Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Hard Ways Out Are the Most Likely Ways Out of the Multicultural Catastrophe

After a this or that somewhat publicized evil by the multiculturalists, some whites announce that they have had enough. A few go into mad as hell Howard Beale mode. (Note that Howard Beale didn't offer specifics. That hurts movie sales. Most humans are so riddled with fanaticism they do not tolerate hearing specifics that differ from the official myths of their teams. And if Beale had offered specifics, he would have spewed Hollywood nostrums.)

So multiculturalism must end now, some say.

How? Or what?

Multiculturalists live in a massive ideological bubble but so do many nonmulticulturalists. We massively misperceive our power. We can't just stroll into institutions of power and force the present occupants out. They will arrest or murder us. Despite their wrongs over the past 50 plus years, multiculturalists are entrenched, controlling almost all the mass media and other Western institutions. Contemporary political violence increases their power.

Majorities or pluralities often tell pollsters they oppose mass nonwhite immigration, yet they won't vote for even Gert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, and other slightly edgy assimilationists. Millions did vote for Donald Trump's obvious bait-and-switch of mostly Randian neoconservatism.

The masses in the West have made it clear that they don't care enough about slowly escalating cultural Marxism to organize ethically and effectively, not wanting their work and hedonism interrupted with unpleasant truths. Multiculturalists figured how to manipulate us into a sickness unto death. Even evils committed by multiculturalists are followed by more demonizations of whites, attacking the moral and psychological weaknesses of whites, creating havoc and demoralization.

Our paths out of the cultural Marxism mess are limited. To wit:

  1. Keep reasoning until at least one super rich individual converts to nonmulticulturalism and purchases a mass media outlet with quality commentators. It should eventually occur. And by conversion, I don't mean conversion to Nazism, empty counter-jihadism or crypto neoconservatism. Nazism and neoconservatism must be opposed wherever they appear. The problem is that almost nothing is sacred to most billionaires, except their own egoism. They despise the people they rule over. If their wives were murdered by a nonwhite, they would find a new model. Other humans are fungible objects to them. Piercing their bubbles will not be easy. But the increasing demands for economic Marxism by nonwhites could result in enough pearl clutching to change a few of their worldviews.
  2. Build cities on a hill or in this case, villages on a hill. Organize a few whites to create model villages that say to other whites, "This is what you're missing." The villages must be religious to avoid government desegregation policies. They must be environments nonwhites want to avoid. They must have ethical bootcamps to weed out infiltrators, the lukewarm, and the indolent. They must be sustainable, not driven merely by a charismatic leader. Ideally, retirees and the independently wealthy would be driving forces since they can't be fired or boycotted into poverty.
  3. Endure major disasters (epidemics, supervolcano eruptions, etc.) large enough to break the power of totalitarian governance. Famished whites won't support cultural Marxism. This is what is meant by a the worse, the better strategy, not the gradual infliction of ever greater cultural Marxism. Events like 9/11 are not large enough to change results for the better. Such events increase the power of multicultural police states, creating the worse, the worse. In an ethical society, 9/11 would have been more than enough to rid multiculturalism, but ethics left the establishment political houses long ago.
  4. Encourage secessions almost everywhere. Let people separate by beliefs and genetics. A Calexit makes other exits more probable. Without separations egoism and misplaced altruism win.

Terraforming other planets and other radical alternatives are far beyond our financial and technological means.

The above requires hard work and imposes large short term transition costs but for greater rewards. Our ancestors made great sacrifices for us and many contemporary whites decided to repay those sacrifices by defecating all over the Western bed, rewriting history to fit only specious cultural Marxian narratives. There will be no great awakening from this or that small terror attack, no matter how many of them occur. And hoping for a spontaneous great awakening is a lazy fantasy that ignores the massive indoctrination power of the mass media and other powerful institutions.

We must be up to the challenges.

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