Friday, January 29, 2016

New Day, Similar Garbage.

 Branko Milanovic attacks straw persons again and again in favor of invasions.

Pro-migration economic studies do not support migration because those studies leave out most of the economic costs, especially long-term economic costs. In short, those studies are junk science.

He concludes, "I do not think that the three effects I listed here (and perhaps there could be others) are sufficiently strong to negate the positive economic effects."

Perhaps there could be others?

You mean like the proven facts of massive moral harms, including massive dysgenic effects, and massive replacement of good cultures with horrific cultures?

Plus the costs of relentless ad hominem attacks like Milanovic's "xenophobia."

The moral costs of mass nonwhite migration are hundreds of times greater than any asserted economic benefits.

And an F for History

Perhaps you've seen the Old Economy Steve meme. The meme depicts Kenneth W. Kiser from Ohio, who reached his late teens in the early 1980s.

To call the meme massively inaccurate is an understatement. The overwhelming majority of claims attached to the meme are fallacious.

The U.S. economy in the late 1970s and early 1980s was atrocious, worse than now, especially for young individuals. Unemployment peaked at over 14 percent. The 1980s and late 1970s were the McJobs era. The median income of young families with children declined in the 1970s and declined roughly 30 percent in the 1980s despite wives joining the work force.

Individuals born after the early 1950s ferociously competed for minimum wage jobs. Cedar Point amusement park in Kiser's home state held massive group job interviews for atrocious, minimum wage summer jobs. Only a small percentage of those applying were hired.

Later Boomers and Generation Xers worked hard. They had to. They were fired for the slightest infractions.

Private sector union jobs were almost non-existent for young adults then. Almost no one mentions what really happened. In the late 1970s, Republicans, Third Way Democrats, labor unions, and businesses reached tacit agreements. Older workers would keep their union jobs or get early retirements. Young adults would get laid off or shut out. The media complied by hyping the dog vomit new economy. New, non-union subcontractors worked young adults like dogs for minimum wages while a few miles away old workers at union jobs goofed off much of the time.

Trade deficits, budget deficits, and economic unfairness soared before Kiser was old enough to vote.

The global super rich deserve most of the blame. The alleged Greatest Generation deserves some of the rest. Those born between 1915 and the early 1950s were the ones who got good jobs and got to retire early, not the Old Economy Steves.

The so-called Reagan boom was for the rich, not young adults or working class individuals.

The Steves deserve criticism for partying hard and being politically apathetic and unorganized, but not the horse pucky spread by the meme.

I just shake my head at Reddit and similar sites.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Worst Quotes, Buzzwords, and Catch Phrases from Marxism I Can Recall

Yeah, I know. There are so many to pick from:

"The long march through the institutions."
"Cultural enrichment."
"Blacks can't be racist."
"Arab spring."
"Democracy is the road to socialism."
"Diversity is our strength."
"The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property."
"The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain."
"White privilege."
"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."
"Undocumented immigrants."
"Not real Muslims."
“Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.”
"Islam means peace."
"Racism is power plus privilege."
“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government.”  (Martin Luther King, Jr. during the Mao era that murdered over 45 million.)
"Permanent revolution."
"Kill all the whites."
"Boring from within."
"scientific socialism"
"Real Marxism hasn't been tried."
"Race is a social construct."
 “I’m not afraid of nuclear war. There are 2.7 billion people in the world; it doesn’t matter if some are killed. China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left."
"War between Capitalism and Communism is inevitable."

Additional suggestions are welcome.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Horserace Interlude

Donald Trump shifted his views on dozens of issues to match establishment Republicans, including adopting many atrocious establishment views. Trump still gets demonized by ruling group Republicans.

The main dissent left in Trump is on immigration and opposition to conflicts with Russia. For decades, immigration patriots and economic populists donated to and voted for ruling group politicians while getting massive harms and almost nothing beneficial in return. Unlike the candidates most favored by the ruling groups, Trump cannot back track on invasion issues without losing most of his support. This is actually an rare, astounding development, almost democratic. Establishment politicians have been able to stab citizens in the back on major issues for decades without major repercussions.

Trump seems to be aware that betrayal on immigration risks most of his support.

