some advantage.
  5. Winfield Scott was a helluva general, except when he kept falling for multicultural assumptions about nonwhites and their leaders.
  6. After the war, Texas Rangers quickly, brutally, and ethically stomped a nascent Mexican guerrilla movement. I shudder to think what would have happened if the likes of Max Boot and John McCain had been running the war. We'd probably still have umpteen thousand soldiers in Mexico.
  7. Mexico engaged in numerous acts of murder and robbery in borderlands during the years leading up to the war, plus many acts of piracy in the Gulf of Mexico.
  8. Mexicans constantly asserted their rights and demanded compassion while showing almost no concern for the rights of others.
  9. Despising their own government, many Mexicans wanted to make Mexico part of the US after the war. Another shudder moment that would have created massive opportunities for multicultural, bait-and-switch, divide-and-screw practices by ruling groups.
Sound familiar?

Poor America. So far from God, so close to Mexico.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ethics and the Human Biodiversity Movement

The HBD movement shows interest in ethnoracial facts mainly when the facts are trivial or IQ related or health care related, rejecting well-reasoned policies if the policies don't fit the above or the policies offend multiculturalists. HBDers cannot or will not break through multicultural fanaticism.

One writer at NotPoliticallyCorrect seemed perplexed and outraged that the multiculturalists at the so-called RationalWiki would try to demonize him, seemingly unaware that multiculturalists seldom tolerate dissent from their totalitarianism, including by multiculturalist HBDers. The writer then contradicted himself and wrote, "I don't care about politics."

Many other slightly edgy writers faced similar wrath. A few truthful mentions of race and IQ are enough to get ostracized.

IQ is important, but HBD overemphasizes IQ. Ninety-five percent of Congress members have academic degrees, an indication of well above the mean IQs, yet Congress seldom does the right acts. The donor class is likewise riddled with high IQ individuals, yet they too seem to be close to inverse weather vanes on important issues, favoring a mixture of Randism, globalism, neoconservatism, and cultural Marxism.

HBD often avoids ethical evidence and over relies on studies, but most social science studies are junk and most social scientists will not conduct studies that produce results in conflict with their political worldviews. HBDers know more about statistics than other areas of logic, so they seem not to notice their straw persons, false analogies, abusive ad hominim attacks, and other fallacies. HBDers commit far more wrongs of omission than wrongs of commission.

HBDers could retort that nonmulticulturalists include many people of rotten acts, so let's not go there. But excellent ideas do not turn into bad ideas simply because of who believes them. All political movements attract individuals with serious character defects (often people of egoism and misplaced altruism). Bill Frist and thousands of other individuals in government and corporations would make you feel as if you are the most important person in the world when talking to your face, then put knives in your back. Because the establishments control the mass media, they are able to create the illusion to many voters and donors that establishment figures have decent character when, in fact, almost all establishment leaders have horrible character. Establishment ideologies in every contemporary country are designed to extract short-term profits from decline.

If the establishments succeed in creating World War III, they will have proven themselves to be as low character as the likes of Mao, Amin, Stalin, Hitler, Mugabe, Hirohito, Mousilini, Pol Pot, Jong Il, and Jong Un. Even without World War III, multiculturalists commit nearly all the political violence on this planet.

It says something important about multiculturalists and multiculturalism that they commit disproportionately more unjustifiable violence than even the demagoguery at Stormfront incites. Consistency requires that if we reject Stormfront for being beyond redemption, we must also reject multiculturalism for being beyond redemption.

Any political movement that will not weed out egoism and misplaced altruism is doomed to ethical failure. Given their knowledge of how egoism and altruism evolve, HBDers should help weed out tyranny from nonmulticultural movements.

A few HBD followers seem to be looking for gurus, looking for deep truths and mysteries in biological jargon. But more important truths and mysteries reside in ethics than in HBD. HBD lacks proportion, a peculiar form of scientism that regards what hominids did thousands of years ago as more important than evils multiculturalists commit now. How good is HBD concern about IQ and health if they continue to support multicultural victories. IQs will continue to plummet and nostrums will replace Western science, as sometimes flawed as it is.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas to the Amish and Everyone Else

Outsiders see the Amish as a people primarily preoccupied with low tech, old fashioned living. That's not how the Amish see themselves. They primarily see themselves as Christians. So here's to the religious holiday itself and the non-hedonistic spirit of Amish Christmas, to Amish Second Christmas the day after Christmas and to Amish Old Christmas on January sixth.

May they and Christmas still exist 50 million years from now. Because when the Amish disappear, it likely means the multiculturalists have succeeded in their extermination campaigns against other whites.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Not Baited by Me Too Issues

The recent sex crime accusations involving celebrities are not big picture important, mainly matters for accusers, accusees, whistle-blowers, investigative reporters, and law enforcement agencies to sort through.

Almost all contemporary celebrities are people of terrible actions. Celebrities that do and do not commit sex crimes have other vices, especially hedonism, self-contradictions, and cultural Marxism.

Given the rates at which women make false accusations, some celebrities are probably not guilty of some alleged crimes, but the harms from cultural Marxism are and will be millions of times worse than any harms celebrities suffer from false accusations. Let's not waste time defending multicultural celebrities from accusations from multicultural accusers, including slightly edgy, alt light celebrities. If vibrant multiculturalists kidnapped a dozen children, chopped them up, and dumped their remains in a vat of sodium hydroxide, celebrities would care little, except to grandstand in favor of more cultural Marxism and perhaps to make a film about it with whites playing the villain roles.

Humans have the unfortunate, reflexive tendency to pick sides, even when several competing sides are terrible.

In the ghetto where I spent most of my childhood, the local library had dozens of shelves devoted to true crime. True crime is not a genre ethical individuals should be fascinated with. It is a genre for those who admire crime or those predisposed to wantoness. The librarians probably thought that if the local residents didn't read true crime, they probably wouldn't do much reading at all. Multiculturalists act as if almost any education is good education as long as it doesn't include unwanted political facts.

Better to be illiterate than deluge yourself with rotten ideas.

Hitting on coworkers reeks of desperation and lazy cowardice in approaching women elsewhere, unless you have such a rotten job you don't care whether you get fired or humiliated.

Long ago I adopted a policy of not talking about sex, looks, politics, religion, relationships, female attire or behavioral genetics with women coworkers. When coworkers talk about such subjects, I merely make pithy, banal statements--"Wow," "Yeah," "Uh-huh," and "That terrible." It prevents awkwardness and misunderstandings.

The last time I talked about sex with female coworkers: several women talked about why women have large breasts and nipples. I mentioned that a social scientist had the bizarre theory that large nipples evolved as large eye spots to scare away predators. They thought that hilarious. Then I said large breasts were sexually selected and maybe large breasts also evolved for fat storage. Not so hilarious.

Maybe it is because I'm happily married, but I have no desire to have glib sex related conversations with female acquaintances.