Donald Trump received severe criticism from the mass media for saying "many sides" in his condemnation of Charlottesville, creating outrage among multiculturalists twisting his words and claiming he expressed moral equivalence.
They're slightly right.
There is little ethical equivalence.
We stereotype. They stereotype. Only the anencephalic and others with severe brain problems don't stereotype. Our generalizations are more ethically accurate. Not surprisingly, multiculturalists support or oppose stereotyping depending on who is doing the stereotyping and how, trying to prevent their allies from facing ethnoracial criticism while they excoriate whites, using totalitarian force often enough to keep populations compliant. Few self-contradictions are too great for multiculturalists to ignore.
For multiculturalists, it is more than the current year. It is the current week. And Charlottesville tells the story. They act as if we arrived on this planet a few days ago and have forgotten their billions of lies. The lies about Ferguson. The lies on thousands of other issues. Like every totalitarian force in history, they act is if repeating a fallacy thousands of times turns the fallacy into a relevant truth. (As if fallacy filled news weren't enough, they spread umpteen thousand examples of sadistic and nihilistic art into living rooms.)
Muslims, Antifas, Neoconservatives, New Democrats, and other multiculturalists committed millions of acts of political violence during the first 17 years of this century, most of them unjustified. On a per capita basis, they commit dozens of times more unjustified political violence than contemporary nonmulticulturalists.
They have few qualms.
Nonsense rules. They claim that if a Muslim had rammed a car into nonbelievers, the media would be more strident. Oh, really. Like the dozens of times Muslims have already rammed nonbelievers and received a fraction of Charlottesville's coverage.
For years, multiculturalists heaped praise when multiculturalists assaulted peaceful nonmulticultural and counter jihad protesters, blaming the peaceful protesters for the assaults multiculturalists committed. They saw little wrong with not condemning multicultural aggression, but now Trump must be further demonized for including many sides in his condemnation. Little Trump could have said would have placated them, except demanding that everyone who opposes cultural Marxism in any way be treated as if they committed terrorism. And we know what types of downward spirals that leads to.
Fact facing whites seek self-determination, a most important right, a right most nonwhites grant to themselves but deny to outgroups, including Copts and Tibetans. A small sample fallacy of a few individuals in Charlottesville carried the despicable symbols of Nazism and the KKK. To multiculturalists, that indicates nonwealthy whites must have their rights stripped. To them, factual criticisms of multiculturalism must be ignored and straw persons created. To them, anyone who voted for Trump or opposes cultural Marxism now believes in Nazism. Seriously. Go read what they are writing. Twenty years ago writers would often be ridiculed for overusing false Nazi analogies. Not anymore. They act as if labels and analogies are evidence. No one taught most of them otherwise. And they aren't interested in finding the truth on their own. As their narratives shift in ever worse directions, dissent from their narratives receives even less tolerance.
They called themselves fair minded even as they destroyed America and excluded almost all well-reasoned counter evidence to their views. They denied the realities of logic, ethics, dysgenics, behavioral genetics, developing country overpopulation, irreconcilable cultural differences when doing so benefited own causes.
We warn about the horrors that will ensue if the present multicultural paths continue as has happened in thousands of previous societies. They reply with irrelevancies: stop whining, get a life, get a better job, light candles in the dark, and so on.
Oh, yes.
Get better jobs. So we can contradict ourselves as blatantly as they do. For multiculturalists in today's world, the primary point of having a better job is to afford a home far from low functioning diversity while trying to coerce low functioning diversity on others. And what if we all did get better jobs and all moved to decent all white neighborhoods? Then they'd complain about inequality and segregation, trying to undo such efforts. Their version of lighting candles in the dark is forcing others to make sacrifices of misplaced altruism on behalf those working to destroy us. Wealthy multiculturalists, who have never sent two cents of their own money to Oxfam, nevertheless feel ethically superior for using totalitarian coercion to ruin the lives of nonwealthy whites.