Trump should realize that as long as he is pro-life, pro-immigration patriotism, and pro the Bill of Rights, his supporters will not desert him. He has room to maneuver. Kowtowing to the Republican establishment gains him little.

Ted Cruz feigns slight support for immigration patriotism, but many immigration patriots aren't falling for it, knowing Cruz will switch back to little more than the usual mixture of Randism, neoconservatism, and cultural Marxism if elected.

Since publicizing minor scandals has little affect on Trump's support and since cognitive dissonance is rare among multiculturalists, expect the mass media to continue to escalate the frequency and vehemence of their slurs.

The multiculturalists who criminalize fact facing thoughts have no problem with the slurs multiculturalists spew.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday's Random Thoughts

Evidence coming from multiculturalists is conspicuous by its absence. If they had good evidence, they would be bombarding us with it. Instead, they bombard us with slurs, straw persons, junk science, small sample fallacies, deontological assertions, and other fallacious rhetoric.


The Wyoming area is not a good place for long term alternative communities because of the Yellowstone super volcano. Volcanic ash resembles lung destroying shards of glass. Most mammals within 1000 miles downwind of a super volcanic eruption would die from ash, not to mention global cooling.


The Return of Kings promotes the crypto totalitarianism of Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera is devoted to bait-and-switch. It pays Joseph Stiglitz and other liberal or third way writers to provide cover for the real agendas of Sharia and stealth jihad. The ruling group of Qatar owns Al Jazeera, the same ruling group the governs with massive totalitarianism. If the Qatari rulers gave a crap about liberalism, they would implement more than token amounts in their own societies, but they don't, except to trick environmentalists and economic populists into supporting cultural Marxism and other mass harms to infidels.

Monarchism is a very, very wrong turn for the alternative right.


The more ruling groups engage in rent seeking, the more ruling groups promote inaccurate us-and-them rhetoric. (And as someone once misquoted Pat Buchanan, S and M rhetoric.)

The power of antiwhite super slurs (b*got, r*cist, white tr*sh) to intimidate and manipulate ethnoracial realists declined. Unfortunately, ethnoracial realists make a small sample, false denial of a cause conclusion from their own situations, thinking that the power of the slurs is gone. But most whites still live in dread of being called antiwhite super slurs, willing to sell out goodness just to avoid being called super slurs by individuals with despicable, poorly reasoned arguments. Most whites still wallow in the antiwhite totalitarianism of mass media and other establishment institutions, as if they were corks on an ocean, tossed around by slurs, straw person attacks, and other fallacious rhetoric rather than waves.


In alliances led by a super power, smaller nations free ride on the defense spending of the super power. The smaller nations engage in more reckless or destructive actions that they should, thinking they have the backing of the super power.


Several years ago Amnesty International tagged the ruling groups of 135 of 175 nations granted Most Favored Nation trading status as human rights abusers. Wonder how Amnesty International defined human rights abuse? If the definition included denial of freedom of association and other evils, the numbers would be 100 percent.


Counterintuitive fact: in the 1950s and 60s, the murder rate in Japan was four times greater than England. (Now the murder rate in England is over three times greater than Japan.)


When citizens automatically recoil at unfamiliar, well reasoned policy ideas, a civilization’s moral education is broken.


Which would be a worse result for a person? A: to have a mind capable of endless pleasure until death. B: to have a mind no longer capable of pleasure due to the pursuit of hedonism.


Norman Solomon and Martin A. Lee once remarked that out of 3,000 journalists surveyed in 1985, only 37 percent of editors believed that government should do something to reduce inequality. Never mind that government is relentlessly doing things to increase inequality. Fifty-five percent of a similar sample of citizens believed the government should help reduce inequality. Nations are always picking for something genetically and economically.


At least one explicit or implied claim in a genuine contradiction must be false.


The “imposing values” and “fact-value distinction” assertions are rhetorical tricks to get us to acquiesce to the promotion of bad values.


Multiculturalists avoid boredom, cognitive dissonance, and fear of death by alternating among misplaced empathy, misplaced hatred, and other existential issue avoiding emotive states.

