Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Future We Make

The short, charitable version of the multicultural manifesto: all should be ethically judged on the content of their characters, nothing else.

We live a planet with more than three billion nonwhite adults. How many nonwhite adults oppose anti-white bigotry: Frank Salter, Jewamongyou, and some others, probably totalling fewer than 1,000. Even Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams act more multicultural than not.

Nearly all the remainder, no matter how kind they act on the surface, believe in freedom of association for nonwhites but not whites, migrant invasions of white nations but not nonwhite nations, blood guilt for whites but not nonwhites, and multitudes of other contradictory ideas, not to mention the piles of other fallacious rhetoric spouting from cultural Marxism.

So, apparently, nearly all nonwhites find it nearly impossible to treat whites as full humans. How can we have multiracial societies based on individuals being judged by the content of their characters when nearly all nonwhites refuse to do so? Why try to create said societies when nearly all nonwhites are genetically and culturally predisposed to poor character on ethnoracial issues?

Future genetic engineering might not help matters among nonwhites. Nonwhite parents will likely engineer their children for higher IQs, increased familism, and increased egoism. They don't want their children acting white.

The love and tolerance rhetoric has made almost no dent among nonwhites. Such rhetoric mostly makes whites more gullible and easier to exploit.

Nonwhites have made their own dysgenic and totalitarian choices. Let them suffer the consequences of their own choices. They will not reform themselves when whites keep rewarding them for evil actions. And whites will not reform themselves when they keep supporting multicultural, divide-and-screw rulers.

Millions of white children and future generations depend on the decisions we make now.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Two for Tea and Eugenics for Thee

All large societies have no fertility alternatives but to practice eugenics or dysgenics (or both), whether the societies realize it.

Some examples of hidden eugenics or dysgenics:
Pensions: a method for childfree, farsighted individuals to obtain care from others in old age while avoiding the costs of childrearing themselves. In the past, adult children provided for their elderly parents.

Seniority based pay: makes children more expensive for young individuals. Harmful mutations increase with age. Older parents pass on more harmful mutations. Female fertility plummets past age 28, affecting the total fertility rate of women postponing childbirth.

Welfare: rewards low IQ, low character individuals for having more children.

Migration: low IQ or low character (or both) nonwhites migrate to the West.

Reckless Wars: altruists often die on behalf of those genetically predisposed to egoism. The eugenic or dysgenic effects vary widely depending on who volunteers or gets drafted or makes the decisions.

Austerity: uncertainty, lower incomes, and postponement of childbirth.

Cultural Marxism: pressures whites to mate with low IQ, low character nonwhites, causes many other whites to see their own fertility as an impediment to a better world rather than as a solution for creating a better world.

Religion: contemporary religions spread dysgenic Sharia and cultural Marxian ideas.

Computers at prisons: online dating sites make it easier for prisoners to set up relationships that produce children after release or during conjugal visits.

Environmentalism: now dominated by cultural Marxism. Encourages whites to avoid childbirth while acting too feckless to oppose migration and population explosions by nonwhites.

Miseducation: status symbol college degrees create immense direct and opportunity costs, making families unaffordable, often creating debt peonage.

Finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE): huge direct and opportunity costs to society while making childbearing families less affordable.

Wrecked public schools: dysgenic breeding forces good parents to homeschool or send children to private schools, leaving parents having good genes with less money for additional children. Forces parents to labor and compete fiercely for spots in decent schools and neighborhoods having fewer neighbors of poor breeding. A vicious spiral.

Helicopter parenting: parents have fewer children while investing in destructive, economically expensive childrearing activities and status competitions.

Nurture assumptions: low IQ, low character, high self-esteem individuals think they can have and mold great offspring when a look at themselves and their relatives indicates bad news. Nurture assumptions cause children to blame their parents parenting instead of taking control of their own lives and their fertility.

Other: Randism, abortion, pathogens, hedonism, consumerism, birth control, health care, mass media, cultural fads, and so on.

"Idiocracy" results from anti-reason Marxian, liberal, libertarian, and neoconservative policies. Followers of such ideologies should blame themselves and their allies for the atrocious results they created.

