Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Minipedia of Multicultural Contradictions, Part IX

  1. "Most Americans say the declining share of White people in the U.S. is neither good nor bad," yet most Whites and Northeast Asians flee Arab, Black, and Hispanic majority neighborhoods. Many White flighters think it is good for the white population to decline. Non-whites work to demonize and eliminate whites while at the same time seeking to live in white majority neighborhoods.
  2. Multicultural ruling classes promote crime knowing the victims will not be themselves, but disproportionately non-wealthy individuals.
  3. Wealthy multicultural ruling classes form their opinions of working class individuals based on  fictional works their fellow elites create, not representative samples of living humans.
  4. Multiculturalists recite, thank you for your service, to veterans despite the fact the veterans were primarily serving the perceived interests of finance, Southwest Asian nations, ratings seeking media, and globalist defense contractors.
  5. Multiculturalists destroy ethical sources of purpose, leaving individuals bored and alienated, seeking purpose in hedonism, nihilism, and demonizing whites.
  6. The more multiculturalism increases, the more privacy claims get viewed as disposable privileges.
  7. In multicultural societies, big lies get repeated more often and become more accepted: systemic racism, white supremacy, mostly peaceful protests, serial killers are disproportionately white males, etc.
  8. Disparate impact policies.
  9. Multiculturalists treat societies with no whites as the ideal, but when whites self-segregate to avoid massive harms from non-whites, that is considered some great evil. But schools with black or Arab Muslim majorities are little more than concentration day camps for white children unlucky enough to be forced into attending those schools.
  10. Multiculturalists encourage racial diversity but destroy philosophical diversity. Most tolerate only five ideologies: Islam, Marxism, neoconservatism, libertarianism, and New Democratism.
  11. Multicultural neoconservatives promote flooding the West with Chinese spies and pro-China industrial policies while at the same promoting war with China. 
  12. Multicultural atheists excoriate religions for being faith based while having faith based beliefs in multiculturalism.

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