Friday, January 15, 2016

Egoism and Multiculturalism

At first glance, it seems odd that individuals devoted to psychological egoism (selfishness) would also be devoted to cultural Marxism.

But cultural Marxism is egoism dominated, not moral universalism dominated.

Cultural Marxism makes labor cheaper and redistributes income to the top through mass migration and divide-and-screw strategies. Cultural Marxism assists globalism, which destroys democracy, helps tax avoidance, and also redistributes to the top. Cultural Marxism allows powerful individuals to imagine themselves as ethically superior, viewing themselves as cosmopolitan masters of the universe while heaping contempt on ordinary citizens for imagined parochialism. Since actual ethics does not matter to ruling groups, ruling groups remain oblivious to massive harms caused by cultural Marxism to ordinary citizens.

Equalities that benefit ruling groups (flat taxes and equality of movement, for example) are treated as absolute rules. Equalities that benefit ordinary citizens (equality of free association) are ignored or demonized.

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