When cornered and forced to face their evil behaviors, multiculturalists then try to justify their totalitarian acts against living whites by citing now irrelevant evil acts done by long dead whites while ignoring far more evils done by their ancestors.
They spew billions upon billions of slurs at nonmulticulturalists and at each other. So ethically tone deaf are they that they do not even regard the slurs they spew as slurs, remaining self-unaware but automatically assuming the worst motives about any plausible enemy, which includes anyone who tells the moral truth more often than not.
Many on the Alt Right and Alt Light also have slur spewing habits but at least nonmulticulturalists have many writers who do not frequently resort to slurs. Even seemingly mild mannered multiculturalists resort to slurs when shifting to ethnoracial issues.
Many establishments assumed they could keep the population compliant and make more money if they allowed dissent but kept it in obscure corners, so that few ever read well-reasoned dissent, and the few that read it were hectored into regretting it. (Countries that murder anyone for any perceived thought crime have abysmal economies, even for many elites.) But too many individuals now know the real agendas of the establishments.
Paradoxes of hedonism fill their lives. They seek comfort by watching gossip and violence. Yet the dose must increase because their lives have few legitimate ethical purposes. Contrary to myth, for most individuals of various races and political ideologies, hate is a feel good emotion. They incite unjust wars for profits and to provide relief from the excruciating ennui of their lives. Now they want bigger wars with China, Russia or North Korea: anti-national multiculturalists in one country are supposed to kill anti-national multiculturalists in another country to eliminate the supposed scourges of nationalism and pan Europeanism. It doesn't matter to them that few contemporary individuals supporting militarism are actual nationalists of any kind.
They count on the wishy-washiness of present majorities. They don't need to devise pills to control the ideological majorities, although they could. Electronic technologies serve almost as well.
Like multiculturalists, many supposed white activists seem to be seeking excitement and escapes from boredom rather than building a decent future. Multiculturalists bait whites. Don't let them bait us. No matter how lopsided the aggression reality, they know they can still use a few small sample fallacies to increase the rhetorical power of their narratives. Frankly, many whites at Charlottesville were up to no good.
Instead of waiting for the multiculturalists to overreach, Richard Spencer overreaches. You'd think he'd learn a lesson from all the overreaching done by leaders in the past. All it takes is a few violent acts by nonmulticulturalists and the establishments pounce, destroying goodwill generated by more thoughtful nonmulticultural thinkers. When your allies don't control the mass media megaphones, little good comes from your street protests.
Donald Trump is not the last chance to save whites from unmitigated hells. And he has no intention of helping most whites anyway.
The focus on the Confederacy is poison. It is not present and forward looking. It has little spirit of beneficence. It opens old wounds and alienates potential allies. Multiculturalists seldom waste time protecting statues of Lenin and Stalin. They're busy expanding their global dominance. The New Right Subreddit features artwork of what looks like Kaiser Bill's soldiers. Right away, they've alienated many first time visitors. All loud on the wrong fronts.
We must not pursue self-determination while glorifying those who denied self-determination to others.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
Willingness to Accept All the Excellent Reasons
On occasion, a multiculturalist will treats it as acceptable to oppose mass nonwhite migration if you worry about decreasing wages or losing your job but unacceptable to oppose migration and multiculturalism for every other damn good reason.
So opposing migration and multiculturalism because of crime, dysgenics, genocide, corruption, ruined schools, congested roads, cultural destruction, increased pollution, wrecked nieghborhoods, anti-democratic practices, militarization of police, loss of trustworthiness, loss of speech freedoms, one-sided mass media, divide-and-screw practices, ever more hostile de facto colonial rule, multicultural incitement of antiwhite hatred, and so on is treated as inherently off limits for no good reason.