Issues in the mass media are often emotively loaded but seldom discussed in ways that would cause anxiety for media viewers. Well reasoned arguments are avoided. The accused bad folks are groups and individuals viewers do not identify with, whether the accused are bad or not.


It's fascinating how situational changes massively change the goodness or badness of actions. The U.S. joining a Western anti-Hitler, anti-Hirohito alliance prior to 1939 might have been a beneficial idea, a horrific idea from January 1940 to June 22, 1941, a beneficial idea from June 23, 1941 onward.

Then again, it might have been a bad idea anytime before the U.S. developed a monopoly on nuclear weapons, and a good idea afterward, though no one knew the feasibility of nuclear weapons then.


Cultural Marxism pushed whites out of the Democratic Party. At one time, the percentage of Democratic whites exceeded Republican whites roughly 45 percent to 30 percent. The idea that Republicanism represents some pure expression of whiteness is nonsense. Whites believe Marxism, third wayism, Republicanism, and various other ideologies mainly via indoctrination. The fact that whites are so flexible and easily indoctrinated in such a wide variety of ideologies is mystifying, especially given the way whites become fanatical once they become indoctrinated in ideologies such as Nazism, globalism, paleo-Marxism, neoconservatism, third wayism or cultural Marxism.

Whites of that era deserve criticism. They fled the super cultural Marxism of the New Democrats for the bait-and-switch militarism, cultural Marxism, and robber baronism of the Republicans, failing to organize against all those evils.

We're paying the price today.


Almost all the costs of dysgenic mass migration go to nonwealthy Westerners and thousands of future generations. The much smaller benefits go elsewhere. Yet wealthy multiculturalists have the chutzpah to demonize nonwealthy whites.

The contradictions are massive and despicable. Wealthy multiculturalists isolate themselves in nonmulticultural neighborhoods, requiring massive sacrifices from nonwealthy whites while sacrificing almost nothing themselves, destroying freedom of association for nonwealthy whites while retaining de facto freedom of association for themselves.

In the West, you have freedom of association if you are wealthy, Muslim or nonwhite. If you are a nonwealthy white, you don't.

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Bookshelf for Families with Children

If your children don't have electronic gadgets or you strictly regulate their usage, most intelligent kids will start reading your bookshelf books out of curiosity or boredom, providing a way for you to indirectly influence your children.

For young children:
  1. the better Christian children's books. Even if nonreligious, your children should gain familiarity with a little bit of Christian culture.
  2. non-ideological childrens' books, so your children will develop reading skills. Older books from second hand stores are less infected with the poorly reasoned propaganda of cultural Marxism.
For older children:
  1. logic and consequentialist ethics books. Look hard for books not filled with cultural Marxism.
  2. ethnoracial fact facing books, including Race, Evolution, and Behavior by JP Rushton. Dysgenics by Richard Lynn. Paved with Good Intentions by Jared Taylor. Future Human Evolution by John Glad. The Perils of Diversity by Byron Roth. 
  3. biology and physical anthropology, including The 10,000 Year Explosion by Cochran and Harpending. Sociobiology by EO Wilson. Signals by Timothy Perper.
  4. up close accounts of war and past times to discourage the self-pity and self-absorption teenagers have. Other examples include Go Ask Alice and The Good Old Days: They Were Terrible!
  5. photo albums
  6. some books on blue collar activities, so your children don't see the college prep track as the only alternative, so they develop some handy man or handy woman skills.
  7. prepping
  8. books on various other policy issues, including secession, economics, democracy, corruption, and the environment.
  9. body language and general psychology, The Nurture Assumption is especially helpful because teenagers get bombarded with Freudian and psychobabble ideas blaming parental practices for things teens don't like, including things they don't like about themselves.
  10. a guide to manners and etiquette. Even if someone plans on breaking rules, it is good to know the rules.
Print worthwhile articles and throw them into three ring binders, especially when it comes to logic, ethics, prepping, and public policies. Individuals need much practice at fallacy recognition.

If your children are permitted to use electronics, downloading materials to a family e-reader and to the desktop of a family computer is also a good idea.