Societies should avoid mass destruction by having dozens of explicitly eugenic policies, including:
  1. Federally funded sperm banks with sperm obtained from high IQ, high character teen boys and young men. 
  2. Payments for fertile, former special education students to obtain surgical sterilization.
  3. Mandatory surgical sterilization of fertile felons.
  4. Comprehensive, government funded sex, family, and eugenics education, including advertising warning potential parents that if they mate with bad individuals, they'll have bad children, who make their lives living hell.
  5. Inducements to marry young but after a six month waiting period.
  6. Dismantling cultural Marxism, stopping the spread of ghetto and Sharia values.
  7. Immigration bans.
  8. Legalized secessions.
  9. Laws encouraging and enforcing surrogate contracts. 
  10. More research funds for embryo selection and human genetic engineering.
  11. Laws enshrining freedom of association.
  12. Welfare and affirmative action bans.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Differing Nation

A couple generations ago, roughly 45 percent of U.S. white adults were Democrats and 30 percent were Republicans. By the 1960s, multiculturalists dominated both parties. Democrats claim whites should not have been fooled by the Republican Southern Strategy, the dog whistling from Republican politicians, combined with anti-white policies while pretending to be pro-white or racially neutral.

Both parties practiced the Cultural Marxism Strategy: rent seeking combined with anti-white practices. Whites voted against good interests with every major Western political party.

Let's imagine a world where that 45 to 30 voting pattern continued. Democrats would have a political monopoly. Not good. Political monopolies are even worse than duopolies. The power of cultural Marxism would be even greater, causing increasing multisclerosis. Political monopolies based on ethnoracial differences are much harder to overthrow.

Open borders would have arrived much sooner.

Nonwhites would vote overwhelmingly for Democrats for tribalistic reasons, the same as now.

The pattern of welfare recipients being better off than the working poor would have continued from the 1970s onward. There would be no welfare reforms. Welfare might be indexed to inflation. Incentives to work would be even less.

Schools, including colleges, would have even more social promotion. As in poor countries, tens of millions would have degrees in fields the graduates are incompetent in. Millions more would have unethical degrees in various anti-white studies. Public schools would be even greater indoctrination centers.

Martin Luther King's explicit quota systems would have been enacted. King believed the nonwhite percentage of employees in a business or government entity should equal or exceed the nonwhite percentage of the population. Groups with r strategies have more children, so their proportion of the total population would be greater than their proportion of the working age population. For example, a fast breeding group with eight percent of the total population, but six percent of the working age population, would demand eight percent of good jobs.

Nonwhites would be even more difficult to fire than they are today. Many would collect paychecks for doing little or nothing. Businesses would be forced to engage in bidding wars for incompetent nonwhite employees.

Filled with inept and lazy employees, manufacturing would be eliminated faster. The only major U.S. export industries would be agriculture and intellectual property. Trade deficits would be larger, leading to worse private sector debt bubbles or greater government deficits, which would be owned by explicit foreigners and the top one percent, who are de facto foreigners, seeking tax havens and other global rent seeking solutions.

Section 8 style programs would be near universal for nonwhites. There would be few white majority neighborhoods, even among the top one percent. Every public school would be ruined. Schools would be concentration day camps for white children. Few whites would be able to afford children. Those few whites would be forced to homeschool or send children to private schools. There would be even more social and political pressure on white females to breed with low IQ, low character nonwhites, who abandon white women and their mixed race children. But at least the mixed race children would have the advantage of fitting in with anti-white culture.


There would be more government and private sector commissarism, using coercion to get nonwealthy whites to labor on behalf of free riding others. The system would suck. Frustrated by the suckitude, multiculturalists would do what they normally do: demand more of the disease as a cure, blaming the mysterious powers of hidden white racism.

Practical freedom of speech might be nearly gone. Thousands, if not millions more, whites would be fired, fined, assaulted, imprisoned or ostracized for thought crimes. The one-sided dominance of multicultural mass media and other institutions makes matters worse than any explicit government bans on speech. At least, if free speech were banned, more whites might be willing to see the totalitarian face of cultural Marxism.

The situation would be worse than Puerto Rico, where the majority of adults rely on welfare, black markets, affirmative action, family remittances, and government make work.

Humans respond to incentives. Multiculturalism wrecks decent incentives.

Nonwhites seldom experience cognitive dissonance, including nonwhites of Southwest Asian descent, as millions of whites in Eastern Europe found out the hard, hard way. The anti-reason culture of cultural Marxism makes cognitive dissonance even less likely. Every conscious multiculturalist on the planet has thousands of contradictions rattling around in his or her head, contradictions they are unaware of or that they dismiss from their minds.

Nonwhites keep demanding more, regardless of the consequences.