So let's say your daughter has a mixed race kid, then she is predictably abandoned. Your daughter then follows her next whim, leaving you with the mixed race kid, who will in many cases grow hostile toward you and other whites (peer cultures trump nurture assumptions). And while you are raising the grandchild, in all his insolent glory, you probably will be experiencing excruciating health problems. But only a "bigot" could oppose such dating and breeding, though you are harmed far, far worse than losing a job. And multitudes of other results are even worse than the grandparents being cuckolded scenario.
But all that ethical evidence is treated as worthless or offensive because most people care less about evidence once issues shift from the more pragmatic and technical to the more ethical.
So opposing migration and multiculturalism because of crime, dysgenics, genocide, corruption, ruined schools, congested roads, cultural destruction, increased pollution, wrecked nieghborhoods, anti-democratic practices, militarization of police, loss of trustworthiness, loss of speech freedoms, one-sided mass media, divide-and-screw practices, ever more hostile de facto colonial rule, multicultural incitement of antiwhite hatred, and so on is treated as inherently off limits for no good reason.
So let's say your daughter has a mixed race kid, then she is predictably abandoned. Your daughter then follows her next whim, leaving you with the mixed race kid, who will in many cases grow hostile toward you and other whites (peer cultures trump nurture assumptions). And while you are raising the grandchild, in all his insolent glory, you probably will be experiencing excruciating health problems. But only a "bigot" could oppose such dating and breeding, though you are harmed far, far worse than losing a job. And multitudes of other results are even worse than the grandparents being cuckolded scenario.
But all that ethical evidence is treated as worthless or offensive because most people care less about evidence once issues shift from the more pragmatic and technical to the more ethical.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Sanctions, Selling Out, and Salami Slicing
Trump signed the Russia sanctions today. Some evidence suggests sanctions fail, though some other evidence suggests while sanctions fail, the threat of them against some elites has some influence. Against Russian elites with a track record of paranoia the sanctions will likely lead to more tit for tat conflicts.
Almost every politician for over a century has sold out the people. It is difficult to think of a single one who has not. Even the politicians uninterested in personal wealth engaged in cronyism, militarism, kin nepotism, cultural Marxism or all four. A few preoccupied themselves with leaving admired legacies, never mind that when Muslims and multiculturalists take over, they trash perceived outgroup legacies. Being popular with professional historians and opinion makers is an ad populum fool's errand.
The sellout by Trump ranks among the oddest. On the important issues, Trump sold out to neoconservatives and New Democrats who publicly insulted and humiliated him millions of times. While neoconservatives don't call him "Fucko," "Shithead," "Trumpanzee," "Piss Hair," "Der Fuhrer" and so on as much as the multicultural left, they do it often enough.
Even after Trump's cave ins, neoconservatives continue to attack him.
Saudi royals likely hate the Western "leaders" they bribe and manipulate. That's what you get with Islam and dysgenic practices, but Saudi royals seldom publicly insult those they have bribed. Despite ranking with North Korea in the evil department, the Saudis royals try to act publicly cordial.
While the Overton windows for many individuals have been shifting toward facing facts despite social stigma and legal punishments, Trump's keeps narrowing his to the confines of Planets Pentagon, J Street, and Wall Street.
It wouldn't surprise me if Congressional leaders have subtly informed Trump to do what they say or they'll support efforts to impeach him. Salami slicing applies in the domestic arena as well as the international. We should have little interest in the Spratly Islands. And we should have no interest in World War III. But in the domestic arena, Trump has much more leverage, yet he caves repeatedly while reaping few rewards from the individuals he caves in to. Congress wouldn't consider impeaching him if he did the right things because Congress would face a backlash.
Trump seems big on family nepotism, but if he keeps this up, all his children and grandchildren will end up dead.
Almost every politician for over a century has sold out the people. It is difficult to think of a single one who has not. Even the politicians uninterested in personal wealth engaged in cronyism, militarism, kin nepotism, cultural Marxism or all four. A few preoccupied themselves with leaving admired legacies, never mind that when Muslims and multiculturalists take over, they trash perceived outgroup legacies. Being popular with professional historians and opinion makers is an ad populum fool's errand.