Yes, these books are hard core. But there is no evidence that reading harsh facts harms development. Kids benefit from street smarts. If your children have grown up in a diverse neighborhood, they have already experience harsh realities. Kids feel confused, alienated or pressured by the behaviors of their peers. If kids grow up sheltered, they end up easily exploited in schools and workplaces. Ideological vacuums tend to get filled. If your children aren't thinking well and forming their own belief systems, with indirect assistance from yourself, they will fall for the nihilism, hedonism, cultural Marxism, and additional fanaticisms peddled by others.

But what if visitors see these books? The books could open the door to fruitful discussions. But what if a boss or gossipy coworker sees them? Then you should probably put sensitive books in your bedroom, then keep visitors out of the bedroom, so you don't get doxed or worse.

Nurture assumption alert: attempts to directly encourage your children to read your books might backfire, especially if you have children who reflexively recoil at suggestions made by mom or dad.

Why not mass culture books? First, they're rotten. Second, your children will be exposed to massive amounts of mass culture BS from outside sources, so it is not as if they will be exposed to only the worldviews of your bookshelf.

Remember to punish your children should they call anyone ethnoracial slurs and explain why it is wrong to use slurs. You can't directly influence your children once they are out of your sight, but you can prevent them from influencing siblings and peers with slurs in your presence.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Contradictions of Multiculturalism, Part I

Multiculturalism is riddled with billions of contradictions.

On the rare occasions someone confronts multiculturalists with their contradictions, multiculturalists respond with irrelevancies ("What about so and so") or dismiss the contradictions from their minds. Note that multiculturalists seldom notice the contradictions on their own. Ethical reasoning is not their thing. This behavior includes philosophers, individuals societies trust with teaching logic and ethics.

Twelve big contradictions:
Multiculturalists use totalitarian government actions to force dysfunctional diversity on nonwealthy whites while multiculturalists flee dysfunctional diversity.

The sacrifice contradiction: Wealthy multiculturalists destroy the jobs, lives, schools, cultures, incomes, countries, families, and neighborhoods of nonwealthy whites while wealthy multiculturalists benefit from cheap labor and divide-and-rule practices.

Multiculturalists support freedom of association for nonwhites but not for whites.

Multiculturalists incessantly bash whites for the behavior of dead whites while minimizing the importance of worse actions by dead nonwhites and present day nonwhites.

Multiculturalists deny refugee status to peaceful whites fleeing disasters created by multiculturalists (Ukraine, Zimbabwe, and South Africa) yet grant refugee status to nonwhites devoted to invasion, conquest, and mass destruction.

Multiculturalists support freedom of speech for multiculturalists but not for ethnoracial fact facers.

Multiculturalists claim to support democracy while destroying it.

Multiculturalists claim to be open minded, yet almost all mass media fights to make sure well reasoned counter arguments are unseen and unheard.

Multiculturalists claim to be egalitarian, yet engage in massive amounts of economic rent seeking (parasitism).

Ordinary whites who simply want freedom of association for all humans are constantly called fascism related slurs, yet multiculturalists having ideological similarities to Marxism and fascism imagine themselves to be holy.

Multiculturalists think it okay to talk about eugenics and dysgenics if you call it idiocracy and associate it with white tr*sh. But if you mention the words eugenics and dysgenics, then suddenly eugenics and dysgenics become off limits to discussion.

Multiculturalists demonize the victims of dysgenic breeding caused by multiculturalists' own policies while not blaming themselves.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday's Random Thoughts

The ability to get a job as an opinion maker is inversely proportional to willingness to tell the ethical truth.


National conversations on race consist of liberal multiculturalists and conservative multiculturalists. Any fact facer mistakenly invited would be considered a thought criminal (fired, harassed, assaulted or ostracized). The liberal multiculturalists bash whites with poorly reasoned arguments. The conservative multiculturalists do likewise but throw in some poorly reasoned personal responsibility rhetoric. Nevermind that those needing personal responsibility the most are genetically and culturally not inclined to listen to personal responsibility rhetoric.


The "only whites can be r*cist" rhetoric implies whites are subhumans and nonwhites are gods with automatic virtue, no matter their behaviors.


