Sunday, June 5, 2016

To Young Adults Thinking About Joining Militaries

Graduation season is here. Military recruiters are in high gear but before you join remember a few ideas.

You grew up in a world of political fallacies. It wasn't your fault. But it is your fault if you don't take control of your life now. The consequences of decisions you make after graduation will reverberate for the rest of your life.

All the establishments around the world do not tell the truth. Few establishment individuals care about your well-being. If you are lucky, your establishments merely devote themselves to parasitism. If you are unlucky, as in the West, your establishments devote themselves to treason plus parasitism.

Military recruiters tell fallacies at rates rivaling politicians. Multitudes of service personnel wish they could legally maim their ex-recruiters. Public schools teach gullibility to whites. But gullibility gets severely punished in the adult world.

(Many anti-establishment ideologies also fail to tell the truth. Finding evidence and accurately weighing that evidence is difficult.)

Every media depiction of war is to some extent cartoonish. Even the most realistic movie cannot simulate war. If movies did so, audiences would exit theatres with dead relatives and serious, chronic illnesses. Most audiences cannot imagine what real war is like.

And most audiences cannot imagine what serious, chronic illnesses are like.

Establishments inculcate beliefs that if enemies act evil, then the establishments must be good. But most shooting wars among contemporary states are battles of establishment evils versus other evils. The psychological temptation to pick sides in unjust wars is great, so your will must be greater.

Maybe you plan to join a military to fight entrenched moral and financial corruption within the military. Maybe you want to learn survival skills. Maybe you want to fight cultural Marxism within militaries. Good for you. But remember, militaries are highly skilled at direct and corrosive indoctrinations. Many a corruption fighter has found himself corrupted with Potomac fever or other immoral fevers several years down the road. Contemporary militaries promote conformity, networking, and vapid, vicious "command presence."

If bravado fills you and you think you can accomplish something by killing bad guys in third world countries, remember that most adults in those countries practice cultural Marxism or worse. Someone similar will replace them. And they add over 50 million adults per year. Getting yourself killed or wounded does more harm to yourself and the West than to bad guys.

The occupation rulers of China, Russia, and the West all practice variants of egoism, militarism, and cultural Marxism. Do you have so little respect for your individual worth that you are willing to die for any form of egoism, militarism, and cultural Marxism?

Some wars should be fought. But most of today's just wars require the hard work of non-violent actions against demographic and ideological conquest, fighting for ethnoracial self-determination.

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