Sunday, August 12, 2018

If Vietnam War Thinkers Had Been Ethnoracially Informed

Instead of facing facts, Vietnam era thinkers believed the fallacies of everyone is the same deep inside or can be made to be the same deep inside.

They should have known that Vietnam was little threat to the West--unless we foolishly allowed Vietnamese to migrate to the West, which we did. China would not allow Vietnam to develop nuclear weapons because the two are regular antagonists. Nonwhites hold historical grudges far longer and more vehemently than whites.

Western elites should have known that importing nonwhite "refugees," no matter how loyal they may seem on the surface, leads to cultural and sometimes economic Marxism in the long term. We imported many Hmong having IQs in the 80s. Hmong behave in America not far different than others with IQs in the 80s. Nonwhites will say almost anything to save face and serve their self-interest. That doesn't make them trustworthy.

So much for assimilation.

They should have known that rule by a small Catholic minority would be deeply resented by Buddhists and others. What did they think? The nonsense that all religions share the same basic truths? That most Vietnamese Buddhists were similar to chilled out white neo-Buddhists in the West?

North Vietnamese rulers weren't nationalists despite what the likes of Daniel Ellsberg say. They slaughtered various nationalist factions in Vietnam, sometimes with the help of French elites. North Vietnamese elites were devoted to egoism and communism.

Even if Vietnamese communism conquered all of Southeast Asia, Vietnamese would have been hoisted on their own petard, stuck with corruption, incompetence, wrecked economies, and simmering ethnoracial feuds. It didn't matter much for the West whether the Domino Theory in Southeast Asia was true or not. Even in Vietnam, Vietnamese communists were hoisted on their own petards . The Vietcong, who struggled under horrific conditions for years, were shoved aside once the North Vietnamese Army overran South Vietnam, having almost no say in "united" Vietnam.

South Vietnamese saw their incomes grow immensely from free riding on American taxpayers and from new strains of rice developed and spread by Americans, but they didn't like Americans. Why? Because most humans despise foreign armies in their lands, especially violent armies of a differing race. Because Marxism is more skilled at propaganda than non-Marxisms. Because Marxism will use any means to sway a population, including torturing and slaughtering villagers to gain compliance from other villagers. When Marxists promote "by any means necessary," they mean it.

Various estimates place mean Vietnamese IQs somewhere between that of Malays and Northeast Asians--high enough to be excellent at guerrilla warfare but not high enough to create and project conventional types of military power across oceans, given their egoism, Marxism, population size, and lack of natural resources, other than rain and soil.

Western elites should have known that defending NATO was far more important than wasting lives and resources in Southeast Asia. (The contemporary multiple meanings of the word wasted come from Vietnam. All that a man could have made and become, including his children and his grandchildren, were often wasted in Vietnam.)

They should have known that demographics and long term consequences matter more than Pyrrhic body counts and other fallacious statistics.

But they didn't.

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