In short, once you have a Western country dominated by political monopolies or oligopolies, mixed with anti-white totalitarianism, the result will be a long-term disaster or a short-term disaster either way. Ethical policy and genetic fixes go against the genetic and cultural preferences of powerful individuals.

A coalition of billionaires could have saved the U.S. by buying mass media and out bribing wealthy multiculturalists. That did not happen and seems unlikely now. Nearly all wealthy individuals are devoted to egoism, multiculturalism, and dark triad activities.

The Southern Strategy and the Cultural Marxism Strategy were both disastrous for whites and many nonwhites, with cultural Marxism being far worse. The Southern Strategy was simply one aspect of cultural Marxism.

The main way to hold formerly white multiracial states together or keep them from collapsing is by increasing totalitarianism. But no Lee Kuan Yew lesser totalitarianism is likely because whites are much easier to guilt trip than Chinese. Whites act more pusillanimous and are more prone to misplaced altruism.

Some might say that whites get what they deserve for cowardice. But fact facing whites don't deserve totalitarianism simply because anti-white whites support anti-white totalitarianism.

Much self-criticism has been directed within nonmulticultural circles about why nothing seems to work, no matter how totalitarian multiculturalists behave. If a nonmulticultural party starts to rise, all other parties coalesce against fact facers. If a nonmulticultural party threatens to become a majority, they will be banned, as happened in Belgium. After terror attacks, the main backlash is against critics of the system.

One problem is that humans are so easy to indoctrinate with schools and mass media that working within the system seems pointless, unless several billionaires decide to spend their fortunes on ethnoracial fact facing. Even if Jared Taylor or someone else writes the most perfect argument in human history, it will be unseen and unheard by most of the population. And even if multiculturalists read it, prior indoctrination will cause multiculturalists to reject the argument

No matter whether a white country has multiracial Randism, multiracial socialism, multiracial Neoconservatism or multiracial third wayism, the result will be totalitarianism and rent reeking. The greatest flaw of the New Deal was not welfare. The New Deal provided workfare far more than welfare. The greatest flaw of the New Deal was cultural Marxian infiltration.

Without help from the rich, whites must form alternative communities, especially living communities, not mere Internet communities. The communities will need religions or pretend to have religions, to prevent nonwhites from making specious housing discrimination claims. The religions would need boot camps, first, to weed out infiltrators and the lukewarm, second, because humans become more attached to groups after going through tough initiations. The boot camps should emphasize both schooling and physical activities. Even the racially aware have adopted bad habits from establishments. The boot camps should not be military style. They should not degenerate into mindless marching and indoctrination.

Whites should work for white homelands, whether the homelands include explicit or de facto secessions. Groups of eugenic, monoracial, reciprocal altruists will outcompete groups devoted to dysgenic, multicultural rent seeking as long as they don't allow psychological egoists (Hitler!) to take over and engage in aggression and other harmful activities.

The communities should be in rural areas, where the likelihood of surviving establishment caused nuclear wars and other establishment disasters are greater.

Friday, May 6, 2016

To Hell with Political Spectrums

Here is a google image search of various political spectrums.

The main thing they have in common is affinity for bullcrap. They distort and oversimplify. They use euphemisms for establishment totalitarianisms. They use dysphemisms for outsider beliefs. They omit beliefs based on accurate reasoning, limiting the range of thought. Some spectrums emphasize psychological categories rather than policy beliefs. They assist establishments in getting individuals in to join establishment teams rather than getting individuals to weigh the evidence on specific issues, leading individuals to think the are morally superior based on team faith, as if politics should be a ruthless sports contest.

To hell with them all.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Establishment Behavior

Predictable establishment behavior around the planet:

  1. If it serves perceived short-term selfishness, do it.
  2. If it is anti-white or anti-Infidel and does not contradict the above, do it.

De facto affirmative action seems to violate the above, but CEOs support affirmative action to avoid costly boycotts, lawsuits, and negative publicity. Plus, multicultural CEOs are inept, thinking human races interchangeable. And contemporary governments don't care whether their employees serve the public interest.

Most humans like to think themselves ethically superior, but establishments are very, very evil. To assert superiority, establishments grandstand on issues requiring almost no sacrifice by themselves. Or they blame victims of establishment evils. As an added bonus for establishments, these issues distract populations from the evils done by the establishments.

So now we live on a planet where every nuclear weapon is controlled by militaristic anti-white factions, mostly using nonconventional warfare. Even Putin and Chinese leaders are dedicated multiculturalists. The white fraction of the planet is under ten percent and falling. And establishments try to tell us that whites are at no risk for genocide.

