Saturday, April 2, 2016

Innocence Lost

Many experiences in life produce eerie sensations, including the sensation of deja vu and the sensation of walking after stepping off a high speed elevator.

The realization of innocence lost also seems to cause an eerieness, among other thoughts.

Each of the following, as well as many other events, can cause an innocence lost eeriness or experience:

  1. Being victimized by crimes when young.
  2. Marching off to war for allegedly noble reasons, then realizing we are nothing but a pieces of meat to individuals seeking wealth, glory or power.
  3. Observing our parent's feet of clay, that parents serve our short term happiness or their own short-term happiness or other base motives more often than they do the long term good.
  4. Realizing that all contemporary establishment gurus and politicians seldom tell the truth, that their willful ignorance is astronomical despite their overweening demeanors, that they are willing to believe almost anything to help their causes.
  5. Discovering that the goals or careers or institutions we had devoted so much to have little moral value.
  6. Finding out that the ideas that feel noble are often evil.

"For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The World War

The most important world war has been ongoing for millennia: call it The World War, a battle within and between individuals practicing psychological egoism or misplaced altruism or both versus ethical individuals. The World War will likely exist as long as morality capable beings exist. The conscious and unconscious temptations to give in to an atrocious side are frequent.

All other wars are part of The World War.

Pastoralists sweep into agrarian and cosmopolitan areas to enslave and destroy. Cosmopolitans use Machiavellian methods against outsiders and each other. (Crowd aversion is not the only reason ethical individuals dislike big cities. Big cities attract those on the take and on the make, though many ethical individuals move to big cities simply to find a decent job.) Many agrarians aggressively steal lands. Hunter-gatherer-gardeners murder their distant and not so distant cousins.

Yet these groups pretend to be the holy ones, demanding tolerance for their evils while refusing basic respect to others.

Psychological egoism, also known as selfishness or excessive self-interest, creates the biggest harms, but misplaced altruism plays a major, underrated role. The man who donates his life savings to contemporary establishment institutions deserves no praise. Universities have no business giving honorary degrees to Mike Tyson and Mike Bloomberg. Other examples of misplaced altruism include self-sacrifice for unjust war mongering, or more recently, status signaling and "virtue" signaling. Excessive self-interest and misplaced altruism are always unethical.

This world war is partly, but not entirely, genetic. It involves gene-culture coevolution, gene-geography coevolution, and other environmental causes.

(Almost no one practices unmitigated genetic or environmental determinism. Multiculturalists open themselves to genetic explanations about dementia and some other diseases, reserving their fanaticism for when someone mentions an ethnoracial moral fact. HBD thinkers regularly excoriate the media and other environmental causes. Evolutionary egoism can be ethical or unethical. Evolutionary egoism refers to behaviors that spread copies of the same genes an individual has. Ethical parents have a legitimate claim to feed and shelter their children. Evolutionary egoism is unethical when unethical individuals breed with other unethical individuals, then try to get others to provide for their offspring. They, and their offspring, cause massive harms.)

Most of all, the war involves conscious thoughts and actions.

Every form of Marxism and every contemporary establishment ideology seeks to trick individuals into helping unethical chosen ones.

Character sometimes changes. An individual may switch from naively supporting misplaced altruism to excessive self-interest, then to ethical actions.

Alec Baldwin, Sheldon Adelson, Mitt Romney, and others mix a morass of misplaced altruism, excessive self-interest, and genetic egoism.

Some individuals, having inclinations toward selfishness, pick religious sects to match their genetic and cultural inclinations. Others pick secular quasi-religions. In both cases, misplaced hatred and misplaced compassion provide motivation.

The ethical individual directs hatred, compassion, and other thoughts toward better targets.

Technology escalates the consequences of The World War, most importantly, by weapons of mass destruction. Mass media cause differing sorts of mass destruction. There are some ideas so preposterous that few individuals other than those bombarded with them by mass media would otherwise believe them. Technology desensitizes and demoralizes some, yet often invigorates those with excessive self-interest. Some who commit suicide might have been good citizens in more logical societies. Consumers of establishment dogmas think they rank among the most informed individuals of all time, yet remain massively uninformed. When an individual is a success, the temptation to believe an establishment world is a just world becomes almost irresistible.

Combinations of genes, technology, fanaticism, and other factors cause individuals to become method actors. Establishment "thought leaders" put on a genial face while engaging in ruthless egoism. Ethical dissenters often bite their tongues to avoid being fired, fined, jailed, assaulted or ostracized. Deception dominates.

Some individuals are too lazy or low IQ to notice their roles in the war. They often retreat to direct hedonism and feel good fanaticism.

But in the long run, the war intrudes. No cruise ships or glitzy casinos exist in Somalia. The more present generations try to escape facts, the more future generations will pay.

