Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Freedom of Association at Restaurants Helps Self-Determination on More Important Issues

Multiculturalists remain self-oblivious to billions of their self-contradictions. On the rare occasions they notice, they treat their self-contradictions as unimportant and resume the rhetorical offensive, considering such self-contradictions good for the cause, notably their support for self-determination in nonwhite lands and their opposition to such important rights for whites in white lands.

But Red Hen refusing to serve Sarah Sanders seems to have struck a strange nerve. Many multiculturalists claimed Red Hen went "too far." Other multiculturalists praised Red Hen, viewing it as a legitimate response to an "assault on democracy." Oddly, they didn't consider thousands of acts of terrorism by Antifa and other multiculturalists as going too far. (Luckily for them, they control nearly all the mass media and other institutions, making it easy for them to whitewash multicultural terrorism.) Nor do they consider importing millions of individuals devoted to aggression, free riding, and anti-white tyranny as an assault on democracy.

Several months ago a black man I know demanded that all white males be deported to Norway. But, he too, regards regards Sanders' expulsion as an act too far. (Try to twist yourself into that mindset.)

Trying to keep the freedom of association for whites genie in the bottle accounts for much of the multicultural response. Denial of service to customers is a easy to notice policy. If multiculturalists start using their freedom of association rights to rampantly deny white customers "for political reasons," it will become harder for them to keep denying self-determination rights to whites legitimately seeking political separation. It becomes more difficult for them to manipulate whites with spurious charges of "racism" when whites merely seek to avoid multicultural totalitarianism and extermination.

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