Yeah, okay.

Jews fret about a new Holocaust, though Jews have an nuclear armed Israel and massive political power protecting them.

If a super war occurs, the mass media and the likes of Tim Wise will be front and center blaming "whiteness" and "nationalism," though the factions are anti-white and anti-nationalistic.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Why We Should Help Whites

We shouldn't help whites because of origins fallacy reasons (because they are our race or we share some genes). The origins fallacy is a type of irrelevancy.

Here are six examples of the origins fallacy: X is artificial. X is unnatural. Y is natural. Americans have not believed X for years. Y is the American way. X comes from the word for W.

We should help whites because:
  1. Whites suffer astronomical harms from nonwhites and cultural Marxism. Whites, like other conscious beings, have value in themselves, no matter whether we have Nobel Prizes or minimum wage jobs.
  2. Whites, despite their misplaced altruism and other serious flaws, are the most beneficial people on earth. Whites invented or spread nearly all of modern medicine, agriculture, and environmentalism. Billions of nonwhites owe their well-being to whites. Whites saved China from Japanese tyranny and from economic Marxism, yet the cultural Marxians running China deluge whites with anti-white bile. Yes, whites spread some rotten ideologies, but the track record of nonwhite ideologies is worse. Whites are important for continuing beneficial developments in science and technology. Nonwhites are more likely to produce junk science and other harmful results.
  3. The only way to protect the legitimate claims of white individuals is with white groups. Thanks to cultural Marxism, billions of nonwhites support the harm and destruction of white individuals and cultures. Whites acting solely as individuals have almost no chance against billions devoted to the destruction of whites.
  4. Love-and-compassion white multiculturalists have done little to fight anti-white bigotry, and it is almost certain they will not in the future. Instead, they blame the victims of their biocultural engineering schemes. 
  5. Harms from Muslims and nonwhites rise exponentially as their numbers increase. White ancestors made heroic sacrifices to make better lives for their descendents against a universe that doesn't care. The past several generations of whites benefited from those sacrifices while refusing to sacrifice for future generations, a failure to reciprocate forward. The harms today's white children will suffer in the future will dwarf what we see today. 
  6. Whites are not well-adapted to current situations, situations dominated by technology and despicable isms. Whites need eugenics and new environmental situations to rescue themselves from the horrors created by these isms and technologies. We will not get the eugenics and environments we should by having our lives dominated by global, colonial, multicultural, rent seeking rule. The same goes for many nonwhite groups.
  7. Humans are incredibly easy to indoctrinate with fallacious rhetoric, especially when the rhetoric is incessantly repeated using modern media. The media merely need say "white supremacist" and readers close their minds to reason. Establishments get away with massive evils merely by tossing slurs and other fallacious rhetoric around. Such indoctrination provides cover for causing massive harms.
  8. Freedom of political speech is under siege. Whites support speech freedoms. Without whites, we can kiss freedom of speech goodbye for millennia or forever. Other legitimate freedoms for nonwealthy individuals are similarly under siege.
  9. Humans need purpose. We can find purpose climbing mountains and in other consumeristic activities. But if we are ethical, a nagging voice will tell us we didn't accomplish anything worthwhile in those consumeristic activities. Ethical white advocacy is the most important moral mission of our time. It is the great cause, nevermind the alienating, anti-white propaganda coming from establishments.
  10. It is important to direct refugees from modernity and establishment totalitarianisms toward ethical activities. Many individuals flee to the hive activities of Islam, Hitlerism, third wayism, cultural Marxism, neoconservative Christianity, and other horrific ideologies. We must help whites create and find a better missions. Whites currently seek relief from modernity by fanatically attaching themselves to the very ideologies causing ruin. 
  11. Whites are the only major group fighting cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism opposes accurate ethical reasoning. It is no accident that multiculturalists tend to be terrible at policy prescriptions on most other issues. You put multiculturalists in charge and most other things go to hell, too.
  12. For many other reasons I don't have the time to write. 
If tomorrow, many white babies were genetically engineered for genes that caused massive evils, then we should not help those whites reproduce. We should actively work to prevent those whites from reproducing, no matter our race. And any existing white with genes likely to cause evils should be incentivized to not reproduce.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Mask Slips

The above statement gives insight into the character of Bernie Sanders.

