Wednesday, January 13, 2016

West of Eden

I just sat through The Perilous Fight, another error spewing, white bashing, non-white worshipping documentary, so I have questions for the multiculturalists about Japan and Japanese Americans, especially the fawning claims about how ethical, patriotic, democratic, and victimized the Japanese Americans were and are:

Why weren't Japanese Americans, alleged paragons of multicultural virtue, fighting with all their might to stop Japanese aggression in China from 1931 to 1941? (Almost surely, Japanese Americans were in a better position to influence the Japanese government than other Americans.)

Why were Japanese Americans and the Japanese government constantly complaining about mild discrimination in the West while ignoring or supporting mass rape, murder, and enslavement by the Japanese government?

Why did nearly all the millions of Japanese adult settlers in Asia and the Western Pacific help Japan, not the peoples in the lands they migrated into?

Why weren't the oh-so-patriotic Japanese Americans lined up outside American military recruiting offices on December 8, 1941?

Why did only four percent of male, military age Japanese Americans eventually volunteer for the U.S. military in World War II?

Japanese Americans visiting Japan on December 8, 1941 readily helped Japan and later served as translators in Japanese death camps. Why did these translators do almost nothing to help their imprisoned fellow Americans, who were being daily starved and tortured? Instead, these translators excoriated America and made glib, surreal conversations to Allied human skeletons about plans to move back to the U.S. once the war was over, exhibiting almost no ethical concerns.

Millions of Americans were interned in the U.S. military from 1941 to 1945 in conditions (Hurtgen, New Guinea, and elsewhere) far more horrific than the vacation camps Japanese Americans lived in. Why is this fact ignored?

Many Japanese Americans were paid reparations by the U.S. government for their stays in comparitive vacation camps. How many Japanese Americans donated their reparations to Asian survivors of World War II, who endured pure hell and had their lives ruined thanks to Japan, receiving nothing from Japan?

Why are almost all World War II oral histories from Japanese full of self-justifying BS?

Why weren't Japanese Americans countering the constant onslaught of anti-Western and anti-Asian bigotry being spewed by Japanese institutions during the decades leading up to World War II?

Why are present day Japanese and Japanese Americans silent or supportive of revisionist baloney such as the "Co-prosperity Sphere," which was little more than a sphere of rape, murder, torture, and enslavement?

Why are Japanese Americans, supposed multicultural universalists, so eager to call fellow white Americans slurs such as r*cist and b*got while not calling Japanese slurs for behavior thousands of times worse?

Why were non-Japanese Asian civilians, forced into helping the Japanese, called c*llaborators, deserving of death or condemnation, while arms producing Japanese at Nagasaki and Hiroshima were considered innocent civilians?

Why are there so many memorials throughout Asia and the Pacific dedicated to Japanese soldiers who engaged in mass murder? Why did Japan oppose memorials at death camp sites for Allied soldiers who were bravely defending against Japanese aggression?

Why did Japan think it had the right to stop the opening of a California memorial to comfort women?

In the 1930s, Japanese newspapers entertained readers with an ongoing sword killing contest as if the killing of Chinese were a sport. How many Japanese and Japanese Americans reported this contest to the outside world?

A Japanee soldier in the Philippines refused to surrender when World War II ended. He hid in forests and serial murdered Filipinos for decades. Why was he treated as a hero when he finally went back to Japan?

The Japanese American 442nd Regimental Combat Team received 21 Medals of Honor for fighting in Europe. Douglas MacArthur received a Medal of Honor despite ranking among the worst generals in U.S. history. Yet no  American enlisted man or woman in the defense of the Philippines received a Medal of Honor despite fighting bravely, suffering incompetent leadership, and enduring nearly four years of hell. These POW enlisted men engaged in millions of brave sabotage acts against Japanese war industries, knowing full well that if caught their daily tortures would be increased unto death. Why the differences?

During the Cold War, Toshiba willfully sold top secret military technology to the Soviet Union, technology that could have cost millions of Westerners their lives. Why does Toshiba still exist? Why no severe punishments for its executives?

In what ways are Chinese propaganda techniques for the past 70 years similar to propaganda techniques of the Japanese Empire?

Should Nixon's opening up of Communist China be considered as ominous as the opening up of Japan in the 19th Century?

Hollywood movies increasingly "humanize" Japanize soldiers as nice guys caught up in circumstances, though their actual beliefs and actions were more horrific than multiculturalists are willing to imagine. Why the despicable contradiction between humanizing barbarity and dehumanizing ethnoracial realists, who are telling moral facts? Why are ethical persons such as JP Rushton treated as worse than Hirohito, the latter responsible for nearly 30 million unwarranted deaths? Care to explain the millions of other despicable contradictions in multiculturalism?

How is Japan a Western ally? Japan's policies are riddled with mercantilism. Japan is doing almost nothing to increase global demand in the face of austerity and almost nothing to stop the invasion of the West by non-white peoples. If war occurs between China and Japan, why should millions of whites die to save Japanese who despise whites? Even as whites' own countries are being demographically invaded and conquered?

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