Sunday, August 5, 2018

Avoiding Industries Devoted to Cultural Marxism

Major corporations are predictably anti-white because a) low skill, short term profit seeking industries pursue downward labor costs, no matter whether migration invasions destroy civilization in the long term, b) other industries seek to avoid boycotts, terrorism, lawsuits, media demonization, and other "activism" by multiculturalists, c) they would rather be greedy and cowardly than ethically courageous and less wealthy, d) groupthink dominates the thinking of most contemporary humans, e) contemporary whites seldom organize for the ethical good of civilization, f) media, finance, software, real estate, and several other industries devoted to parasitism benefit from ever more customers and status competitions despite the costs to others, even in European countries where most migrants are on welfare, g) they benefit from the bait-and-switch, divide-and-screw aspects of multiculturalism.

We end up with advertisements featuring black men, white women, and mixed race children, though in reality, such mixed race families feature single white women or grandparents or siblings taking care of part black children, who grow up supporting genocultural tyranny.

Hollywood and Madison Avenue are ethical opposite world. Whites behave like blacks. Blacks behave like whites. Evil villains in fiction are overwhelmingly white, though sometimes blacks play sympathetic antagonists. In the Hollywood logic of the fictional film Nurse Betty, for example, Betty's white partner, the Faulkneresque named Del, is the evil villain because he spews vicious  insults. The characters played by Chris Rock and Morgan Freeman murder Del and also use slurs, but that's acceptable because they are African-Americans, and Freeman's acting skills lend pseudo gravitas to his characters' poorly reasoned lectures.

How should whites boycott when ethical alternatives are few? Since almost all major corporations are philosophically anti-white, we don't need to carefully pick and choose. Avoid them all when wise:

  1. avoid debts and harmful products that benefit the financial industry. When investing, buy index funds, but if you don't already have index funds, wait until after the next housing and financial crash. Good research consistently suggests index funds outperform actively managed investments.
  2. avoid name brands. The bigger the brand, the more likely they practice anti-white grandstanding. Name brands are overpriced and encourage unethical status competitions. Publicly express your contempt toward status goods. Make it cool to hate corporate products. In the t-shirt and jeans 1970s, for example, it was common to hate on flashy clothing. We should make such attitudes far more prevalent. Mock the greenest lawn in the neighborhood. Ridicule every unethical product mass culture adores. Pursue additional white children rather than status competitions.
  3. buy quality used vehicles and keep them in good shape. Better to give money to white mechanics than mass destructive corporations. Pay cash for vehicles, so you can get by with only liability insurance and avoid helping Joe Lieberman's beloved industries.
  4. move near your job or school to reduce dangerous commutes and oil funded jihads. Walking distance is best.
  5. seek out white professionals. They are far more competent and ethical.
  6. get goods from Freecycle and buy from thrift stores. Many individuals think used goods are gross, but new products often give off harmful volatile substances.
  7. donate to Freecycle and non chain thrift stores in overwhelmingly white areas when products no longer benefit you.
  8. avoid mass media products, especially if you have a Nielsen recording meter. If necessary, borrow such products from libraries and other free or used sources.
  9. plant leaf lettuce and other easy to grow vegetables to reduce reliance on food giants.
  10. be consistent about telling children no. Tell them if they want something, they can buy it with money they earned from a job. Don't take them to stores if they act bratty. Don't give them cell phones and computers. Keep them away from mass media products. Put fact facing books on your bookshelves. If they get bored, tell them to go play or read a book.
  11. use freeware rather than major corporate software.
  12. flirt at stores, churches, meet ups, volunteer groups, and other public places if single. Avoid corporate night clubs and online dating.
  13. prepare for nuclear wars or natural disasters with inexpensive alternatives. Sugar and hardtack last ages but are unhealthy. (Healthy eating probably won't be a big concern for many survivors.) Canned foods last a lifetime or more. Unsweetened canned beans rank among the healthiest foods available and store sales often make them as inexpensive as dry beans.

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