Tuesday, September 26, 2017

History, Multiculturalism, and the Near Certainty Principles of Nonwhite Rule

Let's imagine the centuries old Arab, Mongol, and other brutal nonwhite invasions of white lands have no relevance today. Let's focus on the current and last century when nonwhites became more civilized, listing the last six times nonwhites ruled large numbers of whites (leaving out smaller groups of murdered or kidnapped whites around the planet):

  1. Zimbabwe (1980 to the present)
  2. South Africa (1994 to the present)
  3. Japanese Empire (1942-1945)
  4. Ottoman Empire (1900-1922)
  5. Russia-Soviet Union (1917-1953)
  6. North Korea (1950 to unknown by Westerners)

If one of these cases involved the mass slaughter of whites, it would be enough to condemn multicultural goals, yet in all six cases, nonwhite rule over whites resulted in tyranny and the slaughter of whites, often involving sadistic acts of torture and murder thousands of times worse than the acts of torture at Guantanamo Bay.

That is why self-determination is sacred and non-negotiable. It is inalienable, meaning it must not be taken away. Any person on this planet who opposes the right of self-determination, and billions of multiculturalists do oppose self-determination, is massively unethical.

The rainbow political platitudes of nonwhites are worthless at best. Nonwhites do not and will not protect us from their co-ethnics when they have power. Their ephemeral support for progressive humanitarianism does not include most whites. They blame victims of their racial depredations. Whites can engage in trillions of acts of misplaced altruism toward nonwhites. Years later nonwhites remember mistreatment, no matter how petty, not the altruism. Few multiculturalists care that whites saved billions of nonwhite lives with vaccines, other technologies, and charitable activities.

Al Jazeera supports multicultural progressivism because multicultural progressivism serves them as a divide-and-conquer strategy, until Muslims can implement sharia in the West. Note how the owners of Al Jazeera have little interest in implementing multicultural progressivism at home in Qatar.

Among multiculturalists, few enemies to the anti-white exist, especially when their allies rampage through streets and punish dissent. Trust but verify is a rule for chumpism. The verification usually proves faulty. History indicates nonwhites are capable of being decent citizens in white countries only when their power and numbers are tiny (and when whites don't act with abject cowardice).

Wealthy whites are mainly capable of egoism and treason, so whites should, ethically speaking, live only in nations that are nearly 100 percent white, including white foreign diplomats. A handful of near whites, who do not self-identify as nonwhite, are unavoidable and should be tolerated. Allow more nonwhites in and the wealthy begin to see the possibilities of cheaper labor, militaristic empire, multicultural grandstanding, pitting worker against worker, and other divide-and-screw practices. The slightest bribe of a wealthy white individual by nonwhites or white multiculturalists should result in draconian punishment of the bribed.

Now if some whites want live in diverse lands, they should have a legal right to do so, provided nonwhites want them. (It won't last long!) But such whites have no moral right and should have no legal right to force diversity on the rest of us. They also have no moral right to preach diversity since no one has a moral right to spew unethical, poorly reasoned arguments.

The ''what about white rule over people of color'' counterargument is irrelevant. Almost no one living today supports white rule over nonwhites. Separation has transition costs, but the costs of today's multiculturalism will be many times greater to multitudes of future generations.

As I wrote before, 100 percent of majority Muslim countries were and are totalitarian. One hundred percent of lands with large amounts of racial diversity became long-term unethical disasters.

No genocultural engineering by multiculturalists will ever create good, diverse, sustainable countries. Multiculturalists promote ideas that have failed multitudes of times before with ever more clever propaganda techniques, as if they assume we are all incapable of facing facts and as if they assume new packaging changes the moral facts. Most higher IQ individuals with comparatively less bad motives are too lazy and evidence averse to create decent political philosophies. Being forced to live in nonwhite ruled societies, surrounded by lower character fanaticisms is far worse, a prescription worse than death, a norm beneath the dignity of any white individual.

