Corruption is worse in the West than most poor countries.
The West is currently a non democratic colony of super rich noncitizens and de facto noncitizens. At least most poor countries aren't being invaded and conquered by those devoted to spreading mass destruction. As their percentages increase, destruction rises exponentially, not linearly. The consequences of today's corruptions in the West will be experienced for thousands of generations.
In Western countries, almost every institution is corrupt, including most families. At least in poor countries, the corruption is not so encompassing.
The West has more money, but that is primarily due to the high productivity and cohesiveness of whites, not lack of corruption.
Many working class whites would rather live in a country of ethical whites having a per capita income of two dollars per day than a wealthy, hellish land devoted to Randism, nihilism, hedonism, neoconservatism, techno utopianism, third wayism, and biocultural Marxism.
(Of course, a country filled only with ethical whites will have a far larger per capita income than two dollars per day.)
A minimum wage income in the West isn't worth much anyway if you have to spend it all on rent, food, taxes, utilities, insurance, miseducation, transportation, various other oligopolies, and people devoted to harming you.
Yes, we even put up with the degradation of paying for our own destruction.
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