Monday, January 11, 2016

Big Families

Whites should be churning out children. Who will protect you and your spouse if stuff really hits the fan?

Liberal and conservative multiculturalists with their zeal for antiwhite totalitarianism?

Random Christians?

Today's Christians are more concerned with the afterlife, most being multiculturalists. And multiculturalists are definitely not trustworthy.

Your neighbors?

You're unlikely to have trustworthy, fact facing neighbors.

Let's face it. Most contemporary whites are unpredictable, no band of brothers, easily indoctrinated, pretending to be rebels while absorbing unrelenting ideological garbage from schools, churches, media, corporations, and governments. The results show in poor character.

In collapse situations, unrelated acquaintances will kill for food. Hamilton's rule, altruism is proportional to relatedness, applies all the more in survival situations. Harm doing is inversely proportional to relatedness.  (For example, the probability of a stepfather killing a child is dozens of times greater than that of a married biological parent, partly because stepfathers and stepchildren have bad genetic and environmental backgrounds. But the rest results from biological altruism or lack of it.)

How many unrelated friends, trustworthy in even the worst circumstances, do most whites have? Maybe some have 20 white friends they should trust no matter how bad things get. But given the nihilistic, hedonistic, xenocentric, and misanthropic tendencies of most modern whites, that trust may be misplaced. All it takes is one infiltrator to open up on the rest with a fast firing weapon. Multiculturalists and their allies are excellent at infiltration, Machiavellianism, and free riding. Subtle and thorough indoctrination in cultural Marxism causes most whites to feel extreme, unreasoned shame for thinking anything other than xenocentric ethnoracial thoughts. Organizing a group of unrelated, contemporary whites for anything other than establishment narratives is exceedingly difficult,

So have numerous children. If you have a decent job, what else can you do with your money? Hedonism is a self-defeating end. Establishment charities are crooked and destructive. Organizing ethnoracial fact facers is a great idea but doing so should go hand in hand with family.

If a few children support cultural Marxism, let them flee to San Francisco or elsewhere. You still have the good children left. Give the gift of life.

Larger groups have the highest probabilities of surviving and thriving in survival situations.

Most misbehaving teenagers eventually conclude that mom and dad are not so bad after all. Hollywood exaggerates conflicts in white families because drama sells. A TV show about a cohesive white family would have almost no viewers.

The important things parents give (love, discipline, food, water, and exposure to worthwhile careers) are inexpensive. The other important thing, a good nonparental environment with little cultural Marxism, can be expensive, depending on where you live.

Helicopter parenting is a morass of fallacious nurture assumptions. Consumer goods won't make your children better. Vacations, dance lessons, and other expensive activities have little impact on how children turn out. The IQs and non home behaviors of children are the result of genes and nonparental environments. Baby Mozart crap and other gimmicks have almost no impact on adult IQ and behavior.

A prepping family of 14 has a much better chance of surviving than isolated preppers. Add grandchildren and your family self-defense becomes even stronger.

The fact that you are reading this article indicates you are probably more ethical than most individuals, though our rulers tried to indoctrinate you with white ontological guilt. You will give your genes for ethical behavior to your children.

The xenocentrism of contemporary whites can not and will not last. Either nonwhites, with their devotion to tribalism and other ingroup favoritisms, will destroy whites or whites will face facts and organize.

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