The above is merely a matter of being logical and ethical, not "white supremacism."

Friday, September 15, 2017

Elements of Racial Supremacism

I dislike posting on Fridays because many readers are too busy to read, but I'm hankering to post today.

What makes up racial supremacism:

  1. Unsupported belief that a race is superior to another, combined with an unsupported belief in a right to rule over another race, that is, freedom of association for one race but not for another, including denying the latter's right to exit a society and form a homogeneous society.
  2. Unsupported belief that a race should be off limits to criticism, no matter how well-reasoned, combined with free fire abusive ad hominem attacks on another race, plus assuming the motives of a race are pure while relentlessly assuming bad motives among potential critics.
  3. Unsupported belief that genocide is permissible.
  4. Unsupported belief that a race inherits ontological guilt while behaving as if past and present evils done by another race must be white washed, plus assuming one is the racial victim while victimizing another race.
  5. Unsupported belief that economic and other goods within a self-chosen multiracial society should be distributed according to power and race, not in proportion to economic productivity, combined with a belief that racial harm doing and free riding can almost always be justified as good for the cause, including spewing fallacies to see whether they stick, especially straw persons and small sample fallacies. It includes treating probabilities and expected values as irrelevant or worthless while treating assertions of specious rights as sacred.
  6. Encouraging members of a race to engage in dysgenic breeding to increase the demographic power of a race, no matter how poor the character of those individuals, plus a belief that the triumph of a race over another race is inevitable.
  7. Unsupported belief that those who oppose a harmful racial cause must be fired, fined, jailed, murdered, assaulted, ostracized or exploited, that thoughts contradicting the racial cause must be taboo.

The phrase mixed race can also be inserted wherever you see the word race above.

The above describes most whites before the 1950s and many self-described national socialists today. It also describes almost every nonwhite and white multiculturalist.


Only white people can be [insert bad traits]. Hmm. That sounds like another aspect of supremacism. Please show me the evidence that that only white people blah, blah, blah. Because it doesn't exist.

But that's not what dictionaries or social science glossaries say. Dictionaries and glossaries are not authorities on ethical definitions. Their definitions on ethical issues consist mainly of ad populum definitions or rhetorical definitions concocted by activists.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Multiculturalists Sacrificing Their Jobs

We almost never see good jobs having White or Jewish or Asian supporters of affirmative action volunteer to donate their good jobs for the cause, thus allowing their employers to hire less wealthy nonwhites. Why should they have good jobs if humans and human races are interchangeable?

They could reply that they are in favor of affirmative action for society as a whole. Their own jobs are supposedly irrelevant. They could claim they are desperately needed at their jobs, that no one else has the skills. But if humans are interchangeable, why can't replacements be found or trained?

Maybe they believe the r*cists in their trailer park centers of power are the ones keeping nonwealthy nonwhites down, not genes, not multiculturalists on Wall Street and elsewhere. (Please don't hurt yourself laughing.)

No rhetorical trick eliminates the contradiction of telling others to do something one is unwilling to do when no relevant differences allegedly exist. If necessary, affirmative action supporters could train their replacements, as Whites often do for the H1-B invasion.

But as I mentioned before, almost no multicultural contradiction is too great for multiculturalists to dismiss or ignore.

Millions of potential candidates to donate their jobs exist, for example, Paul Campos, a professional opinion maker and law professor from Colorado. Campos isn't competent at opinion making, especially his ethnoracial arguments. His recent New York Times article lambastes "white privilege" and racial economic inequality without even attempting to tease out alternative causal factors such as IQ, age, conscientiousness, marriage status, felony record, education level, education choices, relevant experience, and number of working adults per household. Campos criticizes white privilege without mentioning other racial groups with higher incomes than whites. He also cites junk science.

The best thing you can say about Campos is that he noticed we have an oversupply of lawyers but so have millions of other unemployed and underemployed nonwhites.