Present establishments try to manage and profit from the decline, but there will be no soft landing for future generations and many living today. Those engaged in free riding are powerful and have minds closed to ethical reasons and ethical improvements. Many seeking to overthrow them have their own rent seeking agendas. In the long run, globalism and cultural Marxism will disappear, destroyed by their Islamic pseudo allies or other isms or other forces. Religion, secularism, and nationalism sometimes go wrong when they rally behind a stealth tyranny to replace a present tyranny. The desire to replace a present tyranny deserves moral legitimacy. The desperation to rally behind almost any powerful alternative tyranny does not.

Wise men and women do neither desperate nor present establishment things.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Easter Walk in the Park

I took a walk in a large park filled with thousands yesterday, so many vehicles that many drivers risked tickets by parking on the grass.

Whites tried to self-separate, most of them likely multiculturalists. The white part of the park was about a quarter nonwhite. The rest of the park was almost all nonwhite.

Multitudes of white multiculturalists couldn't handle being in a nonwhite part of a park in broad daylight, on Easter Sunday, yet they voted for politicians who fight for the destruction of the West. They supported the destruction of white, working class jobs, lives, schools, cultures, families, and neighborhoods by cultural Marxism. They supported immigration policies of the more hostile to whites, the better.

Yet a little Easter Sunday multiculturalism was too much for them.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Reduction in Crime: Not So Great

Recorded crime rates dropped because Western youth bulges declined, lead poisoning decreased, police rigged statistics, crack wars declined, citizens stopped reporting many crimes, police became more efficient at policing non-school violence (putting more cops in high crime areas), medicine became better at saving individuals who would have died from murder in the past, and legalized abortion prevented the births of many individuals predisposed to commit crimes.

Millions of assaults on whites in schools and prisons are ignored. Schools don't bother to keep interracial crime stats for obvious reasons.

Crime by the wealthy is mostly ignored, especially crime in the financial industry.

Friday, March 25, 2016

No Reason to Get Disillusioned, the Thief, He Kindly Spoke

Whatever happens to Donald Trump--assassination, sell out, general election defeat, semi-closed border presidency--he is a beginning, a massively flawed candidate, a man devoted to psychological egoism above ethical considerations. Trumps main ethical purpose is shifting Overton windows.

Followers of Marx, thankfully, become disillusioned when their candidates sell out, or worse, enact Marxian mass destruction.

But we should never become disillusioned. We have better beliefs. We have each other. We have future generations to think of.

The fact that Trump, despite his wealth and establishment surroundings, was able to slightly escape them is heartening. Sooner or later more wealthy individuals will revolt against the establishments.

Some billionaires will stumble upon some ethnoracial fact facing websites, and instead of responding with indoctrinated revulsion, they will consider the fact that they have been wrong all along.

And the Overton window will shift again despite the slur campaigns of the establishments.

If you are a wealthy individual reading this, and think you are getting a great deal with migrant maids and gardeners, how much are your property taxes? What is your total tax bill? What other costs are you paying? Your children and grandchildren will pay much more massive costs.

You might save a few thousands dollars per year with cheaper labor, but you pay many times more per year to warehouse the children of low IQ migrants in prisons, public schools, the military industry, affirmative action jobs, and elsewhere.

Noticing the cheap cost of a maid, while being unaware of other costs, is an availability bias.

Research by George Boras hints that the wealthy gain $437 billion per year from the invasions. But individuals who own slaughterhouses and other sweatshops gain a disproportionate share of that money. Many wealthy individuals employ few, if any, migrant laborers.

Affirmative action and other costs will continue to escalate. South Africa still has affirmative action despite whites falling to less than ten percent of the population. Affirmative action in Zimbabwe consists of white farmers being murdered, the land taken, and the equipment sold for scrap, since the low IQ friends of Mugabe are inept at farming. South Africa has its own murder epidemic.

Many wealthy whites fled Zimbabwe and South Africa, but there will be no place to flee to if all white countries are majority nonwhite.

Today's wealthy multiculturalists will be remembered as among the worst in history. Their ashes and graves will be destroyed, either by nonwhites or white ethnoracial realists. Their descendants will despise them.

More wealthy whites will realize they want no part of that legacy, even if it means being ostracized by their fake friends at country clubs.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rhetorical Dirty Tricks

Writings on persuasion often include assertions that the fallacies involved should be used to trick individuals into more cultural Marxism.

For example, an author of this study on gay marriage "hopes to eventually test whether a similar approach could shift people's attitudes toward undocumented immigrants."

And the study was fraudulent.

The fact that non-Western migration to Western countries causes astronomical harms to nonwealthy whites, and will cause greater harms to future generations, is considered irrelevant to multiculturalists.

Social scientists and other use our labor and tax money to find tricks to destroy us. It has become a moral evil to continue paying taxes to these individuals.