The sellout by Trump ranks among the oddest. On the important issues, Trump sold out to neoconservatives and New Democrats who publicly insulted and humiliated him millions of times. While neoconservatives don't call him "Fucko," "Shithead," "Trumpanzee," "Piss Hair," "Der Fuhrer" and so on as much as the multicultural left, they do it often enough.
Even after Trump's cave ins, neoconservatives continue to attack him.
Saudi royals likely hate the Western "leaders" they bribe and manipulate. That's what you get with Islam and dysgenic practices, but Saudi royals seldom publicly insult those they have bribed. Despite ranking with North Korea in the evil department, the Saudis royals try to act publicly cordial.
While the Overton windows for many individuals have been shifting toward facing facts despite social stigma and legal punishments, Trump's keeps narrowing his to the confines of Planets Pentagon, J Street, and Wall Street.
It wouldn't surprise me if Congressional leaders have subtly informed Trump to do what they say or they'll support efforts to impeach him. Salami slicing applies in the domestic arena as well as the international. We should have little interest in the Spratly Islands. And we should have no interest in World War III. But in the domestic arena, Trump has much more leverage, yet he caves repeatedly while reaping few rewards from the individuals he caves in to. Congress wouldn't consider impeaching him if he did the right things because Congress would face a backlash.
Trump seems big on family nepotism, but if he keeps this up, all his children and grandchildren will end up dead.
Monday, July 31, 2017
The John Kasich Based Base
If the establishments want to see whether I can turn purple with anger, they can keep promoting the John Kasich is the "voice of reason" horse crap.
Kasich supports guest worker programs but also opposes sending illegals back, whether by force or punishing employers. If he won't send illegals back, how willing will Kasich be to get guest workers to go home at the end of their guest period? Kasich won't.
Kasich claimed to support the border wall, then became outraged when Trump ordered a travel ban on some of the worst individuals on the planet. Kasich is a bait and switch master.
Kasich's foreign policy views are straight out of the failed neoconservative playbook.
Kasich supports balanced budgets mixed with policies that would make the balanced budgets disastrous due in part to an economics accounting identity:
(exports - imports) = (private savings - private investments) + (government taxes - government spending)
If an empire (Lord knows which one) has a trade sector of -$502 billion (trade deficit) and balanced budgets for a given year, it must have -$502 billion net in the domestic private sector (-$502 billion = -$502 billion + O).
So what's wrong with that?
If you have -$502 billion in the domestic private sector now, you get financial tumors, also known as bubbles, including in the auto, housing, and tuition loan sectors.
In a nation with no trade deficit or trade surplus, it's splendid to have balanced budgets and no net amount in the domestic private sector (0 = 0 + 0), as long as the economy does not suffer from demand shortages. But that is not our economy.
Kasich's website supports the repeal of Obamacare and the replacement of it with a bunch of vague mumbo jumbo about cooperation.
When contemporary politicians talk in vague platitudes, that's when we need to protect our lives and wallets. When contemporary Democratic and Republican establishments cooperate, mass destruction results.
Kasich supports guest worker programs but also opposes sending illegals back, whether by force or punishing employers. If he won't send illegals back, how willing will Kasich be to get guest workers to go home at the end of their guest period? Kasich won't.
Kasich claimed to support the border wall, then became outraged when Trump ordered a travel ban on some of the worst individuals on the planet. Kasich is a bait and switch master.
Kasich's foreign policy views are straight out of the failed neoconservative playbook.
Kasich supports balanced budgets mixed with policies that would make the balanced budgets disastrous due in part to an economics accounting identity:
(exports - imports) = (private savings - private investments) + (government taxes - government spending)
If an empire (Lord knows which one) has a trade sector of -$502 billion (trade deficit) and balanced budgets for a given year, it must have -$502 billion net in the domestic private sector (-$502 billion = -$502 billion + O).