Campos posts on this pro-totalitarianism message board as poster Paul, where he frequently calls whites super slurs. And in terrific irony, Campos often invokes Dunning-Kruger when demonizing whites. Oh, where or where is the mirror for Paul Campos to look into? Where is his cognitive dissonance? Campos lived his life fleeing from low functioning diversity and should have donated his jobs decades ago.

But for some odd reasons, multicultural sacrifices keep getting shifted onto nonwealthy whites.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Disastrous Politics of Hobson's Choices

Multiculturalism creates a politics of Hobson's choices, of choosing only among harmful alternatives, pressuring voters to choose between crooked, pro life, somewhat less antiwhite establishment Republicans or pro choice, more antiwhite, somewhat less crooked New Democrats.

In both cases, redistributing income to the powerful ranks above other priorities.

When establishment Republicans are in power, few federal pro life policies result. Research suggests that in the past few generations, millions of pro lifers threw away their previous beliefs on thousands of issues merely so they could be on the "pro life" team, an ultimate litmus test. The study concluded as "individuals realigned their party affiliation in accordance with their initial abortion views, their other political views followed suit." I wonder about other reasons though, since these "race blind" pro lifers arrange their lives to be far from low functioning diversity. They also arrange to not notice that most abortions are spontaneous, seldom recommending policies to reduce the likelihood of spontaneous abortions. Many muticulturalists ignore the abortion angle and imagine the Republican appeal rests mostly on ethnoracial "dog whistling," though establishment Republicans harm whites far more than they help whites.

Congressional New Democrats talk about the minimum wage most often when they know it has no chance of passing, leaving local governments to pass sometimes excessive minimum wage increases. Federal Democratic officials often fail to promote immigration restrictions, tighter labor markets, payroll tax cuts, and other policies that would be more efficient at helping lower income workers. Presumed egalitarian Barack Obama oversaw levels of inequality not seen for several generations. Donald Trump works to expand redistributions to the top, regarding the expansion of play money for Carl Icahn and wealthy individuals as more important to him than the lives of ordinary Americans.

Some call it tribalism, but ordinary voters have little role in the so-called tribes, except as useful voters and minor donors, gaining massive harms while misusing their votes and money. Tribalism relies on close kin. Contemporary Western multicultural politics emphasizes non-kin gang tyranny in the short term, although some kin nepotism exists alongside, as with the Bushes and Clintons. George H.W. Bush would not state the obvious: that his sons were unfit for office. The Clintons won't admit the obvious about Chelsea. In both, egoism rules, forcing altruists or ethical individuals to splinter or figure out ways of reducing gang power. With multiculturalism, bait-and-switch and divide-and-screw are even more rampant than in small tribes. In small tribes, usurpers are seldom far from overthrowing the chief's power.

When multiculturalism reaches its end state, kin gangism takes over.

In many free rider problems, ordinary individuals opt out of reform attempts because their individual efforts contribute so little. The larger the polity, the less influence most individuals have. We now have a nation preoccupied with politics, or at least political infotainment and demonization mongering, but the establishments seldom change, except to increase rent seeking and to become more anti-white. Progressives wonder why Hillary Clinton didn't step aside to let the more electable Sanders run. They fail to understand that genetic egoism functions on individual genes and psychological egoism functions on the individual organism. The party is not an individual. Congresspersons would much rather keep their seats and have the other party in control than lose their seat and have their own party in control, which is why establishment politicians support gerrymandering to protect their own political offices, even when it hurts their party. Ordinary partisans sacrifice for parties dominated by egoism, but the party insiders sacrifice primarily for themselves.

Neither party cares about fiduciary duties to future generations. Both support dysgenics. Both rely on technology, faulty stats, and increased workforce participation by women to maintain the illusion of normalcy. Both support non-white overpopulation. Both support reckless militarism on behalf of profiteering, grandstanding, and rallying tactics, not to mention as distractions from domestic wrongs. Neoconservatives try to distance themselves from Bush II and Paul Wolfowitz, even as they promote similar policies.

