Saturday, December 12, 2015

Social Science

There are good reasons for believing that almost all multicultural (read: anti-white) social science is junk science.

Evidence suggests that over half of psychology studies cannot be replicated. That percentage is probably much higher on ethnoracial issues where multicultural devotion to evidence plummets.

Studies that can be replicated have multitudes of other flaws. Many, if not most, studies fail to account for hundreds of alternative causal factors, especially genetic factors. Social scientists test for genetic factors on noncontroversial issues, then magically forget to test for genetic factors on familial, educational, and ethnoracial issues. Wonder why?

Studies often rely on self-reports but evidence indicates non-whites are many times more likely than whites to make false statements on self-reports.

Other studies fallaciously frame issues, for example, using leading questions.

Some social scientists have been caught fabricating data. Given how easy it is to fabricate data, the scientists caught probably represent a minuscule fraction of scientists fudging numbers.

Studies often rely on unrepresentative or small samples of participants.

Much research measures things other than things claimed.

Bad definitions abound in social science. Defining racism as "prejudice plus power" is garbage, and ironic as well, since multiculturalists have had power for over half a century. Ethical behaviors somehow get defined as discrimination.

Publication bias causes studies with desired results to be published more often than studies that find no effects.

Many social scientists call whites super slurs such as N*zi, r*cist, big*t, f*scist, white suprem*cist, and so on. We should be skeptical of any research coming such individuals, just as we should be skeptical of any social scientist throwing around the other n-word.

Many studies attempt to measure r*cism only in whites, a clear indication of bias.

Multitudes of other logical errors fill studies. Many scientists have never even studied logic, leaving fallacious ideas about reasoning to enter into voids.

Most social scientists support cultural Marxism and cultural Marxism demands individuals be willing to do almost anything for the cause. Predictably, multiculturalists have developed the habit of calling behavioral genetics and fact facing research "scientific racism." That habit, of course, contradicts where the real scientific racism dominates.

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