Friday, September 10, 2021

Minipedia of Multicultural Contradictions, Part XI

  1. The NAACP issued a travel warning for blacks to avoid the dangerous whites in Missouri. Blacks in Missouri are dozens of times more likely to commit unprovoked interracial stranger-on-stranger violent crimes than whites.
  2. The ADL, a group whose behavior seems indicative of anti-white hate, helps decide which speech is "hate" and should be censored.
  3. "Yelling ‘I hate white people’ and punching one isn’t a hate crime, Canadian judge rules"
  4. The Pope supports migration, except into wealthy, heavily defended Vatican City.
  5. Multicultural pro-aggression videos are not censored. Truth telling is censored.
  6. Multiculturalists, including Muslims, commit the overwhelming majority of terrorism. What does the Facebook guide for Muslims label harmful content: "Islamophobia, anti-Muslim hatred, far right extremism and terrorist inspired violent extremist content"
  7. Proximity, plus diversity, plus interactions cause harmful conflicts. Facebook justifies itself because of "connecting" people for those three purposes.
  8. Rational, ethical fear of Muslims smeared with the Islamophobe slur.
  9. Turkey is still a part of NATO despite invading Northern Cyprus, expelling Greeks, and threatening to invade mainland Greece.

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