It is more accurate to call the left a coalition of incompatibles than what Steve Sailer calls a coalition of fringes. The same goes for the right.
In the long term, the following will not live together harmoniously:
- black firsters
- Muslims
- Amerindian groups
- anarcho-Marxists
- Greens
- New Democrats
- New Dealers
- Mexican firsters
- many others
The few remaining New Dealers will opt out or be wiped out.
On the so-called right, little harmony will exist among:
- open borders Libertarians
- neoconservative secularists and Wall Streeters
- neoconservative evangelicals
- Amish and Mennonites
- nonmulticulturalists
- multicultural counter jihadists
- many others
Neoconservatives and Libertarians will import more nonwhites until the current red states are bluer than the current blue states.
There is little to gain from US state or county level secessions because of large transition costs combined with few policy reforms. The same problem faces the UK. It doesn't matter much in the long term whether globalist multiculturalists rule you from London or Brussels. The totalitarianism is similar, though economic policies shift somewhat.
The mass media play down within blue and red divides because they are invested in maintaining the power of establishments, including themselves. So when the mass media occasionally encourage states to secede, what they really support is the maintenance of present power arrangements without interference from the other major political party, at least in the short term.
They are too fanatical and hedonistic to give a crap about the long term.
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