George W. Bush attained a 90 percent approval rating in the aftermath of 9/11, the best in Gallup's presidential polling history, despite having zero major moral accomplishments in his life. It's chilling to think what some other present and future multicultural politicians will do to rescue their popularity with voters or their colleagues and the donor classes.

Progressives eschew the foreign interventions of neoconservatism, preferring other destructive interventions, plus much more domestic warfare on whites and other perceived enemies.

The seemingly thoughtful demand race blind policies, only to find themselves ostracized or the policies failing. They haven't thought carefully enough. The incentives for both evolutionary and psychological egoism are too great, the genetic and cultural differences among groups too huge, though they manage to believe the straw person of "only because of their skin color." Many of the seemingly race blind only pretend to be race blind. Barack Obama pretended to be above the fray, "acting presidential," while appointing the likes of Eric Holder and encouraging most of the mass media to demonize those telling the truth. George W. Bush did likewise, letting Karl Rove, Fox News, and talk radio do the dirty work.

Hobson's choice politics occurs in dysfunctional nonmulticultural societies as well, but multiculturalism amplifies problems.

The dynamics are somewhat similar but less worse for now in other Western countries, worsening as other Western countries breed and import more nonwhites. And as they replace nuclear families with dysgenic breeding by single parents. No establishment politician would dare say, "If you insist on being a single parent, please go to a sperm bank and get the highest character sperm you can find of your own race. Stop sexing it up with individuals devoted to con artistry," though saying so would be more ethical than anything most of them have ever said.

When individuals support lesser evils, lesser evils become more powerful, greater evils. Individuals capable of great but lesser evils have little difficulty transitioning to greater evils.

We must reject the pressures to choose bad teams. Most contemporary political parties in the West must end. Individuals must politically fight for their right of self-determination. Organize, then organize some more.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Effing A**hole Gene?

On occasion, writers defend the low activity variants of MAOA, the so-called warrior gene, a phrase they consider a misnomer because individuals with the low activity variants are likely to lash out at perceived wrongs done to themselves. (Since warriors fight both just and unjust wars, the phrase seems generous.)

Isn't fighting wrongs a good thing?

Yes. We shouldn't create societies riven with immoral cowardice, easy prey for egoism, including psychopathy. But often a chasm exists between a real wrong and a perceived wrong.

At least one study suggests individuals with a low activity variant are more willing to physically punish others for a "provocation." But the study doesn't measure whether these individuals might consider other acts, especially beneficial acts by political opponents, as provocations.

A study of New Zealanders abused as children by Caspi and Moffitt concluded that 80 percent of males with a low activity variant displayed anti-social tendencies, more than than twice the frequency (35 percent) of anti-social tendencies among formerly abused males with the high activity variant. Abused children are noteworthy because they inherit genes for aggression from their parents and they grow up in cultures extolling aggression. If you date someone who was abused by a parent and they claim they would never do what their parent did to their own children, yet display other character defects, you probably should be skeptical about their claim. When children start screeching or misbehaving, there is a good chance they will pound the hell out of them, forgetting their previous promises.

Unless Caspi and Moffitt use a bad definition of anti-social tendencies, it doesn't sound as if the low activity variants cause individuals to fight the right fights.

We should create individuals who respond correctly to wrongs, stopping and preventing harms by those committing them and sometimes punishing those committing them. We should not create more individuals with a general tendency to lash out at the world or ethical outgroups. Most of us have met individuals who believe they have suffered a wrong in one place, then decide to get drunk, drive drunk, and start fights elsewhere as a response. Hollywood audiences love anti-heroes with rotten causes.

We should have an explosion of research on MAOA, but studies on MAOA variants don't seem frequent in the past few years. Not surprisingly, social scientists are busy crafting and rigging studies on behalf of cultural Marxism. We must find out how beneficial or harmful the variants of MAOA are.

