Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dear Europeans: Please Leave NATO

It's less you, mostly us. Our neoconservative and third way dominated empire brings you more military harms than benefits. 

Russia's decaying multicultural, "civic nationalist" empire cannot gobble large chucks of outgroup neighbors without risking guerrilla wars, plus massive social and economic losses. China is too far away to project large conventional forces into Europe.

You have your own problems with austerity, globalism, and multicultural invasions, but at least many of your leaders lack extreme militarism. While your rulers engage in domestic treason and throw you in jail or ostracize you for telling truths, you still have a bit of control over their foreign policy militarism. The knee jerk militarism of our colonial rulers rivals that of Muslims. We must be better friends than we are now--outside the alliance.

Ignore sunk costs and the inertia of the status quo.

You don't want to risk being caught in a nuclear war between us and the world's most powerful nuclear arsenal. The aftermath of nuclear war will not be pure survivalism. The history of wars past suggests increased tit for tat conflicts in the aftermath.

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