Friday, July 13, 2018

Homes Versus Borders

Ilya Somin attacks the straw person analogy of houses and borders. But the point immigration fact facers make: it is a contradiction for multiculturalists to support the sanctity of one and not the other. Homes and borders are not analogous. Violating the borders of otherwise ethical individuals by peoples causing long term mass destruction is a worse violation than violating a home. The sanctity of an otherwise ethical person's home may be violated for many reasons, including failing to pay rent, mortgages, and property taxes. Borders should never be violated by worse beings.

"But my home is my castle" is circular or a bad definition, depending on the meaning used for castle.

The other major point: multiculturalists support militarism and cheap labor, plus divide-and-screw politics while shifting the massive costs of harmful invasions onto nonwealthy whites--wrecking lives, schools, nations, careers, freedoms, and neighborhoods--all while multiculturalists try to live far from the low functioning diversity they create.

No right for more harmful peoples to immigrate exists. And no right for more harmful peoples to live in others' homes exists unless they happen to be multiculturalists who refuse to sacrifice while coercing others to pay massive costs.

(The above argument will not sway multiculturalists and their fallacious intuitions but that is irrelevant. Fanaticism is difficult to reform.)

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