Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Minipedia of Multicultural Contradictions, Part IV

  1. Multicultural assimilationists fail to notice that contemporary whites assimilate into non-white values more than non-whites assimilate into Western values.
  2. Paul Krugman.
  3. Multiculturalists consider unhealthy, impoverished whites more privileged than young, healthy, affirmative action non-whites.
  4. Schools and libraries have displays decrying the evils of banning books while having wifi that blocks fact facing websites and employees refusing to buy books that contradict their poorly reasoned agendas.
  5. This.
  6. Multiculturalists—who control nearly all schools, corporations, mass media, and government entities—act as if they are a besieged minority.
  7. Multiculturalists—whose media, schools and corporations spend several hundred billion dollars promoting their world views—gripe about the comparatively miniscule funding of dissenting media.
  8. Non-whites act as if they should be granted the right to assault and murder whites why denying the right to self-defense to whites enduring unprovoked assaults.
  9. Parasitic Persian Gulf states have per capita incomes larger than Americans defending them.
  10. Political check points and road blocks: every case of a person being stopped at those from 2016 until now is a politically motivated felony of unlawful detainment, that is, terrorism. Yet it doesn't get counted in terrorism stats.

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