The Wyoming area is not a good place for long term alternative communities because of the Yellowstone super volcano. Volcanic ash resembles lung destroying shards of glass. Most mammals within 1000 miles downwind of a super volcanic eruption would die from ash, not to mention global cooling.
The Return of Kings promotes the crypto totalitarianism of Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera is devoted to bait-and-switch. It pays Joseph Stiglitz and other liberal or third way writers to provide cover for the real agendas of Sharia and stealth jihad. The ruling group of Qatar owns Al Jazeera, the same ruling group the governs with massive totalitarianism. If the Qatari rulers gave a crap about liberalism, they would implement more than token amounts in their own societies, but they don't, except to trick environmentalists and economic populists into supporting cultural Marxism and other mass harms to infidels.
Monarchism is a very, very wrong turn for the alternative right.
The more ruling groups engage in rent seeking, the more ruling groups promote inaccurate us-and-them rhetoric. (And as someone once misquoted Pat Buchanan, S and M rhetoric.)
The power of antiwhite super slurs (b*got, r*cist, white tr*sh) to intimidate and manipulate ethnoracial realists declined. Unfortunately, ethnoracial realists make a small sample, false denial of a cause conclusion from their own situations, thinking that the power of the slurs is gone. But most whites still live in dread of being called antiwhite super slurs, willing to sell out goodness just to avoid being called super slurs by individuals with despicable, poorly reasoned arguments. Most whites still wallow in the antiwhite totalitarianism of mass media and other establishment institutions, as if they were corks on an ocean, tossed around by slurs, straw person attacks, and other fallacious rhetoric rather than waves.
In alliances led by a super power, smaller nations free ride on the defense spending of the super power. The smaller nations engage in more reckless or destructive actions that they should, thinking they have the backing of the super power.
Several years ago Amnesty International tagged the ruling groups of 135 of 175 nations granted Most Favored Nation trading status as human rights abusers. Wonder how Amnesty International defined human rights abuse? If the definition included denial of freedom of association and other evils, the numbers would be 100 percent.
Counterintuitive fact: in the 1950s and 60s, the murder rate in Japan was four times greater than England. (Now the murder rate in England is over three times greater than Japan.)
When citizens automatically recoil at unfamiliar, well reasoned policy ideas, a civilization’s moral education is broken.
Which would be a worse result for a person? A: to have a mind capable of endless pleasure until death. B: to have a mind no longer capable of pleasure due to the pursuit of hedonism.
Norman Solomon and Martin A. Lee once remarked that out of 3,000 journalists surveyed in 1985, only 37 percent of editors believed that government should do something to reduce inequality. Never mind that government is relentlessly doing things to increase inequality. Fifty-five percent of a similar sample of citizens believed the government should help reduce inequality. Nations are always picking for something genetically and economically.
At least one explicit or implied claim in a genuine contradiction must be false.
The “imposing values” and “fact-value distinction” assertions are rhetorical tricks to get us to acquiesce to the promotion of bad values.
Multiculturalists avoid boredom, cognitive dissonance, and fear of death by alternating among misplaced empathy, misplaced hatred, and other existential issue avoiding emotive states.
Issues in the mass media are often emotively loaded but seldom discussed in ways that would cause anxiety for media viewers. Well reasoned arguments are avoided. The accused bad folks are groups and individuals viewers do not identify with, whether the accused are bad or not.
It's fascinating how situational changes massively change the goodness or badness of actions. The U.S. joining a Western anti-Hitler, anti-Hirohito alliance prior to 1939 might have been a beneficial idea, a horrific idea from January 1940 to June 22, 1941, a beneficial idea from June 23, 1941 onward.
Then again, it might have been a bad idea anytime before the U.S. developed a monopoly on nuclear weapons, and a good idea afterward, though no one knew the feasibility of nuclear weapons then.
Cultural Marxism pushed whites out of the Democratic Party. At one time, the percentage of Democratic whites exceeded Republican whites roughly 45 percent to 30 percent. The idea that Republicanism represents some pure expression of whiteness is nonsense. Whites believe Marxism, third wayism, Republicanism, and various other ideologies mainly via indoctrination. The fact that whites are so flexible and easily indoctrinated in such a wide variety of ideologies is mystifying, especially given the way whites become fanatical once they become indoctrinated in ideologies such as Nazism, globalism, paleo-Marxism, neoconservatism, third wayism or cultural Marxism.
Whites of that era deserve criticism. They fled the super cultural Marxism of the New Democrats for the bait-and-switch militarism, cultural Marxism, and robber baronism of the Republicans, failing to organize against all those evils.
We're paying the price today.
Almost all the costs of dysgenic mass migration go to nonwealthy Westerners and thousands of future generations. The much smaller benefits go elsewhere. Yet wealthy multiculturalists have the chutzpah to demonize nonwealthy whites.
The contradictions are massive and despicable. Wealthy multiculturalists isolate themselves in nonmulticultural neighborhoods, requiring massive sacrifices from nonwealthy whites while sacrificing almost nothing themselves, destroying freedom of association for nonwealthy whites while retaining de facto freedom of association for themselves.
In the West, you have freedom of association if you are wealthy, Muslim or nonwhite. If you are a nonwealthy white, you don't.
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