Let's lower the age children may voluntarily drop out of school to 13, requiring students to have no arrest or expulsion record and be in the top 30 percent of their sixth grade class to attend seventh through twelfth grade public education. Let's require teenage public school students to remain arrest and expulsion free. Let's prohibit anyone above 13 from attending primary grade classes. Let's relax child labor laws for individuals above age 12.
For most students, public secondary schools are more propaganda shows and custodial institutions than important learning institutions.
Many severe behavioral problems begin during the teenage years. The above policies will rid many such problems, not to mention many students enraged because they are bullied or don't fit in. Some of these students will improve if they hang around adult groups and have adult responsibilities.
Most shooters of humans shoot themselves or acquaintances. Those who never attend high schools are unlikely to shoot up high schools.
Use media to spread knowledge of behavioral genetics, to change cultures from pretending that secondary education makes students much smarter or prepared for life outside schools. Help students grow up. Two hundred years ago it was common for teenagers to take on many adult duties--and they did them well. Adolescences that last decades are cultural and dysgenic creations. Globalist multiculturalists created a world with a demand for low skilled service workers. Teenagers should do many of these jobs.
Are any of the above policies probable? No. But so are most other worthwhile reforms. It's good to talk about policies that should be done, to shift the Overton Window and have ideas for newer, better societies.
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