Contemporary Christian leaders aid billionaires devoted to the destruction of the West, distracting followers with ethically unimportant issues--school prayer, creationism, the Pledge of Allegiance, flag burning, and nativity scenes. Worse, these leaders encourage ethical misbehavior by emphasizing grace, the rapture, and Armageddon. In the meantime, the West gets destroyed by combinations of Randism, globalism, neoconservatism, third wayism, and cultural Marxism.


The more important the issue, the more inaccurate Wikipedia becomes.


We seldom feel like starting duties. Start them anyway. The aversive feeling usually passes. Waiting until the right feeling wastes too much time.


Almost all humanities or social science degree holders support one or more of the following horrific ideologies: Randism, neoconservatism, hedonism, xenocentrism, cultural Marxism, paleo-Marxism, third wayism, globalism. Some support four or more of those ideologies. So to hell with the propaganda that the organized humanities and social sciences produce great human beings.


The multicultural circle of life: Promote dysgenic breeding and vile actions, especially bait-and-switch, divide-and-screw practices. Blame whites. Promote more dysgenic breeding and vile actions. Blame whites. Promote more. Blame whites. Whoops, there aren't any whites left.


Almost any time someone in the mass media claims a perceived opponent says, wants or believes something, the mass media claim will be a straw person.

Almost any time some one in the mass media tries to demonize someone by quibbling with a few minor claims, especially statistics, it will be a massive straw person. Politically unpopular writers will often publish books with thousands of claims and statistics. Some critic in the mass media will look for the few errors and try to demonize the author.


Wall Street gives Barack Obama a 17 percent approval rating despite the fact that Obama helped Wall Street at the expense of ordinary citizens.

The pro-Wall Street Congress has an eight percent approval rating.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Freedom of Secession Association

Twenty-four percent of respondents to a 2014 Reuters poll support secession for their state.

But, oddly, there isn't a single decent website on secession. You would think for a topic so momentous, sites would proliferate.

Secessions should happen but not at the state level. The empire split in two model will fail also. You end up with the same totalitarianisms--blue states controlled by third wayism, red states controlled by neoconservatism.

But wouldn't the blue states become more progressive and the red states more alternative right?

Not likely.

Blue states would attract Libertarians, secular neoconservatives, nonwhite migrants, and others devoted to free riding and ruling group totalitarianisms, yet turned off by Christian neoconservatism. You end up with a hell run by the likes of David Brooks, Patri Friedman, Haim Saban, Reza Aslan, Prince Bandar, Al Sharpton, Joe Lieberman, and Louis Farrakhan.

Red states would attract multicultural, neoconservative pro-lifers. Pro-lifers consider abortion more important than other issues combined. Research suggests that pro-lifers who converted from Democratic to Republican over the past couple decades simply ditched their previous views on other issues, that is, they converted to Christian neoconservatism. You end up with a dystopia run by the likes of Rick Perry, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and Sheldon Adelson.

Any good split must create dozens of new nation-states, one each for Third Wayers, Libertarians, religious neoconservatives, secular neoconservatives, conservative ethnoracial fact facers, nonconservative ethnoracial fact facers, black secessioners, Hispanic secessioners, to name a few.

The first key for fact facers is ending dysgenic trends and reintroducing eugenics. The second key is good laws that fight free riding (rent seeking), plus citizens moving heaven and Earth to make sure those laws are enforced.

Present empires and crypto colonial states will eventually break apart or become more dystopian simply due to ever increasing dysgenic breeding and free riding. Groups of ethical, reciprocal altruists prosper when they separate. If groups don't separate, creeping evolutionary and psychological egoism result. Reciprocal altruism exists now because the ancestors of today's reciprocal altruists split from tribes that became increasingly dominated by egoism and tyranny. And they kept on splitting, usually with their kin and their kins' genes for reciprocal altruism.

Now that (some) humans understand reason and evolution better, some splinter groups should consciously direct their evolutions, to keep free riding in check, potentially preventing the costs of splitting.

But contemporary groups dominated by egoism and Machiavellianism use technology to try to lock in dystopian societies with servant altruistic classes and ruling groups devoted to egoism--as we see today today with ruling groups using the electronic mass media for an onslaught of despicable rhetorical tricks.

Be careful what you support. You could end up worse.