Groups more likely to have the low activity variants, including racial groups, have consistently supported one totalitarianism or another throughout their histories, no matter how IQ they are. They pretend to be opponents of totalitarianism mainly when it helps their agendas, then look the other way as their allies implement tyranny. Their intuitions of right and wrong on important political issues are wrong the overwhelming majority of the time, often thinking it right to assault anyone who tells a truth they don't want to hear, even while they support their own right to demonize others with scurrilous, fallacious language, not noticing or caring about self-contradictions. And if you point out the contradictions to them, they'll attack. They think it perfectly acceptable to have the entire mass media dominated by individuals in general agreement with their fallacious intuitions.

Now it could be the case that the low activity variants of MAOA are accidentally correlated with totalitarian behavior among those groups. But whatever the causes, we shouldn't be conducting experiments with the lives of billions in ways almost guaranteed to increase tyranny.

I sure would like to know whether the individuals who slur centrist nonmulticulturalists as Nazis, then then think they have the right to assault us and take away our rights, have the low activity variants of MAOA or what other genes predispose them to support totalitarianism.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Living Without Highly Visible Leaders

Richard Spencer is an intelligent and articulate man, but he has no business being in a position of leadership, especially after the aggrandization tour. Whatever he touches from now on will be massively tarnished with spurious guilt by association attacks from the media, if that wasn't the case already.

He is winging it. That's not how political pros do it. Contemporary politicians may look like the are winging it, because they sometimes commit gaffes. but they often carefully plot according to political science research and the demands of their donors. Advisers can often quietly recite politicians' talking points as politicians say them.

I haven't read all of Spencer's writings, but I have seen no evidence his street protest strategies are more beneficial than harmful. Various nonmulticultural causes were rapidly attracting followers long before Spencer's rallies started.

Despite recent growth, mostly arising as a response to the evils of diversity, Spencer at least unconsciously knows the current political position of nonmulticulturalists is extremely weak. That's likely why he seeks to "unite the right," to garner more followers under his umbrella, no matter the character defects of some. But there is nothing moral to gain by uniting with Hitler's followers or others prone toward unethical, reckless actions.

Wise men do not do desperate things. Why would Spencer try to unite with these types? To give a street performance venue for protecting their speech rights? They can do than on their own.

James Fields has a legal case for self-defense. He does not have a moral case for goodness. He had no business being at that rally. (Neither did the now dead woman.) It could have been worse. Spencer is lucky as hell that some attendee didn't open up with an automatic rifle. And if Spencer keeps holding political rallies, it will be only a matter of time before someone does, thus bringing the full weight of the multicultural media, military industries crashing down on nonmulticulturalists.

Spencer's political prescriptions are often vague, so we don't know what he really stands for. For all we know, he could support Hitler's ideas. Spencer should remove himself from the limelight.

Too much opportunism exists on this planet, it should not be supported merely because it opposes the establishments.

But who will lead? Right now, not having publicly visible leaders would be a good thing. Numerous belief belief systems throughout history have spread without having highly visible leaders. Famous leaders become targets of establishments. The spread of nonmulticultural facts on the Internet and elsewhere should eventually lead to self-determination.

Failing that, let the multiculturalists overreach. Let them conduct a slaughter worse than 9/11 against ordinary moms and dads, then liberate Western institutions from totalitarianism. But what about the innocents? Many moms and dads are not so innocent. Most are currently multiculturalists. Many of them gloat and cackle as multiculturalists spread tyranny and commit thousands of assaults per year. Them being hoisted on their own petard is sad but not our fault. I hope they change their ways for themselves and almost everyone else.

Whites will not be wiped out as long we stop supporting leaders devoted to bait-and-switch and divide-and-screw practices. Easy to say. Difficult to do.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Many Sides Now

Donald Trump received severe criticism from the mass media for saying "many sides" in his condemnation of Charlottesville, creating outrage among multiculturalists twisting his words and claiming he expressed moral equivalence.

They're slightly right.

There is little ethical equivalence.