Multiculturalists attend Donald Trump rallies to deny freedom of assembly and freedom of association--to push, chase, block, punch, heckle, and otherwise incite violence, then assert victim status if any Trump supporter retaliates.

Few Trump supporters would do the same at a Democratic Party rally. And if Trump supporters did so, multiculturalists would claim the Trump supporters got what they deserved.

Sanders' quotes give tacit approval to the behavior of multiculturalists, to encourage mild red guarding.

None of this reality appears in Sanders' statement.

Instead, Sanders pretends to be above the fray while practicing demagoguery, by engaging in irrelevant ad hominem attacks.

Sanders acts as if he doesn't live in a land where whites have been constantly demonized for decades. Instead, the totalitarianism of cultural Marxism is the eternal victim. Atrocious behavior by multiculturalists, caused primarily by their genes and cultures, gets ignored or excused.

While Bernie Sanders is a comparatively civil guy for a contemporary politician, a Sanders presidency would see the federal government hire thousands of progressive multiculturalists devoted to totalitarianism and rent seeking. As in every Marxian nation, they would cause dystopian results while fellow believers, including Sanders, would make excuses and blame victims. Sanders' statement indicates he believes the cultural Marxian worldview, where whiteness is alleged to cause most of the world's ills while ignoring or dismissing overwhelming counter evidence that other factors cause nearly all the world's ills.

In Sanders' administration, mass destruction would be deemed necessary for the cause. And major red guarding would almost certainly result.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fighting for Contemporary Empires?

What would we be fighting for?

If Mexico or Saudi Arabia sent us letters, saying they were drafting us into their army, would we go? Then why fight self-destructive wars for the former United States? The rulers of the former United States are committed to replacing white Americans with Mexicans and other nonwhites. We would be fighting a war for nonwhites, who hate us, and their descendants--plus egoism and war profiteering, of course.

In war and peace, one goal should be to get yourself, your allies, and potential enemies to pursue ethical goals. Yet we keep rewarding unethical enemies while harming ourselves

In some just wars, another goal should be to maximize the ratio of destruction to the enemy's ability to fight over destruction of your own when alternatives are gone. We must seek to maximize benefits and minimize harms to ourselves. We must have thurough knowledge of self, allies, and enemies, avoiding glib and overconfident conclusions. We must explore worse case scenarios and potential countermoves by enemies. We must not assume enemies will fight the way we want them to fight. No one should be promoted based on bribery or halo effects. None of this matters to those devoted to parasitism, that is, almost everyone with power in the West. Self-interest and ethical interest are assumed to be the same by establishments.

Situations where you should fight on behalf of peoples seeking to destroy you are historically almost nonexistent, yet we keep fighting on behalf of those working to destroy us.

Almost every war Western establishments entered during the last several generations produced worse long-term consequences than the establishments expected, in part, because the people being ruled don't matter to the people doing the ruling.

If establishments bumble into a nuclear war with China or Russia or both, surviving whites would likely find themselves in a civil war with the nonwhites the multicultural establishments rashly imported. The dead and wounded would be killed or wounded by technologies multicultural establishments permitted China and Russia to steal because establishments didn't want ethnoracial profiling.

We should seldom ally with contemporary establishments, no matter how tear-jerking their propaganda.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Frontiers in Cultural Marxism

Now that cultural Marxism is on the verge of spreading open female bathrooms for crossdressing men through most of the West, what will be the next fronts for the unconventional war? Churches deemed discriminatory for refusing to hire Muslim pastors? More Fergusons? More aggression at Trump gatherings by multiculturalists? Car insurers deemed discriminatory for car insurance rates for reckless nonwhite drivers? Rural zip codes, having high percentages of whites, ordered to pay, to make make zip codes more inviting to migrants and nonwhites?

The Muslims for pastors thing sounds like crazy talk. But think about where we are now. We have, against overwhelming ethical evidence, establishment demonization of eugenics and immigration patriotism. We have schools spending six figure lifetime sums to educate lower IQ individuals, the main thing these students learn is to hate whites. We have foreign billionaires with more political influence than millions of nonwealthy citizens. Muslims for pastors is comparatively mild compared to the anti-white aspects of cultural Marxism.

Gradual mass destruction is part of the new normalcy.

The establishments are wrong about almost every important issue. More wrongness doesn't matter to them when they can profit from it.

Minor wedge issues distract and divide populations from taking on the militarism, robber baronism, and cultural Marxism of establishments. And major wedge issues indoctrinate nonwealthy white multiculturalists to assist in mass destruction.