Wednesday, January 13, 2016

That Extra Eye

One added bonus of spending thousands of hours weighing evidence, including ethnoracial evidence, is that you begin to see facts that few others have the slightest inkling about.

That Extra Eye can look at various international relations schools of thought, dozens of them, from neorealist to feminist, and see something immediately: the schools are almost all variants of biocultural Marxism.

The ethnoracial fact facer knows that contemporary rulers are not acting on nationalism or national interest as some foreign policy types presume. Rulers are acting on egoism, groupthink, xenocentrism, and other bad motives. The budding young IR student might look at all those IR variants taught at prestigious universities and come to the conclusion that those schools offer all the ways of thinking, the sacred canon. In reality, IR schools are (mostly) collections of BS, as are most of the humanities and social sciences.

A Third Way Democrat will look at this article by Jon Chait and think he sees pure genius, an accurate representation of the world. A fact facer would immediately note that almost every sentence in Chait's article contains a fallacy--ad hominems, straw persons, false claims, small samples, appeals to tradition among them. (Note that I am not endorsing Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. Those two politicians are wrong about almost everything important.)

The same goes for millions of other arguments produced by ruling groups.

The fact facer can look at a social science study and think of many omitted confounding factors, especially genetic factors, plus other reasoning errors that make the study probable rubbish,

Fact facers gain an almost encyclopedic awareness of contradictions. How could they not? Biocultural Marxism and other ruling group ideologies contain contradictions by the millions.

Most people go through their lives believing certain political thoughts are taboo, no matter how well supported those ideas are by evidence, especially those who imagine themselves to be open minded. They rationalize. The're not even half conscious of their rationalizations. They experience shame or other anxieties for even thinking taboo political thoughts, not because of the evidence, but because of indoctrination and social pressures. They attack the motives of taboo breakers as if ad hominem attacks will make the facts change.

The fact facer doesn't care. She has already decided to follow the evidence, whether ideas are taboo or not. Adding more taboo ideas to existing beliefs is no big deal to the fact facer. If you already faced the fact that nonwhite immigration is unethical, you might as well face taboo facts about eugenics and thousands of other issues, too.

Someone once said blacks know extra things about whites because blacks gain the perspective of being outsiders peering at whites.

Let me tell you, fact facers know thousands of facts about whites, nonwhites, and ruling groups that most people don't have the slightest idea about.

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