We stereotype. They stereotype. Only the anencephalic and others with severe brain problems don't stereotype. Our generalizations are more ethically accurate. Not surprisingly, multiculturalists support or oppose stereotyping depending on who is doing the stereotyping and how, trying to prevent their allies from facing ethnoracial criticism while they excoriate whites, using totalitarian force often enough to keep populations compliant. Few self-contradictions are too great for multiculturalists to ignore.

For multiculturalists, it is more than the current year. It is the current week. And Charlottesville tells the story. They act as if we arrived on this planet a few days ago and have forgotten their billions of lies. The lies about Ferguson. The lies on thousands of other issues. Like every totalitarian force in history, they act is if repeating a fallacy thousands of times turns the fallacy into a relevant truth. (As if fallacy filled news weren't enough, they spread umpteen thousand examples of sadistic and nihilistic art into living rooms.)

Muslims, Antifas, Neoconservatives, New Democrats, and other multiculturalists committed millions of acts of political violence during the first 17 years of this century, most of them unjustified. On a per capita basis, they commit dozens of times more unjustified political violence than contemporary nonmulticulturalists.

They have few qualms.

Nonsense rules. They claim that if a Muslim had rammed a car into nonbelievers, the media would be more strident. Oh, really. Like the dozens of times Muslims have already rammed nonbelievers and received a fraction of Charlottesville's coverage.

For years, multiculturalists heaped praise when multiculturalists assaulted peaceful nonmulticultural and counter jihad protesters, blaming the peaceful protesters for the assaults multiculturalists committed. They saw little wrong with not condemning multicultural aggression, but now Trump must be further demonized for including many sides in his condemnation. Little Trump could have said would have placated them, except demanding that everyone who opposes cultural Marxism in any way be treated as if they committed terrorism. And we know what types of downward spirals that leads to.

Fact facing whites seek self-determination, a most important right, a right most nonwhites grant to themselves but deny to outgroups, including Copts and Tibetans. A small sample fallacy of a few individuals in Charlottesville carried the despicable symbols of Nazism and the KKK. To multiculturalists, that indicates nonwealthy whites must have their rights stripped. To them, factual criticisms of multiculturalism must be ignored and straw persons created. To them, anyone who voted for Trump or opposes cultural Marxism now believes in Nazism. Seriously. Go read what they are writing. Twenty years ago writers would often be ridiculed for overusing false Nazi analogies. Not anymore. They act as if labels and analogies are evidence. No one taught most of them otherwise. And they aren't interested in finding the truth on their own. As their narratives shift in ever worse directions, dissent from their narratives receives even less tolerance.

They called themselves fair minded even as they destroyed America and excluded almost all well-reasoned counter evidence to their views. They denied the realities of logic, ethics, dysgenics, behavioral genetics, developing country overpopulation, irreconcilable cultural differences when doing so benefited own causes.

We warn about the horrors that will ensue if the present multicultural paths continue as has happened in thousands of previous societies. They reply with irrelevancies: stop whining, get a life, get a better job, light candles in the dark, and so on.

Oh, yes.

Get better jobs. So we can contradict ourselves as blatantly as they do. For multiculturalists in today's world, the primary point of having a better job is to afford a home far from low functioning diversity while trying to coerce low functioning diversity on others. And what if we all did get better jobs and all moved to decent all white neighborhoods? Then they'd complain about inequality and segregation, trying to undo such efforts. Their version of lighting candles in the dark is forcing others to make sacrifices of misplaced altruism on behalf those working to destroy us. Wealthy multiculturalists, who have never sent two cents of their own money to Oxfam, nevertheless feel ethically superior for using totalitarian coercion to ruin the lives of nonwealthy whites.

When cornered and forced to face their evil behaviors, multiculturalists then try to justify their totalitarian acts against living whites by citing now irrelevant evil acts done by long dead whites while ignoring far more evils done by their ancestors.

They spew billions upon billions of slurs at nonmulticulturalists and at each other. So ethically tone deaf are they that they do not even regard the slurs they spew as slurs, remaining self-unaware but automatically assuming the worst motives about any plausible enemy, which includes anyone who tells the moral truth more often than not.