So what's wrong with that?
If you have -$502 billion in the domestic private sector now, you get financial tumors, also known as bubbles, including in the auto, housing, and tuition loan sectors.
In a nation with no trade deficit or trade surplus, it's splendid to have balanced budgets and no net amount in the domestic private sector (0 = 0 + 0), as long as the economy does not suffer from demand shortages. But that is not our economy.
Kasich's website supports the repeal of Obamacare and the replacement of it with a bunch of vague mumbo jumbo about cooperation.
When contemporary politicians talk in vague platitudes, that's when we need to protect our lives and wallets. When contemporary Democratic and Republican establishments cooperate, mass destruction results.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Secessions Must Be on the Basis of Race and Beliefs, Not Existing State Borders
Secession at the state level solves few major problems. Huge divides exist within blue and red states. If California secedes, New Democrats will run it, or at least be the public face of power, until Marxian Hispanics take over, then Muslims take over, including Hispanic and other converts to Islam. If Texas secedes, Rick Perry's donors will run Texas until the likes of Hugo Chavez take over, then the likes of Ibrahim Hooper replace them, with much violence resulting.
It is more accurate to call the left a coalition of incompatibles than what Steve Sailer calls a coalition of fringes. The same goes for the right.
In the long term, the following will not live together harmoniously:
The few remaining New Dealers will opt out or be wiped out.
On the so-called right, little harmony will exist among:
Neoconservatives and Libertarians will import more nonwhites until the current red states are bluer than the current blue states.
There is little to gain from US state or county level secessions because of large transition costs combined with few policy reforms. The same problem faces the UK. It doesn't matter much in the long term whether globalist multiculturalists rule you from London or Brussels. The totalitarianism is similar, though economic policies shift somewhat.
The mass media play down within blue and red divides because they are invested in maintaining the power of establishments, including themselves. So when the mass media occasionally encourage states to secede, what they really support is the maintenance of present power arrangements without interference from the other major political party, at least in the short term.
They are too fanatical and hedonistic to give a crap about the long term.
It is more accurate to call the left a coalition of incompatibles than what Steve Sailer calls a coalition of fringes. The same goes for the right.
In the long term, the following will not live together harmoniously:
- black firsters
- Muslims
- Amerindian groups
- anarcho-Marxists
- Greens
- New Democrats
- New Dealers
- Mexican firsters
- many others
The few remaining New Dealers will opt out or be wiped out.
On the so-called right, little harmony will exist among:
- open borders Libertarians
- neoconservative secularists and Wall Streeters
- neoconservative evangelicals
- Amish and Mennonites
- nonmulticulturalists
- multicultural counter jihadists
- many others
Neoconservatives and Libertarians will import more nonwhites until the current red states are bluer than the current blue states.
There is little to gain from US state or county level secessions because of large transition costs combined with few policy reforms. The same problem faces the UK. It doesn't matter much in the long term whether globalist multiculturalists rule you from London or Brussels. The totalitarianism is similar, though economic policies shift somewhat.
The mass media play down within blue and red divides because they are invested in maintaining the power of establishments, including themselves. So when the mass media occasionally encourage states to secede, what they really support is the maintenance of present power arrangements without interference from the other major political party, at least in the short term.
They are too fanatical and hedonistic to give a crap about the long term.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
The Seldom Quotable Koran
Among the conspicuous by its absence items of our time is the fact that our Islam loving mass media seldom quote the Koran (or Hadiths). They far more often dig up quotes from The Bible. Nevertheless, Pew claims over 70 percent of Muslims "across most of the African nations polled," believe the Koran "should be taken literally, word for word."
One beloved assertion the media do print: "If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people," is unclear, misquoted, and quoted out of context. No matter the meaning, one does not equal multitudes. Mass murder is worse than one murder.