(Note that something being persuasive does not make it well-reasoned. Often intellectuals and others will dismiss a well-reasoned argument by saying they are not persuaded. Persuasiveness is irrelevant to whether a claim is well-reasoned.)

Multiculturalists are constantly on the lookout for indoctrination tricks. It is not enough that the multiculturalists already control all major Western institutions.

We are in a race, the evidence versus the science, technologies, and ideologies of indoctrination, especially militarism, cultural Marxism, and robber baronism. Establishments ramp up their indoctrination efforts but resistance remains.

In the Soviet Union, millions knew state propaganda was baloney, but Soviet citizens had little idea about how they should govern, because they had little exposure to alternative ideas. Then they were exposed to globalism, Yeltsinism, Putinism, and robber baronism. Revolts often replace one totalitarianism with another.

Uninformed, overconfident mass media then demonize well-reasoned dissent even more as "dangerous," failing to distinguish among well-reasoned and poorly reasoned dissent.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Staying Where I Should

If someone offered me a job in a nonwhite country, I would not take it.

That's their country, not mine.

Taking that job would have harmful consequences to others that I have little control over. Doing so would increase resentment among natives. It would increase pollution in their country. It would affect fairness in their country. Whoever offered me the job likely pursues many corrupting practices, with my labor inadvertently helping, even if the specifics of my job were beneficial.

All peoples have self-determination rights. And consent of the ruled is more important than the consent of globalists and ruling groups.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Personal Irresponsibility

Personal responsibility is a good thing. But there are serious flaws with it as a direct political preoccupation, including its genocidal implications.

First, individuals with serious behavior problems don't care what writers in the National Review think. They don't read the National Review. "Just say no" fails.

Second, the so-called personal responsibility people are also committed to dysgenics, massively increasing the number of individuals who act irresponsibly for genetic reasons.

They are pro-life. They oppose paying people with problems to self-sterilize. They support open borders. They support miscegenation. They support economic policies that result in better individuals not having children or putting off childbirth until later in life when when harmful mutations are more prevalent. The result is mass destruction and increasing numbers of individuals with low IQs and behavioral flaws because of high testosterone or genetically caused autism or low activity variants of the MAOA gene or other genetic causes.

Third, establishments are committed to loose labor markets, having a much larger supply of potential workers than available jobs (cheap labor). Sure, we can find some small sample fields where demand for workers outstrips supply. Markets are never anywhere near perfectly efficient. If everyone developed a great work ethic, establishments would enact policies to keep labor markets loose.

Northeast Asians are not lazy, yet their personal responsibility does not overcome loose labor market policies. One reason, among many, Northeast Asia failed to develop modern technology before the West: there was little incentive to develop technology with so much spare labor around.

Fourth, personal responsibility is a bait-and-switch, divide-and-screw distraction. It focuses attention on poor individuals with bad behavior while establishments do multitudes of evil actions.

Wealthy individuals, establishment politicians, and the chosen thinkers act incredibly irresponsible, yet the focus is not on their much more destructive evils. High IQ establishment individuals have little ethical self-development. What makes them think lower IQ individuals, who spend life in a daze, will do what they themselves refuse to do despite huge cognitive and environmental advantages? Kevin Williamson and multitudes of others like him regurgitate establishment nostrums despite having a high IQ.

High IQ establishmenters are  unwilling to study the issues and weigh the evidence accurately--grave character defects.

Fifth, the globalist ideology of the personal responsibility crowd allows drugs, gambling, trash entertainment, cultural Marxism, and other vices to dominate the environmental landscape, again harming character development.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Polling Philosophers on Ethics

Many years ago a poll of philosophers, I can no longer find, indicated most philosophers believe in deontology, virtue or natural law ethics. Another poll suggests they same thing, with only 23.6 percent of philosophers supporting consequentialism, though some philosophers mix intuitive beliefs with consequentialism.

Worse, many consequentialists are deontologists in disguise. Peter Singer and similar philosophers demand Westerners give any income above $30,000 per year to aid agencies (often aid profiteering).

Singer never gets around to making a well-reasoned argument why current aid regimes would have anything other than horrific long term dysgenic and dystopian consequences.

In other words, philosophers act as if their intuitions trump the evidence. This should not surprise. It is a selection effect. Think about the types of people who become a philosophers, people in their teens or young adulthood, who decide they know more about the world than almost everyone else, people who spend much money for degrees in a field with uncertain financial rewards, but know they have to act politically and socially correct to get jobs in that field. Philosophers are genetically and culturally predisposed to intellectual hedonism and verbose blather to arrive at simple, wrong rules. These are not the people you should have teaching logic and ethics. Logic and ethics should be separate fields from the rest of philosophy.

(Preachers, politicians, celebrities, and billionaires are terrible at logic and ethics, too, but preach they do.)