Many on the Alt Right and Alt Light also have slur spewing habits but at least nonmulticulturalists have many writers who do not frequently resort to slurs. Even seemingly mild mannered multiculturalists resort to slurs when shifting to ethnoracial issues.

Many establishments assumed they could keep the population compliant and make more money if they allowed dissent but kept it in obscure corners, so that few ever read well-reasoned dissent, and the few that read it were hectored into regretting it. (Countries that murder anyone for any perceived thought crime have abysmal economies, even for many elites.) But too many individuals now know the real agendas of the establishments.

Paradoxes of hedonism fill their lives. They seek comfort by watching gossip and violence. Yet the dose must increase because their lives have few legitimate ethical purposes. Contrary to myth, for most individuals of various races and political ideologies, hate is a feel good emotion. They incite unjust wars for profits and to provide relief from the excruciating ennui of their lives. Now they want bigger wars with China, Russia or North Korea: anti-national multiculturalists in one country are supposed to kill anti-national multiculturalists in another country to eliminate the supposed scourges of nationalism and pan Europeanism. It doesn't matter to them that few contemporary individuals supporting militarism are actual nationalists of any kind.

They count on the wishy-washiness of present majorities. They don't need to devise pills to control the ideological majorities, although they could. Electronic technologies serve almost as well.

Like multiculturalists, many supposed white activists seem to be seeking excitement and escapes from boredom rather than building a decent future. Multiculturalists bait whites. Don't let them bait us. No matter how lopsided the aggression reality, they know they can still use a few small sample fallacies to increase the rhetorical power of their narratives. Frankly, many whites at Charlottesville were up to no good.

Instead of waiting for the multiculturalists to overreach, Richard Spencer overreaches. You'd think he'd learn a lesson from all the overreaching done by leaders in the past. All it takes is a few violent acts by nonmulticulturalists and the establishments pounce, destroying goodwill generated by more thoughtful nonmulticultural thinkers. When your allies don't control the mass media megaphones, little good comes from your street protests.

Donald Trump is not the last chance to save whites from unmitigated hells. And he has no intention of helping most whites anyway.

The focus on the Confederacy is poison. It is not present and forward looking. It has little spirit of beneficence. It opens old wounds and alienates potential allies. Multiculturalists seldom waste time protecting statues of Lenin and Stalin. They're busy expanding their global dominance. The New Right Subreddit features artwork of what looks like Kaiser Bill's soldiers. Right away, they've alienated many first time visitors. All loud on the wrong fronts.

We must not pursue self-determination while glorifying those who denied self-determination to others.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Willingness to Accept All the Excellent Reasons

On occasion, a multiculturalist will treats it as acceptable to oppose mass nonwhite migration if you worry about decreasing wages or losing your job but unacceptable to oppose migration and multiculturalism for every other damn good reason.

So opposing migration and multiculturalism because of crime, dysgenics, genocide, corruption, ruined schools, congested roads, cultural destruction, increased pollution, wrecked nieghborhoods, anti-democratic practices, militarization of police, loss of trustworthiness, loss of speech freedoms, one-sided mass media, divide-and-screw practices, ever more hostile de facto colonial rule, multicultural incitement of antiwhite hatred, and so on is treated as inherently off limits for no good reason.

So let's say your daughter has a mixed race kid, then she is predictably abandoned. Your daughter then follows her next whim, leaving you with the mixed race kid, who will in many cases grow hostile toward you and other whites (peer cultures trump nurture assumptions). And while you are raising the grandchild, in all his insolent glory, you probably will be experiencing excruciating health problems. But only a "bigot" could oppose such dating and breeding, though you are harmed far, far worse than losing a job. And multitudes of other results are even worse than the grandparents being cuckolded scenario.

But all that ethical evidence is treated as worthless or offensive because most people care less about evidence once issues shift from the more pragmatic and technical to the more ethical.