Years ago I put a few synonyms for unbeliever(s) into this searchable Koran. By my count, the Koran contains at least 161 despicable claims about infidels and probably many more, a preoccupation in a comparatively small religious text, including at least nine rotten claims of the "right hand possess" variety, a reference to the rape slavery of unbelievers. It is easy to see why individuals imbued with egoism and sadism support the Koran. For the rest of us? No.
It is a text in which an ethical individual will find exactly nothing worth putting in their ethical toolkit.
But to our mass media, the Koran is simultaneously sacred, off limits to opprobrium, and seldom worth accurately quoting for some odd reason.
One beloved assertion the media do print: "If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people," is unclear, misquoted, and quoted out of context. No matter the meaning, one does not equal multitudes. Mass murder is worse than one murder.
Years ago I put a few synonyms for unbeliever(s) into this searchable Koran. By my count, the Koran contains at least 161 despicable claims about infidels and probably many more, a preoccupation in a comparatively small religious text, including at least nine rotten claims of the "right hand possess" variety, a reference to the rape slavery of unbelievers. It is easy to see why individuals imbued with egoism and sadism support the Koran. For the rest of us? No.
It is a text in which an ethical individual will find exactly nothing worth putting in their ethical toolkit.
But to our mass media, the Koran is simultaneously sacred, off limits to opprobrium, and seldom worth accurately quoting for some odd reason.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Legitimate Propinquity: Caring More About Evils in the West
Someone once criticized whites because we care more about Rotherham than evils in nonwhite places.
Here's one reason why we should care more: because nonwhites seldom take ethical advice from whites anyway, so there's little point. (You might as well waste time ordering a volcano to stop erupting.)
Yes, nonwhites take practical advice, for example, planting a new strain of grain. They'll also take advice on how to exploit and destroy whites, but the latter is not ethical advice.
Ironically, if you start writing about Boko Haram or other evils in developing countries, they'll slur you as a troll, racist or Islamophobe. (In 2016, an increase of the troll epithet was used to ban or dismiss unwanted truths. Where once trolling applied to inciting mindless internet spats, the word is now used to fanatically dismiss political counter evidence.)
Rotherham is part of our civilization, something we have a little influence over.
When it comes to multiculturalists, you get what you tolerate when they have the power to implement it. The more we acquiesce, the more evils explode. If we ignored Rotherham, which the British establishment tried to do for years, you get more Rotherhams. Opposing the events in Rotherham is more than just protecting the rights of girls in Rotherham. It helps prevent worse.
Every federal elected official in the United States is, to put it in ad hominem terms, crooked. Each is also, to varying degrees, a multiculturalist. The 1.0 correlation coefficient is no coincidence. It is extremely difficult to get multicultural whites to see beyond themselves, their friends, their close kin, and their feel good xenocentrism. Even a few nonmulticulturalists seem to care more about lifeless confederate statues than living whites in South Africa.
Most nonwhite adults, and many whites, support anti-white supremacism, waging an unconventional, long term war of aggression. Even the uber multicultural War Nerd admitted it in "War of the Babies." It is ethically wrong to aid individuals, who support aggression. Misplaced altruism created multitudes of horrors in the past and will create horrors for future generations. "Common humanity" is an irrelevant genetic fallacy. Fighting just, nonviolent, unconventioanl wars should inspire us as much as just, conventional wars.
Simply because nonwhites suffered from genetic and environmental bad luck doesn't relieve them from the bare minimum of ethical duties to not support aggression, no matter how unconventional.
Adults who won't organize and fight for their legitimate claims deserve less compassion, too. I have little sympathy for Soviet citizens who tolerated Soviet invasions and other evils. Solzhenitsyn noted that Chechen gangs (predictably) stuck together while whites were solitary gulag sufferers with their immoral universalism. There's a world of difference between an ethical martyr and a cowardly martyr. The latter's self-pity and hope in eternal reward has almost no power to make the world better. If there is an ethical God(s), who judges after death, why would that God send cowardly, fanatical, xenocentric individuals to heaven? Bertrand Russell had a few scathing remarks about pious, feeble religiosity.
Over a decade ago, Slate published dozens of articles about the poor, wonderful Kurds, many with "Kurd Sellout Watch" in the title. Guess how those wonderful Kurds behave when they become refugees? Like you would expect Southwest Asians to behave.
Obama hectored us about being afraid of women and children. Damn right we should be afraid. Fact facers know what those women have between their ears and what those children will grow into. We know their devotion to evolutionary and psychological egoism.
Here's one reason why we should care more: because nonwhites seldom take ethical advice from whites anyway, so there's little point. (You might as well waste time ordering a volcano to stop erupting.)
Yes, nonwhites take practical advice, for example, planting a new strain of grain. They'll also take advice on how to exploit and destroy whites, but the latter is not ethical advice.
Ironically, if you start writing about Boko Haram or other evils in developing countries, they'll slur you as a troll, racist or Islamophobe. (In 2016, an increase of the troll epithet was used to ban or dismiss unwanted truths. Where once trolling applied to inciting mindless internet spats, the word is now used to fanatically dismiss political counter evidence.)
Rotherham is part of our civilization, something we have a little influence over.
When it comes to multiculturalists, you get what you tolerate when they have the power to implement it. The more we acquiesce, the more evils explode. If we ignored Rotherham, which the British establishment tried to do for years, you get more Rotherhams. Opposing the events in Rotherham is more than just protecting the rights of girls in Rotherham. It helps prevent worse.
Every federal elected official in the United States is, to put it in ad hominem terms, crooked. Each is also, to varying degrees, a multiculturalist. The 1.0 correlation coefficient is no coincidence. It is extremely difficult to get multicultural whites to see beyond themselves, their friends, their close kin, and their feel good xenocentrism. Even a few nonmulticulturalists seem to care more about lifeless confederate statues than living whites in South Africa.
Most nonwhite adults, and many whites, support anti-white supremacism, waging an unconventional, long term war of aggression. Even the uber multicultural War Nerd admitted it in "War of the Babies." It is ethically wrong to aid individuals, who support aggression. Misplaced altruism created multitudes of horrors in the past and will create horrors for future generations. "Common humanity" is an irrelevant genetic fallacy. Fighting just, nonviolent, unconventioanl wars should inspire us as much as just, conventional wars.
Simply because nonwhites suffered from genetic and environmental bad luck doesn't relieve them from the bare minimum of ethical duties to not support aggression, no matter how unconventional.
Adults who won't organize and fight for their legitimate claims deserve less compassion, too. I have little sympathy for Soviet citizens who tolerated Soviet invasions and other evils. Solzhenitsyn noted that Chechen gangs (predictably) stuck together while whites were solitary gulag sufferers with their immoral universalism. There's a world of difference between an ethical martyr and a cowardly martyr. The latter's self-pity and hope in eternal reward has almost no power to make the world better. If there is an ethical God(s), who judges after death, why would that God send cowardly, fanatical, xenocentric individuals to heaven? Bertrand Russell had a few scathing remarks about pious, feeble religiosity.
Over a decade ago, Slate published dozens of articles about the poor, wonderful Kurds, many with "Kurd Sellout Watch" in the title. Guess how those wonderful Kurds behave when they become refugees? Like you would expect Southwest Asians to behave.
Obama hectored us about being afraid of women and children. Damn right we should be afraid. Fact facers know what those women have between their ears and what those children will grow into. We know their devotion to evolutionary and psychological egoism.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
The Cycle of Contemporary Ruin
- wealthy, rent seeking multiculturalists run the country
- wrongs increase
- wealthy, rent seeking multiculturalists and their mass media affix blame
- wealthy, rent seeking multiculturalists and their mass media support somewhat different wealthy, rent seeking multiculturalists
- voters vote for somewhat different wealthy, rent seeking multiculturalists
- back to step one, repeat for decades
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